Thursday, April 29, 2004

Permission To...

Ahh well crap, what do I need permission for...well I think it originally was going to say, permission to Rant....but that's not the case, my fingers bear dead weight and fatigue is rapidly setting in elsewhere..

I had a lot of opportunities to do things tonight, whether it was trip to Indy, trip to Lafayette, trip to the hangout with the RR crew, and some other things...I chose to stay here and well, what did I do....

I just chuckled..ok, now the best part was what I was chuckling about: hair...whatever, had to be there I guess...

lets see, driving around, thrifting, sitting in a basement with a group of people who all love each other..that's the everyday thing..oh, and better yet, having the night off from target when there is a double truck, yeah there's my highlight for the week...well, thus far, I mean there still is friday into saturday...

I guess that's what I need permission on, Friday night...permission to have a good time, permission to seal the deal maybe..yeah, we'll go for that last one..

Pete and I had a good heart to heart tonight, good times. it's funny because we are so sympathetic to each others past problems and current positions; we're leading different lives yet with the same set of obstacles in a way...such a short entry here for this and I apologize, but it definitely deserves more than what I just wrote..

Pete will be leaving soon, well soon enough that is....come august he'll be leaving...on a jet plane...for that we are both certain.....but in the case of me, well anything is possible, even I know that....with as much positivity that my plane will be en route with his, I can be just as certain it will be going the opposite way as well, it's all up in the air, yay ( note the sarcastic undertone on that yay)

I get online..take down my away message and people suddenly come back, come unidle, get online...what's the deal..I think I should go now..

so alright I'm going....ummm, if anyone wants to go to the show, just let me know..though I'll make you drive seperate, no picking up people this time...I've got plans for after the show, so unless you got a ride home from it, be my guest, I'm doing my thing....goodnight ladies and gentlemen...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"permission to have a good time, permission to seal the deal maybe..yeah, we'll go for that last one.. " hehe

"Pete and I had a good heart to heart tonight, good times. it's funny because we are so sympathetic to each others past problems and current positions" aww, I really like those moments