Saturday, February 25, 2006

Saturday Night Live...
Eating it up while I can....

with nobody around I'm out and about like you wouldn't believe...

==>>Recap Thursday night, went out with the ladies on Kirkwood..and then on Friday celebrated Adam H's 21 Birthday, closing down the bars again..not to mention realizing that Bengi is a pretty cool guy to hang out with..

oh so the morning started off a lot better than I had imagined..I got up at the very last second I could, as normal, but after that I was awake and ready to rock..did make it to work a little bit late, what with the shower and all, but no matter, I was there...the morning was lame...we had a late rush as always, people were horrible tippers as always..nothing too exciting

I took a quick break to eat a bowl of Zuppa and win back my RockStar Energy drink from Doug who had stolen'd I win it back..oh, I made him blush, which is a rarity...ran over to starbucks for Drappers pick-me-up and then it was back on the clock..and then it was the beginning of one of the worst nights possible...

so the transition from shifts that they were working on, didn't really work so well, and they pissed off Leah (who wasn't on the cock just yet and was trying to get something to eat..) my first table left me three on thirty..and then we ran out of spoons...spoons!!! then they were short staffed in the kitchen and that just crashed hard. the new manager was in the window to try and get things going pushing Ian to help with the line, but with 45 minute ticket times, not much could be done..that poor new manager has seriously been there for every night something completely horrible has happened, I feel bad for him and wouldn't be surprised if he just lost it one day..

everybody was in a bad mood for the most part with all this happening, and I was just trying to hide from it all, what with my blue card and all...funny thing was that earlier in the shift Ian asked me if I was ready to do the line again tonight, I asked if he was kidding, and he said he hoped so..but had they pulled me from the floor (for the third time in arrow) to cover the window and put Ian on the line before the crash, then things may have been slightly better..

whatever, I still had my tables to enjoy (or not enjoy) and on my last two I explained the significance of OUR Andes mints as opposed to the ones you can buy in the store..I also took a mint from their table to explain the demonstration and ate it in front of them..I got a kick out of it..

so after that I left the building, and as I got off the sidewalk onto the pavement I said one of those brilliant things I say when I get out of work, you know, those two short sentences with little to do with either one of them..god, I wish my voicerecorder wasn't broken or I had my phone because I totally forgot by was amazing retarded though..something like "what am I doing, when do I work?...wait what, I'm leaving work to go home..ughhh" so then I ran home to eat a small bite, finishing up the pizza from Thursday, and then got ready to go out..first stop was to see my friend Chris' band, The Red Label, at a house party on 19th. I arrived just in time to help Chris with his bass amp, just like old times..and after a few it was time for the show. I t was their first show ever, so everyone was intrigued to see what they were like, even Carrie.

let me tell you, it rocked. I thoroughly enjoyed it..I wasn't too sure how the crowd would like it, all of them seeming to be into the last poppy punk fall out boy bad that played just before...but the crowd dug it...they even played some obscure covers from the Stones and Velvet favorite was of course Dead Flowers..but aside from the covers, the original stuff was rocking just as hard, nice classic rock sound.

so the best part was when the closed with Rock and Roll, the crowd went nuts and demanded an encore..the band had already started to do their dismantling to allow for the next band to play, but the crowd wanted more...and let me just say this..I've never heard a crowd, a full crowd, nut just a couple of nuts, but an entire audience all want an encore from other bands (ie coinslot) so that was a really cool thing to see happen, especially for a first show.

after their performance everyone was telling them what a great job they did, and a couple of the band members thank me for rocking out so hard (that was during Dead Flowers), I told chris to keep me up to date with more concerts and events..and I should have told him to hook me up with carrie's roommate (the one that looked like LadyL)

so from there it was onto the next party, the one Chase wanted me to come to, and the one I promised I'd stop by for..and so I did..on my own I'm a man of my word. so when I got there, Chase was very excited to see me, hand me a cup with beer in it and told me, if anyone gives me crap, tell them I'm with was cute.

I found Katie Combs and we spent the better part of the evening hanging out and talking..she felt more comfortable with me there, and vice versly the same...the night did get a little crazy when this girl found me to be very attractive, loving my sense of style and all (I mean who wouldn't?) well she's getting really close, and dancing kinda dirty..and then I come to find out it's Steve's ex-girlfriend Katie and I talk about this, but then we head downstairs for flippy-cup, and things get out of it's dark and this girl is all about hanging on me...and I kinda just let it happen, more or less in a state of shock..I don't want to do anything in front of Steve, let alone with him in the same building..and you know..I really don't want to do anything with any of my friend's then, then, this is good, Steve calls me over, and I start into my apology ramble and he stops me and says I can do whatever I want with her, whatever, just don't do it in front of him..understandable, then I try and hide from the girl...

I go upstairs, I find chase and let him know what just happened, but he says he completely has my back, somebody needs to do that Steve because he's so in the hole when it comes to guy code it's retarded...which, when you think about it..yeah, you know, he has crossed the line in front of me, so you know what..I'm a spiteful and vengeful bastard...I'll fuck her right in front of him....

so Anna finds me and we are talking, mainly her nibbling on my neck...and I may be the only person who can hold conversation with others while having this done onto. Chase took a picture to have for when I call him that picture will show..he also told me to shutup and enjoy that...priceless...

so after awhile of me saying how I wanted to go home, I finally get the chance to, an hour later than what I had originally said, but Anna asked if she was invited, I told her yes, and I brought her over to my place...oh, so I park my car, pulling it in reverse trying to get as close to the guy behind me as possible in order to make my wheel go behind the yellow on the curb and I pulled off one of the greatest park jobs tire was nicely tucked behind the yellow and my bumper was about half an inch away from the other guys bumper..I never even hit him..amazing, I know I rock....

so as we are walking around the corner to my place I notice that the apartment above me is still raging with whatever it is they do every I decided now would be a good time to go and visit the we go up, are invited in, and are handed beers...we wrote on the passed out drunk guy, danced around a bit, and became spectators to some weird strip a than, with mainly the guys...I said I felt inclined to join in, but I don't think they knew we are still here.....

so after that we went back down, telling them not to be quiet, keep it rocking because I want to hear them still when I wake up in the downstairs I went, walked up to my receiver and turned the volume knob all the way over...Anna and I had a little dance party going for a bit and then I started to crash..turned down everything since it was now five in the morning, sat on the couch, talked, and then started to pass out...

and thus ended my night..

"Oh, when I said DDR, I meant Dance Dance Revolution..not the communistic movement..."

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“to explain the demonstration and ate it in front of them” I don’t know what’s the big deal with the mints, but I like that patience (in spite of all) for you to teach. I’m pretty sure one day you’ll be a good father.

I was into fall out boy about 2007 Iml

“I'm a man of my word” keep it that way, kiddo

“I really don't want to do anything with any of my friend's ex-girlfriends” aww, you’re a good friend