Monday, April 12, 2004

Trying to be someone you're not, in hopes of attaining something you can't have....

That random thought fluttered into my head, well the beginning part of it at the thought came the "answer", the last part there, came as well...

I love it when that finishes my thought before I even have a chance at it...well I guess there's some explaining if you're not me, which I believe the majority of you people are..maybe...

so I made a Xanga post today, what in the hell was that for, who knows, randomness...anyways...

so how often do you find yourself doing just that? I don't put up fronts FOR people..and I guess I don't do it for myself either..I mean you do have a couple exceptions....things you tend to do or not do to ease a situation, like not swearing in church...random example, but you can kinda see wearing in driving...

So I consider myself to be a random person, some will say this more than others, all depends on my mood really..but random, in that crazed sort of way, that's me....

then why does it seem as if I am a bit more tame lately..hell there's a lot of things going on, things I normally would bend over backwards for, but everythings flying over my head like a jet plane..I can't actually say it's like water off a duck's back, because in reality I'm not seeing everything, so the plane metaphor will do....

why am in this state, what the hell is wrong with me....I had a mini-vacation..I want to take more I'll tell you that....though this was thee most unproductive weekend ever...I blew so much money, and really don't remember on what...

if you try too hard, you'll find yourself further than before...but where's the line between trying too much and not going all out for me, play it by ear....

wow, I'm getting really random with this aren't I?

paragraphs like that????

oh god, the familiarity...the spot...the head's weird...

and speaking of weird, well let's go with's comes this time it doesn't work?

wow...the damned title keeps staring at me, what..what...why you looking at me like that....

alright, enough one liners, I'm through....(and yes I see the irony of saying I'm through with the one liners, and this being one in itself..shudup)


MarisolLef said...

#Jasonsays he's random "So I consider myself to be a random person, some will say this more than others, all depends on my mood really..but random, in that crazed sort of way, that's me.... "
It's the first time you've said that, nowadays you call me the

Ps. Today I made the double baked potatoes, delicious. However, I'm feeling sick.. I feel not good, and also my mom acted like a kid, I just want her to apologize but she's... uh ok.. I'm too sick to be angry, I find unusual how instead of being angry I just get sad... I'm sweaty and my nose hurts because I've been sneezing all day

MarisolLef said...

"That random thought fluttered into my head, well the beginning part of it at the thought came the "answer", the last part there, came as well... " could it be..