Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Absolutely Sunday...
..ohhh fuck...

Today was a day of events; premonitions to good music, but overall it was good

The day started off slowly...I stayed the night at Mindy's and only awoke to her getting ready for work - which in itself was a contraversial issue..she had picked up a Wednesday night shift for Asa in favor that he would work her Sunday morning shift...well when it came down to it, after they had a manager approve it and switch it, she saw that Asa was already working Sunday morning..so who was at fault - managers didn't catch it, and they already approved it...I told her to call in and see if they actually needed her, but she decided to actually go in and check it out..well regardless she was on the Who's Who list and had to work..

so then there I lay, with the intention that she'd be back after a quick nap, if not sooner...well 230 rolled around and I had to get up..so then I started getting my day together, getting directions and the sort..Jim called and had a question about eggs, then he asked if I wanted to go to Denny's..hell yes Denny's..but I soon found out I couldn't leave..I was home alone at Mindy's place, and there was no way I would be able to lock the door behind me if I were to leave - and she's pretty adamant about locking the door whenever she goes out..so I didn't go out for brunch..then I crashed her computer somehow (frickin' XP) so then I just decided to go back to bed.

finally 430 came and there was no excuse for her not there any more..so I gathered my things and my self and left..figuring she'd be home soon enough to the unlocked home - and if she weren't, it'd be her damn fault? funny thing, as I am pulling into my drive-way only five minutes later she calls me to let me know she's just getting out of her car. I explain my details and start to get ready starting with the shower...

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