Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother May I..

longest day of the year...
..felt like today

give me the strength to make it til tomorrow...

let me start this off with a nice positive note...Happy Mother's Day to all my future Baby Mommas out there...that out of the way, onto other matters, ughhhhhhhhhhh. as i tend to say, before i go into what happened on this sunday, i'll say it all started yesterday...and really i can say it started the day before that...or the day before that....there's always something prior that's for sure...

Saturday - my first day back to work from the trip to the prior back stories are that even though i may not have worked thursday nor friday - my first days off since..weeks? - both days were chaotic and stressfull enough - and i am beginning to hate driving in a car for long points in time all of a sudden sum it all up...saturday was a really long day...i worked a was decently nice out, yet the patio didn't have the pop like it has had the past couple of weeks...they called in two extra servers in 'fears of the rush' ultimately dropping everyone's cover count to about eight guests...and even though it sounds like we were standing around with our thumbs up our asses, we actually weren't....we were all keeping busy either on sidework, or random tasks the managers felt needed to be done. My favorite was when we, as in the 2 breakfast and 2 lunch servers, were given the inventory sheets and told to go at it...then about an hour or so later two other servers come strolling in to, uhh, save us...from the rush? obviously since we were doing more work on those sheets than with guests...

but despite having too many servers i never got a break and rolled right into my evening shift - though i kept my spirits throughout my entire night shift, even with what could have been a disastrous conversation, i am never serious, thus taking the more comedic side to it. i had just did my cash out from lunch and walked into the kitchen to start working on things for the dinner shift.

as i am reading the floor chart and sidework sheets a server walks up to view the items as well when all of a sudden the walrus goes off into this rant about a wristband i have on.."i didn't know you were a faggot, what's with the wristband faggot, did you just get off the court from shooting hoops, god that's gay, you move in with a homo and you turn into one?" i let the server continue with these insults and more, and just sit there..then i think by the look on my face the walrus realizes something is up, that or he just ran out of breath, and now it is my turn...i explain to him that my best friend had passed away this week, we all wore red to the funeral, and i've been wearing that wristband since his passing in memory of him. the walrus interrupts at a point and asks if i was kidding, i chuckle as i reply with "i wish i were joking, but sadly i'm not" the walrus makes a motion of hanging himself, apologizes, but tries to defend himself saying how was he supposed to know....i'm hardly ever serious so i let him know it's all ok, he did not have any way of knowing and i am not going to hold anything against him, it was humorous..and it reminded me i needed to pull my sleeve down a little further as it had worked it's way up on my arm during my first shift.

Even when a conversation got dark i still entertained myself all night with ideas for my next blog, the development of the character of "gary", and all the other random quotes from the was enough to keep my mind occupied....i pooled with another server in one of the private rooms that were available for open seating...funny that my one table of 8 people spent more money than all of his other tables combined...good thing i worked the host stand to get that table in our room as opposed to some other server's section....but as the night started to wind down, so did my energy was midnight before i got to sit down for the first time all day...and that was when i went to the bathroom...that's right, i pissed sitting down i was that tired - i didn't care how emasculating it was...i needed to sit.

it was a former co-worker's birthday saturday night and she was celebrating it at the cigar bar downtown...lucky for me (or for the owners really) it is located just on the corner of the alley out from my i call my friend to meet me outside - this is twofold A) i don't want to go in and have 'one' drink and get suckered into staying all night long, especially after today, especially having to work tomorrow..and 2) indy still has yet to ban smoking in their bars, so i know that when i go home tonight i'm just gonna passout in the clothes i am wearing..and wreak of smoke...even if i just pop my head in for two seconds, it will attach itself to me like a ditsy blond onto a doctor...

we meet outside, talk for a bit, exchanging the latest news or gossip, talks of work, etc...she knows me to not be one of the people to have sand in my vagina when it comes to hanging out or doing things so she knows something must be up about why i can't stay for very long...then she says to me, "wow, you look tired..and i know can go two days without sleep and still look a lot better than do need to go" ughhh, i carry all my emotion in my face, even if it is all bottled up on the inside.

i depart and head back home, Gary greets me at the front door confused...i left work before him, yet got home after him..i remind him i am a better person than he is and made the effort to at least stop the bar to wish our friend a happy birthday...and even though i was one of few from work who did stop by, i still felt shitty for not staying out, but, that's just me and that's how i excuses, just live.

i kick off my shoes, which feel permanently attached to my feet, start to derobe, but i do not make it that far before i find myself in my bed, setting the alarm for tomorrow...even earlier time in...and in mid conversation, i fall asleep....

"there's two more hot chicks than wedding rings on that table"

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

"the character of 'Gary'"... you should write a book. I'd read (reed) it! lol.

Who knows, it could be a best seller!