Saturday, January 14, 2006

Old Habits...
..bring back memories...

Things are always awkward to wake up to..esepecially when it's next to me...

ending last night on a horrible note with me being my normal drunken-self, saying things that I've said all too many times onto ignorant ears, me getting upset and wishing I could go home I woke up slightly calm, and a bit forgiving? well I wouldn't go that far, only forgiving in the sense that I'll continue to hurt myself and you can have your way only because I'm a masochistic bastard...

I worked in the morning and everyone commented on how happy I was, and asked if I was drunk, or still drunk..which amazed me, especially since as I said, things didn't go so well hours earlier..whatever, the theme of the day was "cocksucker", getting back to my roots for those of you who remember the Jason of the early 2000' yeah, everyone was a cocksucker or should be sucking cock basically.."Hot Food Go" job description had a parenthetical of "also sucking cock" added to it...the hosts were told to suck more cock..all in all it was a pretty entertaining day..I tried finding someone to add to our list to go to the movies with us (me) but that never happened, and the girl I had dibbs on I lost...whatever..

so I eventually made it home, around 6 or so and passed out..but would wake up randomly to shut up my it wasn't anything useful..I started to clean the house a bit, 9:30 came around I tried to back out of movie plans, but Rachann and Drew came over, I got dressed and we decided to go to Friday's to eat since we missed the movie..Drew and I were the sexiest bitches at Friday's no doubt..our server sucked, I asked for caramel and got frosting...whatever, I shouldn't have been so generous with my tip...after eating we made our way to Rachann's where she literally tried on twenty different tops - a quick stop nonetheless...

after she finally picked out an outfit to wear she took me back home and ran into the telephone pole as she backed out of the parking driver ever...I got a phone call from Donna, very pleased to hear from her..she said she misses me, awwww. after we talked I went over to 412 where they were having a little dance party..and everyone was drunk, even the was ridiculous..I enjoyed my time there, I would have stayed a bit longer but there were other stops I had to make, and the hour setback from the picking of shirts escapade wasn't very helpful...

from there I went to Kirkwood to find Mindy at the bars..well as soon as I turned down the street I was not having it...people were everywhere, taxis were coming at me in my lane, it was retarded...the bars were crowded like never before, but I was able to make it through the masses and find her at Nick's..They closed shortly after that and we moved over to Upstairs and the Jungle Room..I just really wanted to go...

as it rounded three we finally left, never made it over to Chase's party but whatevs, instead I went over to Mindy's where we had some food and then called it a night I believe...What a turn of events from only 24 hours prior....whatever, I hate myself as much as I hate my actions...............oh, and I never got my call from shady lady either...

"The hosts need to suck more cock - I'm down - you do realize that YOU'D be performing the act, not receiving!"

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“ I shouldn't have been so generous with my tip” aaw who is generous? hahaha I’m joking

“I got a phone call from Donna, very pleased to hear from her..she said she misses me“
I missed you too, you’ve been very busy. I really wanted to know what you guys usually do the 4th
Sometimes I get tired of sending too many blue-checked texts, but I know you care, I do too

“ "The hosts need to suck more cock - I'm down - you do realize that YOU'D be performing the act, not receiving!"
Lol does cock has a different meaning here? 🤨