Thursday, April 07, 2005

what's the use...

So far it's been a completely horrible day..and I've only been up for half an hour...

why is it when you're happy, when things are leaning toward the good side of complacency, things happen, good/bad, but you're fine with it all..when everything has to come at you? and of course it isn't one thing, because you'd be able to overcome that no problem..but it's when your at your best they throw everything at you. in the thirty minutes I was actually awake and moving around I had at least three things utterly destroy my day, building up on one another, becoming more powerful as the second hand passes...

I'm going back to sleep

Actions speak louder than words....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"but it's when your at your best they throw everything at you" oh man, I hate that
it's awful, I guess that's why many people is afraid of happiness, and subconsciously making the wrong decisions...