Saturday, April 17, 2004

This Just Is...I Don't Know

This is my dance..look at me go...doing my dance, hell yeah...

Anyways, I'll explain that one in a second...wait, I forgot what I was going to say..

Oh, so people loved my last away message, it brought on a lot of, "huh?"'s, I'm being mildly random with a pinch of madman....

Oh, let me gripe about this....I finally start posting again, and the first person to comment was..Travis Lane? Go figure, I didn't even know he knew about my site, well partially, but still..he even made comments on my Xanga...but I suppose that got the ball rolling and people are starting to comment again...

Speaking of commenting, the last person who commented, anonymous, go figure, I don't know who you are, thanks for what thought...what's going on, am I being stalked??? Anyways..I'm cool wit it..

Happy dance...

I've had the urge to play guitar, don't ask me why..but haven't fulfilled it..yet....

Been listening to Cohen again...and as I listen to my self compilated CD I ask myself, what the hell was I thinking when I put together the order of the I smell some more of my highly demanded compilation CD's??? I know I am a badass when I want to be..but just what is my mood here....not ready yet, let it work....

Oh...Suzanne, yes, definitely listening to Suzanne by Cohen...I think the lyrics are brilliantly linked into my life right now, well in two parts, ha..yeah yeah....

Oh my, if only some people knew my "little secrets" like the others knew..I mean, they aren't secrets, just little tidbits of information about myself I tend to throw out every now and then...Impartiality to certain things...what all the noises meant...It's hard breaking into two worlds 20 years in the making and making them together, but hey..

my rambles are completely utterly incomplete...

it's so going to storm...I shouldn't have made my way back here tonight....well I guess I'll wrap this bad boy up and sit out in the thunderstorm, and look to the sky with my thoughts of, whatever it is I think about....very indecisive, but good mood.....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"little secrets" cute