Re-Cap of the Year
Well another year has come and gone, and i especially don't remember the highlights of the year. I quit college and Twan joined me, together we spent many an hour at ALCO, then it was January. The "first" visit, which came to be many many visits, and a natural way of eating happened withGeorge, Heather, and myself when we ate at RtC, and I was the first to spill a pop on myself. On a dare around 1130 on a sat night we headed down to IU to go out for breakfast and 20 bucks, only to return back to lowell and work in the morning. My sickness grew worse and i was coughing up blood, i was bed ridden for a weekend, yet still threw one hell of a party. Everynight routines were introduced to the college folk spring breakin', and they loved every second of it. Curiosity killed the cat, and almost did the same for me, after spending a couple visits at the infamous "jackie's", everybody decides they want to "be" as well. After a bad joke involving ditching and eating at Steak and Shake, several friendships were crushed, followed by a drug bust involving 9 squad cars and everybody in the parking lot thouroughly searched, **Chirp Chirp** But the night didn't end there, after a snack at the newly opend DD/BR in crown point we headed to lowll and picked up various trash only to be put later and arranged in room fashion in Scott Salai's driveway. That was probably the highlight for the year for everyone, it will defiantly get my award this year. A couple more trips were made to Jackie's, but that faded out quickly, and we never heard from them agian, though we do now have a "secret" place to eat for when we want to ditch people and not go to RtC. My birthday came and went unnoticed, even by my family members. The only thing i got was Lucille, my car, purchased by me. Couple weeks later went up to UofM to visit and such, on the way back i forgot what i had came up there for. In may i said goodbye to Costas for the last time, step out it's doors may 9, never to return, and i haven't stepped foot in since. college's round indiana were finishing up, a select few coming back to jobs at alco. Zach calls it quits on college life, late only to move in with me, for about a week, am i that bad of a host? Garden shop thrives, after being brought down, several sidewalk bonanzas take place, the best including a bounce house, cotton candy, "ice cold pop and hot hot dogs". Zak Duncan soon quit his job at ALCO only to get a better one at Target. Zach Baiel fought frantically agianst time trying to figure out his life. Several ideas ran through his head, trips to california, trips to canada, going back to school, and so forth, but he has settled hisself down with his girlfriend in lafeyette for the time being with a nice apartment on the east side of town. Late one July night i lost control of my car and crashed it into a mighty ditch, waited for ever for that car to come back to me Vince and I made the excursion across indiana and ohio to cleveland and visited the rock n roll hall of fame. Coleges round the nation started back up agian, and everyone, but the strong/stubborn few stayed behind. Beginning of september the word festardo was introduced into our vocabulary. mid september i finally got my car back, go me. Still job searching, several months in, all postions at aldi's full, only to land my job at target weeks later. Halloween comes, only to make me ball my eyes out and kim puke all over the bathroom, damn we fucking hates clown. Winter's depression comes in full force, those thoughts enter my head agian, and to top it off the waters between me and my love become treacherous. the taste of wilco fills the appitites of the town in several ways. I go on a 3 or so day hiatus and am lost driving round the midwest, ending up at zach baile's house for a night. who knows whatever happened of this. I find out i have to be out of this house in lowell in months to come. Thanksgiving comes, my mother ditches out on me and i am left to salvage the rest the best i can, eat with Zach and his family then go out for the evening. BTTF was released the 17th, yea to that. X-mas came and went as well, agian i was all by myself. and as the year runs down, i find out that my only reason i live everyday is turning their back on me and says no more. so as i wrap up this last blog for the year, i have nothing to look forward to, hell, agian i am spending new year's, the one time i still held some accountability towards, i am spending alone, and now it will mean nothing to me, just as chrsitmas does. a life like this isn't worth living. well that's all for this year, who knows about tomorrow, or what the future holds, though i wouldn't mind my resolution for next year to not be alive, but i don't see that happening. that's all, til next year
When you think you've hit rock bottom, give me a call; tell me how the view is from up there... OR the ramblings of a Wasted Genius...
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Even Better...

Do you give a fuck?
This quiz style was designed by alanna, adapted by Batfish Designs, and created by Missanthropy
Do you give a fuck?
This quiz style was designed by alanna, adapted by Batfish Designs, and created by Missanthropy
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
This is What I do Best...
Yup, look at that pic, anybody who's ever been online should know about that pic, if you don't, you need to die, for great justice you should know, come on, grrrrr
I am 70% Internet Addict

I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!
Take the Internet Addict Test at
Yup, look at that pic, anybody who's ever been online should know about that pic, if you don't, you need to die, for great justice you should know, come on, grrrrr
I am 70% Internet Addict
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!
Take the Internet Addict Test at
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
So F'ing What?
Well, it's X-Mas Eve, so F'ing what is what i say. I know i won't be spending any time with my family, though my mother was really insistant that i join her for the family dinner tonight, F it. I spent this morning eating at Denny's with Zak and a co-worker of his, we had a good time, shot the shit, mostly about target and no talent ass clowns (flow). He just happened to get ahold of me as i was leaving Meijer, i decided to go there because i was ditched by my other coworkers to go out for breakfast, which reminds me, i got shit in my car that needs to go to the freezer, brb.....alright, now we're good. o also got some egg nog, can't have a winter holiday without it. i also noticed we have a real X-Mas tree in the living room, excellant. but i will just be lounging around all day, i want to watch some movies but i doubt that will happen.i don't know if i will go into ALCO today, or if i still have a job there, i kinda got pissed off the other day and said some shit i did mean, threw my keys at george and told him i'm gone. yeah that's pretty much it. if things don't change around alco i will be gone, and there will be a law suit. in a way i would hate for it to come down to that, but then agian, i would get some money out of it and could only work the one job. well no use in blogging during break, there's no one to read or comment on it, so i won't be a bloggin' til next year...if i am still alive, lord knows i don't want to be, but oh well, you can't always get what you want. goodnight, time to clean up my room
Well, it's X-Mas Eve, so F'ing what is what i say. I know i won't be spending any time with my family, though my mother was really insistant that i join her for the family dinner tonight, F it. I spent this morning eating at Denny's with Zak and a co-worker of his, we had a good time, shot the shit, mostly about target and no talent ass clowns (flow). He just happened to get ahold of me as i was leaving Meijer, i decided to go there because i was ditched by my other coworkers to go out for breakfast, which reminds me, i got shit in my car that needs to go to the freezer, brb.....alright, now we're good. o also got some egg nog, can't have a winter holiday without it. i also noticed we have a real X-Mas tree in the living room, excellant. but i will just be lounging around all day, i want to watch some movies but i doubt that will happen.i don't know if i will go into ALCO today, or if i still have a job there, i kinda got pissed off the other day and said some shit i did mean, threw my keys at george and told him i'm gone. yeah that's pretty much it. if things don't change around alco i will be gone, and there will be a law suit. in a way i would hate for it to come down to that, but then agian, i would get some money out of it and could only work the one job. well no use in blogging during break, there's no one to read or comment on it, so i won't be a bloggin' til next year...if i am still alive, lord knows i don't want to be, but oh well, you can't always get what you want. goodnight, time to clean up my room
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Ok, as you all know, Back to the Future was released on DVD yesterday, if you didn't, you need to die...anwyas, so i was going to pick my copy up first thing Tuesday morning at Target, where i get 10% off plus Target had the key chain offer which is cooler than the watch Best Buy was offering. So i went to Target and i noticed Zak Duncan's car in the parking lot, for i was at the Merrillville Target (was **Taget**, but now **Taret**). So i go in, wander around and look for him, then i get the idea to call him on his cell, so i did, and he was outside. upon adventuring out the green entrance i found him with scarlen (i hope i spelled her name right) I asked if there were any more BTTF DVDs left because i didn't find a single one at that store. I mean i still had the time to go to my highland target and pick up a copy, but i figured i was there, why not get it there, well zak's girl friend (notice the two words are seperated, not sure if anything is going out between them yet, don't want ot be pushy with titles anyways) did finally locate me the very last copy, hell yes!!!! Then i ventured over to RtC and met up with Anthony. We hada good time, i found out my phone has a zoom feature on it, and i finally talked to fish girl, hahaha. Fish girl being Crystal, and me only knowing that from a guy i work with in the backroom at Target with, so it was kinda hard to start the conversation the way i wanted to without telling her the real reason why she came up in conversation, that she looks like a fish, but i salvaged it by mentioning her license plate, "fetish iv" or some crap. so yeah, that basically sums up all that, hope you enjoyed...
Ok, as you all know, Back to the Future was released on DVD yesterday, if you didn't, you need to die...anwyas, so i was going to pick my copy up first thing Tuesday morning at Target, where i get 10% off plus Target had the key chain offer which is cooler than the watch Best Buy was offering. So i went to Target and i noticed Zak Duncan's car in the parking lot, for i was at the Merrillville Target (was **Taget**, but now **Taret**). So i go in, wander around and look for him, then i get the idea to call him on his cell, so i did, and he was outside. upon adventuring out the green entrance i found him with scarlen (i hope i spelled her name right) I asked if there were any more BTTF DVDs left because i didn't find a single one at that store. I mean i still had the time to go to my highland target and pick up a copy, but i figured i was there, why not get it there, well zak's girl friend (notice the two words are seperated, not sure if anything is going out between them yet, don't want ot be pushy with titles anyways) did finally locate me the very last copy, hell yes!!!! Then i ventured over to RtC and met up with Anthony. We hada good time, i found out my phone has a zoom feature on it, and i finally talked to fish girl, hahaha. Fish girl being Crystal, and me only knowing that from a guy i work with in the backroom at Target with, so it was kinda hard to start the conversation the way i wanted to without telling her the real reason why she came up in conversation, that she looks like a fish, but i salvaged it by mentioning her license plate, "fetish iv" or some crap. so yeah, that basically sums up all that, hope you enjoyed...
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Well, wouldn't it be my luck, no not to be caught without a ticket and be discovered beneath a truck, but the one time i am able to blog, and damn blogger doesn't allow me to. this happened the other day, i don't remember what i was blogging about, but it wouldn't post it, grrrr, so fuck all that, this is my blog, all about how i couldn't blog, so i plead, don't get mad, i did try to update, but the internet gods didn't want me to.
Well, wouldn't it be my luck, no not to be caught without a ticket and be discovered beneath a truck, but the one time i am able to blog, and damn blogger doesn't allow me to. this happened the other day, i don't remember what i was blogging about, but it wouldn't post it, grrrr, so fuck all that, this is my blog, all about how i couldn't blog, so i plead, don't get mad, i did try to update, but the internet gods didn't want me to.
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Friday, December 06, 2002
ok, so i left ALCO wednesday night and headed out on 41. I didn't even get to Uncle John's Flea Market and i noticed a car on the side of the road and the hazards flashing.. I started slowing down and then i saw two guys walking up ahead carrying a gas can, knowing it was cold as fuck out it was then i decided to pull over and give them a ride. now i must say, this will be the first time i had ever given a ride to strangers found along side the road, so i was a little worrie, not too much though. Although the person whom i was having a conversation with on my cell phone got pissed and decided to hang up the phone disregarding my pleas for her to stay on just in case, since she was that worried. So they came up to my car and told me how they ran out of gas, i popped the trunk, unlocked the doors and they got in. I noticed as one of the guys who was entering my backseat next to Safety bear had a familar face. I said, "hey, i know you, you were the guy who used to tip me all the time as Costas" He then recognized me and we continued conversing. I took them to the Amaco, now BP in cedar lake and then back to their abandoned truck. They were apologizing if they made me late for work at Target, i told them it wouldn't be a problem. The other guy said i made it onto his X-mas card list, but i found out the guy who tipped me is ruth Bougie's brother, how ironic, so we talked about that. Another thing that they liked was my car, couldn't get over how nice it was, and of course the blue lights inside. The guy i didn't know made the comment, and i won't forget it, "man, you must get more pussy than a toliet seat" Hahaha, i had to laugh, and shouldn't the quote go eaither way, more ass than a toliet seat, or more pussy than a tampon? whatever, i enjoyed it, so yeah, pay it forward, or something like that, i will pull over for people more often because of this, i mean i had always wanted to, just too much in a hurry, but this time i stopped, and now i feel good about it, yea me, goodnight
ok, so i left ALCO wednesday night and headed out on 41. I didn't even get to Uncle John's Flea Market and i noticed a car on the side of the road and the hazards flashing.. I started slowing down and then i saw two guys walking up ahead carrying a gas can, knowing it was cold as fuck out it was then i decided to pull over and give them a ride. now i must say, this will be the first time i had ever given a ride to strangers found along side the road, so i was a little worrie, not too much though. Although the person whom i was having a conversation with on my cell phone got pissed and decided to hang up the phone disregarding my pleas for her to stay on just in case, since she was that worried. So they came up to my car and told me how they ran out of gas, i popped the trunk, unlocked the doors and they got in. I noticed as one of the guys who was entering my backseat next to Safety bear had a familar face. I said, "hey, i know you, you were the guy who used to tip me all the time as Costas" He then recognized me and we continued conversing. I took them to the Amaco, now BP in cedar lake and then back to their abandoned truck. They were apologizing if they made me late for work at Target, i told them it wouldn't be a problem. The other guy said i made it onto his X-mas card list, but i found out the guy who tipped me is ruth Bougie's brother, how ironic, so we talked about that. Another thing that they liked was my car, couldn't get over how nice it was, and of course the blue lights inside. The guy i didn't know made the comment, and i won't forget it, "man, you must get more pussy than a toliet seat" Hahaha, i had to laugh, and shouldn't the quote go eaither way, more ass than a toliet seat, or more pussy than a tampon? whatever, i enjoyed it, so yeah, pay it forward, or something like that, i will pull over for people more often because of this, i mean i had always wanted to, just too much in a hurry, but this time i stopped, and now i feel good about it, yea me, goodnight
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
Wait, which one am I?
The first time I got
I'm an atheist!
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
the second time, today, I got this
I'm a Nothing!
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
So, what am i? Why would that change, i thought i put the same responses as yesterday, grrrr
The first time I got
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
the second time, today, I got this
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
So, what am i? Why would that change, i thought i put the same responses as yesterday, grrrr
Monday, December 02, 2002
X-Mas Wish List
Well, I have told my parents what i want for X-Mas, basically, told my grandparents i want this suede office chair, and my mom, i told her i wanted a blue robe, gave her a coupon and everthing. I mean they might get me some socks and underwear or something as well, but i'm on to my OWN gift to myself, he he. I have wanted a camera for awhile now, and i am in denile since my original one broke, so i will go out with this one, but now what do i get, still or camcorder, hmmmm. Well the choices are this one by Sony, a still, or this camcorder , both are going to be a grand in the end.
Well, I have told my parents what i want for X-Mas, basically, told my grandparents i want this suede office chair, and my mom, i told her i wanted a blue robe, gave her a coupon and everthing. I mean they might get me some socks and underwear or something as well, but i'm on to my OWN gift to myself, he he. I have wanted a camera for awhile now, and i am in denile since my original one broke, so i will go out with this one, but now what do i get, still or camcorder, hmmmm. Well the choices are this one by Sony, a still, or this camcorder , both are going to be a grand in the end.
Sunday, December 01, 2002
Friday, November 29, 2002
Biggest Shopping day of the Year....Means I'm Working
Not much really to say, ALCO was pretty busy today, thoguh the $49.00 VCR was kinda a bust. As you can see I'm tinkering with my blog a little bit, putting up Zach's prank call thing and whatnot. I work tonight at Target and they say the pulls will take forever due to the madness at thanksgiving. Zak and I talked about Target and whatnot, it was all good. I guess it's the same shit there as well, damn flow team, blow team, no talent ass clowns, sorry. I have thisweird urge to go shopping, maybe at the mall, i just want to yell at people and push people in the crowds, and maybe get some good deals on items on sale. I think my writting style is really sucking, i thought i could write a little better than this, lordy this is crap.
I would work 100 Hours
I realized that I want to work well over 80 hours around X-mas time, only because it will be very much possible. Target is already having people go over 40 hours a week, and depending if it is a holiday week at ALCO i can get over 40 there. i think the ultimate would be to get triple digits with hours. Probably get 45 from Target and 55 from ALCO. It will be easier now that ALCO's hours are til 10 for X-mas, but yes, i want 100 hours in one week, which would be harder to do on the week of X-mas, because neither place is open, but i think that would just be a day of rest, i know i can do this, it is my new goal, how sad is that?
Not much really to say, ALCO was pretty busy today, thoguh the $49.00 VCR was kinda a bust. As you can see I'm tinkering with my blog a little bit, putting up Zach's prank call thing and whatnot. I work tonight at Target and they say the pulls will take forever due to the madness at thanksgiving. Zak and I talked about Target and whatnot, it was all good. I guess it's the same shit there as well, damn flow team, blow team, no talent ass clowns, sorry. I have thisweird urge to go shopping, maybe at the mall, i just want to yell at people and push people in the crowds, and maybe get some good deals on items on sale. I think my writting style is really sucking, i thought i could write a little better than this, lordy this is crap.
I would work 100 Hours
I realized that I want to work well over 80 hours around X-mas time, only because it will be very much possible. Target is already having people go over 40 hours a week, and depending if it is a holiday week at ALCO i can get over 40 there. i think the ultimate would be to get triple digits with hours. Probably get 45 from Target and 55 from ALCO. It will be easier now that ALCO's hours are til 10 for X-mas, but yes, i want 100 hours in one week, which would be harder to do on the week of X-mas, because neither place is open, but i think that would just be a day of rest, i know i can do this, it is my new goal, how sad is that?
Thursday, November 28, 2002
Thanksgiving at the Baiel's
Well the day started off a little late for myself, Target didn't let out til 630 or so, but we had everything done. On the way home I saw a huge line circling from the front doors of K-Mart out into thrie parking lot, almost made me want to go and join them, but I didn't. Not much happened from that point til 3 when zach called me and asked what i was doing, he demanded my presence over to his house for thanksgiving at 4, so i went. I enjoyed the dinner, in fact it was a great time. They had a lot of food, food i liked which is a rare thing because my family used to make a bunch of crap food and i would only eat half of it. I even tried some of the game hen, which tastes like greasy chicken, but very good. I think Zach's dad liked the wine a lot as well, ha ha. After dinner we took a look at the new craft room, aka zach's old room HA! Then Barcus and Duncan came over and we went to the truck stop where we met up with George and Salai, later to come was Jimmy C, then Twan, and then Anne. We also saw Joe and Melissa, opps, Steph sitting in Non-Smoking and we each took our turns harrassing them. Around 830 we headed up towards Merrillville to go to K-Mart, but that was a bust seeing how we had only 4.2 minutes to run around the store trying to find the deals, George ended up buying some Out-of-the-package-75cent underwear, hahahaa. Then off to Meijer round the corner. In the 45 minutes we were there i spent $90, ouch, well it was the $35 Blue Spiral X-Mas tree which knocked it up so high. I bought a couple cases of the 24 case pepsi on sale for $3.68, amazingly great deal!!!! So now i have a stockpile of Pepsi and Coke products, to quote Barcus, "that's more pop than Costas has" After that we headed back to the truckstop where we got together with Jill and Jorge, and Heather came shortly after. Seeings it was after 11:00, running on very little sleep, and had to be at work at 6am the next day i went home, the others headed off to Denny's in Merrillville, i know back and forth, back and forth, but hey, it's us. and so ended one day...
Well the day started off a little late for myself, Target didn't let out til 630 or so, but we had everything done. On the way home I saw a huge line circling from the front doors of K-Mart out into thrie parking lot, almost made me want to go and join them, but I didn't. Not much happened from that point til 3 when zach called me and asked what i was doing, he demanded my presence over to his house for thanksgiving at 4, so i went. I enjoyed the dinner, in fact it was a great time. They had a lot of food, food i liked which is a rare thing because my family used to make a bunch of crap food and i would only eat half of it. I even tried some of the game hen, which tastes like greasy chicken, but very good. I think Zach's dad liked the wine a lot as well, ha ha. After dinner we took a look at the new craft room, aka zach's old room HA! Then Barcus and Duncan came over and we went to the truck stop where we met up with George and Salai, later to come was Jimmy C, then Twan, and then Anne. We also saw Joe and Melissa, opps, Steph sitting in Non-Smoking and we each took our turns harrassing them. Around 830 we headed up towards Merrillville to go to K-Mart, but that was a bust seeing how we had only 4.2 minutes to run around the store trying to find the deals, George ended up buying some Out-of-the-package-75cent underwear, hahahaa. Then off to Meijer round the corner. In the 45 minutes we were there i spent $90, ouch, well it was the $35 Blue Spiral X-Mas tree which knocked it up so high. I bought a couple cases of the 24 case pepsi on sale for $3.68, amazingly great deal!!!! So now i have a stockpile of Pepsi and Coke products, to quote Barcus, "that's more pop than Costas has" After that we headed back to the truckstop where we got together with Jill and Jorge, and Heather came shortly after. Seeings it was after 11:00, running on very little sleep, and had to be at work at 6am the next day i went home, the others headed off to Denny's in Merrillville, i know back and forth, back and forth, but hey, it's us. and so ended one day...
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
No Snow, Angry Face
Well, yesterday it snowed, i hate the snow. And to make matters worse, as the snow fell, it hit the streets, warmed, then froze, causing the streets to be slippery as hell, The roads were terrible around 10:00, but apparently that was only in lowell, as some of the workers came in saying it was fine by then until they got into lowell. Way to go lowell, kill your inhabitants. My car was sliding all around, and i didn't feel too safe in it, even with the traction active thing on. I think Jenny could have handled it better, i always did love that car. Lucille just handles way to differently and i don't know why. Speaking of Lucille, her 50,000 mile warrenty is coming up soon, cople more trips to work and she'll be spent. Maybe I should get a new car......As for Turkey day, well Target has this plan for us to be out of the store very early, maybe around 3, so that blows the RtC early morning thing. So instead I'll just go home, go to sleep and that'll be it. Noone is supposed to be out and aout on Thanksgiving, leaving there respected houses and such, so i don't think anyone will be coming over here to bother me. I really don't want to go over to my grandparents, i mean old people, who are family, grrr. And i know if i go, they'll try and have m say grace, this will be the fifth year now they have tried. it just pisses me off. I refuse, then when i say i'll do it, i just make a mockery of it, never saying thanks for anything good, just thanks for all the bad stuff, never saying god this or that, and not amen, but the end. Well we'll just see what happens, til then..
Well, yesterday it snowed, i hate the snow. And to make matters worse, as the snow fell, it hit the streets, warmed, then froze, causing the streets to be slippery as hell, The roads were terrible around 10:00, but apparently that was only in lowell, as some of the workers came in saying it was fine by then until they got into lowell. Way to go lowell, kill your inhabitants. My car was sliding all around, and i didn't feel too safe in it, even with the traction active thing on. I think Jenny could have handled it better, i always did love that car. Lucille just handles way to differently and i don't know why. Speaking of Lucille, her 50,000 mile warrenty is coming up soon, cople more trips to work and she'll be spent. Maybe I should get a new car......As for Turkey day, well Target has this plan for us to be out of the store very early, maybe around 3, so that blows the RtC early morning thing. So instead I'll just go home, go to sleep and that'll be it. Noone is supposed to be out and aout on Thanksgiving, leaving there respected houses and such, so i don't think anyone will be coming over here to bother me. I really don't want to go over to my grandparents, i mean old people, who are family, grrr. And i know if i go, they'll try and have m say grace, this will be the fifth year now they have tried. it just pisses me off. I refuse, then when i say i'll do it, i just make a mockery of it, never saying thanks for anything good, just thanks for all the bad stuff, never saying god this or that, and not amen, but the end. Well we'll just see what happens, til then..
Monday, November 25, 2002
Still Nothing
"When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose" so that's basically where i am. All the college fucks are returning, causing havoc in lowell agian, yet, they haven't come looking for me yet....i don't know whether that's a good thing or bad thing. They come back to town and think us working folk can just drop everything and run amok with them. I don't know, a lot of things still upset me, but what am i to do, I beat the shit ot of george and likea dog he never learns his lesson and always comes back for more. I'm getting te feel i wish i were dead. So i have had people ask me what I'm doing for thanksgiving this year, like is some big holiday or some shit, and i tell them and then they shut the fuck up. The people i know more than others wherein i could squeeeze myself into dinner are all going out of town this year, but i don't really care, i wouldn't want to squeeze in anywhere i didn't belong, at least i can see things like that. Then there's people i really don't know offering me to go with them, ehh, for one i hate my family, two; i'll be dammed if i am going to spend my off time with someone else's family. god damn, and to think, this is just going to happen agian in a month from now, grrr, the agony. I really hate this season, I really do...
"When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose" so that's basically where i am. All the college fucks are returning, causing havoc in lowell agian, yet, they haven't come looking for me yet....i don't know whether that's a good thing or bad thing. They come back to town and think us working folk can just drop everything and run amok with them. I don't know, a lot of things still upset me, but what am i to do, I beat the shit ot of george and likea dog he never learns his lesson and always comes back for more. I'm getting te feel i wish i were dead. So i have had people ask me what I'm doing for thanksgiving this year, like is some big holiday or some shit, and i tell them and then they shut the fuck up. The people i know more than others wherein i could squeeeze myself into dinner are all going out of town this year, but i don't really care, i wouldn't want to squeeze in anywhere i didn't belong, at least i can see things like that. Then there's people i really don't know offering me to go with them, ehh, for one i hate my family, two; i'll be dammed if i am going to spend my off time with someone else's family. god damn, and to think, this is just going to happen agian in a month from now, grrr, the agony. I really hate this season, I really do...
Sunday, November 24, 2002
This Ever Happen to You?
Do you know what has received my attention lately, weird occurances, please, let me explain. It's the situation wherein let's say you and a colleague are chatting away, and one of you recollects a certain someone randomly, then the other person asks, "yeah, whatever happened to him?", only for him to appear/call/whatever in a short amount of time. Like today I was driving home from Target, and as I get close to rt 2 on 41, I think, "hmmm, wouldn't it be weird to see Kristen drive by one day, I mean she goes to work in the morning, i return from work in the morning, it could happen." Well as I get into the turning lane, rt 2's traffic crosses and coming northbound on 41 is a blue pontiac sunfire, well low and behold it's Kristen. We waived and i drove past her seeings I had the light first, and went about my day only to blog about this. Which reminds me of a Gilligan's Island episode..i used to watch the re-runs as much as possible, and i got to thinknig one day, how come their were no children on boaard, sure enough but 30 minutes after that thought i am watching and the crew find an islander boy, whom only later is sent by the crew in an airballon to rescue them, which of course never happens. but the fact that i was thinking about it, then it happened just freaks me out. It's like we're in the Matrix or some shit, well that's all.
Do you know what has received my attention lately, weird occurances, please, let me explain. It's the situation wherein let's say you and a colleague are chatting away, and one of you recollects a certain someone randomly, then the other person asks, "yeah, whatever happened to him?", only for him to appear/call/whatever in a short amount of time. Like today I was driving home from Target, and as I get close to rt 2 on 41, I think, "hmmm, wouldn't it be weird to see Kristen drive by one day, I mean she goes to work in the morning, i return from work in the morning, it could happen." Well as I get into the turning lane, rt 2's traffic crosses and coming northbound on 41 is a blue pontiac sunfire, well low and behold it's Kristen. We waived and i drove past her seeings I had the light first, and went about my day only to blog about this. Which reminds me of a Gilligan's Island episode..i used to watch the re-runs as much as possible, and i got to thinknig one day, how come their were no children on boaard, sure enough but 30 minutes after that thought i am watching and the crew find an islander boy, whom only later is sent by the crew in an airballon to rescue them, which of course never happens. but the fact that i was thinking about it, then it happened just freaks me out. It's like we're in the Matrix or some shit, well that's all.
Saturday, November 23, 2002
Take Two
Well my mother had a bit of car trouble Friday night, not 2 hours into the trip and the trans goes out. So i guess they tried to call me, but I was at work of course, so bill came up and hauled the car (Jenny mind you) in on Sat. Yes, if we all remember correctly that trans was just put in but a year ago, irony at it's best, and thanks giving last year was Friday's date this year, haha. Apparently dispite the first failed attempt, they are heading back down on Sunday, so once agian Thanksgiving is cancelled for me this year. I will probably be heading to RtC right after working Target, so around 7ish, plus RtC is only open til 2 that day, shucks. If anyone cares to join me, it may be a nice little thing, if not, oh well, I'll just get my usual.
Well my mother had a bit of car trouble Friday night, not 2 hours into the trip and the trans goes out. So i guess they tried to call me, but I was at work of course, so bill came up and hauled the car (Jenny mind you) in on Sat. Yes, if we all remember correctly that trans was just put in but a year ago, irony at it's best, and thanks giving last year was Friday's date this year, haha. Apparently dispite the first failed attempt, they are heading back down on Sunday, so once agian Thanksgiving is cancelled for me this year. I will probably be heading to RtC right after working Target, so around 7ish, plus RtC is only open til 2 that day, shucks. If anyone cares to join me, it may be a nice little thing, if not, oh well, I'll just get my usual.
Friday, November 22, 2002
No Thanksgiving?
Well my mommy just told me that she's taking her vacation this next week, leaving Friday night(tonight) and won't be back til sunday next week. sounds good so far, but then i realized next week is thanksgiving, WTS? So i am supposed to have thanksgiving with me and my dog, how fun. I'll be dammed if i am going to make a turkey. so what to do for dinner, well that can be solved with two words, hot pockets, hell yes hot pockets, i may even buy the expensive ones. well come to think of it, it will be another holiday, so anothewr nightly trip to RtC, just to be there on every holiday this year. well, later, i got nothing
Well my mommy just told me that she's taking her vacation this next week, leaving Friday night(tonight) and won't be back til sunday next week. sounds good so far, but then i realized next week is thanksgiving, WTS? So i am supposed to have thanksgiving with me and my dog, how fun. I'll be dammed if i am going to make a turkey. so what to do for dinner, well that can be solved with two words, hot pockets, hell yes hot pockets, i may even buy the expensive ones. well come to think of it, it will be another holiday, so anothewr nightly trip to RtC, just to be there on every holiday this year. well, later, i got nothing
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Follow Up...
Well after some discussion, it has been said that tangible items as well can never be replaced. think about it, you loose your arm, you get some plastic piece of shit, you lose your keys, they're gone, lose your information on your C drive, it's gone basically life is all about loosing everything, and life therefore is the process by which man tries to hold onto what he has the longest, before the inevitable losing. i mean think about it, we all have life...until we lose that as well, then it's all over.....
Well after some discussion, it has been said that tangible items as well can never be replaced. think about it, you loose your arm, you get some plastic piece of shit, you lose your keys, they're gone, lose your information on your C drive, it's gone basically life is all about loosing everything, and life therefore is the process by which man tries to hold onto what he has the longest, before the inevitable losing. i mean think about it, we all have life...until we lose that as well, then it's all over.....
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Don't Lose Me on This....
If you lose something that is intangible, can you ever get it back? my answer would be no, i don't think it's possible, maybe i'm just crazy, but let me continue before you commit me. Let's say you lose your sight, you can't regain that to what is was, through medical advances, it will never be the same, and you'll only be able to define shapes and all this other wierd shit. You can loose your memory, a lot of people when they get drunk, but you can't regain it fully back, as you grow older that's something you know you will lose. What about your artistic ability, you will always be able to draw as well as you do now, or write a book, or tell a joke, if you loose that, you can't regain it, they are as good as gone. Virginity, once you give that away, you can never have it back, "born agian virgins", that's as bad as "born agian christians", which brings up another point, if you lose faith in god, can you regain it? it's also intangible, so shouldn't the answer be no? most people who "find" "god" "agian" say they feel "it's" presence more than ever. so if they lost something intanible, then found it agian, that means they never lost it in the first place because you can't get something back that is intangible. grr, i've been up way too long to make this a solid arguement so what we have here is just the shards of what could be a great theory, who knows, give me some break time, and i'll whip something into shape, then again the thought may slip my mind, and a thought is also intangible.....
If you lose something that is intangible, can you ever get it back? my answer would be no, i don't think it's possible, maybe i'm just crazy, but let me continue before you commit me. Let's say you lose your sight, you can't regain that to what is was, through medical advances, it will never be the same, and you'll only be able to define shapes and all this other wierd shit. You can loose your memory, a lot of people when they get drunk, but you can't regain it fully back, as you grow older that's something you know you will lose. What about your artistic ability, you will always be able to draw as well as you do now, or write a book, or tell a joke, if you loose that, you can't regain it, they are as good as gone. Virginity, once you give that away, you can never have it back, "born agian virgins", that's as bad as "born agian christians", which brings up another point, if you lose faith in god, can you regain it? it's also intangible, so shouldn't the answer be no? most people who "find" "god" "agian" say they feel "it's" presence more than ever. so if they lost something intanible, then found it agian, that means they never lost it in the first place because you can't get something back that is intangible. grr, i've been up way too long to make this a solid arguement so what we have here is just the shards of what could be a great theory, who knows, give me some break time, and i'll whip something into shape, then again the thought may slip my mind, and a thought is also intangible.....
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
So the question that is skipping through my mind is "why is it that every morning that I go to look at my blog is it NOT THERE!!!???" I mean it's the only time i get to go online, due to work, "family", and other crapass things, it saddends me. I don't ge to look at my pretty blog, read any of ZACH's comments, because he's the only one who make them (insert sad face here), i don't even get to see my weather bitch and see what slutty clothes she has on for the day...grrrrr. i suppose he could yell at me for not blogging in awhile, i do appologize for it, but i haven't had the time, sorry. plus i have these great ideas, but they fly out from my mind like a leaf escaping the pile next to the road as i swiftly drive by. Hmm, i have had a LOT on my mind the past couple weeks as well, some sad, lot confusing, others just there. I'm even behind on writting in my "Bitch Book/Random Book of Thoughts/Book of Random Thoughts/Blue Day Book" whatever, so many thoguhts, so little time. sorry...
So the question that is skipping through my mind is "why is it that every morning that I go to look at my blog is it NOT THERE!!!???" I mean it's the only time i get to go online, due to work, "family", and other crapass things, it saddends me. I don't ge to look at my pretty blog, read any of ZACH's comments, because he's the only one who make them (insert sad face here), i don't even get to see my weather bitch and see what slutty clothes she has on for the day...grrrrr. i suppose he could yell at me for not blogging in awhile, i do appologize for it, but i haven't had the time, sorry. plus i have these great ideas, but they fly out from my mind like a leaf escaping the pile next to the road as i swiftly drive by. Hmm, i have had a LOT on my mind the past couple weeks as well, some sad, lot confusing, others just there. I'm even behind on writting in my "Bitch Book/Random Book of Thoughts/Book of Random Thoughts/Blue Day Book" whatever, so many thoguhts, so little time. sorry...
Monday, November 18, 2002
Is this possible??
So It's early in the morning on Monday, and I have come to realize after leaving Target a few hours ago, that I have already racked up 16+ hours for this week, AND IT'S ONLY MONDAY. Ok, keep in mind that i also work another 6 hours at ALCO on Sunday for Customer Appreciation Night. Well, that's basically my life, work and a lot of it. I still have 3 more nights to work at Target and I know i will get overtime, so now the question is, do i tell someone about it and get sent home early on Friday night, or do i let it slide, saying i didn't catch it and get overtime....hmm, i'll go for the overtime, i'll take the bitching. (you see, Target is a stickler on overtime, so i will defiantly get bitch at for not watching my hours, though they are the ones making the schedule) So yeah, that's it for this entry, later.
So It's early in the morning on Monday, and I have come to realize after leaving Target a few hours ago, that I have already racked up 16+ hours for this week, AND IT'S ONLY MONDAY. Ok, keep in mind that i also work another 6 hours at ALCO on Sunday for Customer Appreciation Night. Well, that's basically my life, work and a lot of it. I still have 3 more nights to work at Target and I know i will get overtime, so now the question is, do i tell someone about it and get sent home early on Friday night, or do i let it slide, saying i didn't catch it and get overtime....hmm, i'll go for the overtime, i'll take the bitching. (you see, Target is a stickler on overtime, so i will defiantly get bitch at for not watching my hours, though they are the ones making the schedule) So yeah, that's it for this entry, later.
Friday, November 15, 2002
Something to think about
Well, I got a job offering, a little late i know, plus it's not really worth my consideration, or is it? Back in the day, when i had only one job, I was applying everywhere, one of the places was for Fed-Ex, I did it online and they have been sending me emails once a month about no job openings yet, until yesterday...They offered me a job as a courrier, not a dog that's a terrier, anyways, starting pay is 13.99 an hour, any where from 20 to 30 hours a week, 5 days a week or so. sounds good so for, but they job location is in Buffalo NY. what the shit i say. One, I don't like the cold, two, well, i wouldn't mind moving, it is a nice distance away, but still. Well I'll let ya guys know what's going on, as soon as I find out, hell, most of you will probably know before i do so fill me in on it will ya? Til then
Well, I got a job offering, a little late i know, plus it's not really worth my consideration, or is it? Back in the day, when i had only one job, I was applying everywhere, one of the places was for Fed-Ex, I did it online and they have been sending me emails once a month about no job openings yet, until yesterday...They offered me a job as a courrier, not a dog that's a terrier, anyways, starting pay is 13.99 an hour, any where from 20 to 30 hours a week, 5 days a week or so. sounds good so for, but they job location is in Buffalo NY. what the shit i say. One, I don't like the cold, two, well, i wouldn't mind moving, it is a nice distance away, but still. Well I'll let ya guys know what's going on, as soon as I find out, hell, most of you will probably know before i do so fill me in on it will ya? Til then
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Yeah, well...
Well time to play catch up, or ketchup, or cats up, or sex, whatever. Well over the weekEND a lot happened, but what i will say is only part....I visited Zach and stayed the night, sleeping on the floor, i enjoyed, not knocking him or anything, it was nice to sleep on the floor, he tried giving me more blankets to put underneath me, but i wanted to sleep on the hard floor, it's been awhile. I got to eat at Utopia finally, and got to see Purdue for the first time, i had a good time, Zach took pictures, I took some pictures as well, though my flash on my new camera is dead, grrrr. So i want to buy a camera, a nice camera, but if i am going to spend $600 on a still camera, i might as well get a camcorder for that price yo. Hmm, any input? As i said in my blog before i didn't go into ALCO on sunday, well i did, but I saw George then quickly left without anyone noticing, ha. I saw the school's play only because people were pounding it out of me, it was alright, short, but still worth it. My mom raised me on liking plays, even musicals, did she want me to be gay or just trying to cultivate me? Basically i did a lot of driving in those days, and a lot of driving around town on sunday without cause Then it was Monday...
I took that long trip down to Muncie to see Brooke at the Academy. Talk about a trip, lordy I almost died trying to get on 69North from 465, i mean it was all my fault, well, partly the sign places for not telling me about the exit til 1/2 mile from it and having me switch in 4 different lanes the whole time, but i made it there, in 2 and a half hours mind you, and it was really easy to get to her dorm/quad/place of staying. I would say it was probably the easiest college campus i have drove around in, then agian it's safe to say that BSU is a small college, not small, but small mediocre size, not a Purdue or UofM. Well she showed me around down there and i like Bennie, some statue thingy, i got more gloomy day pics. Brooke and I worked everyting out, well i hope, and we are good now, i hope it stays like that. Muncie is a hole, it has an Aldi's and Big Lots, damn ghetto hole. Well on the way back i realized i was alredy in Lafeyette and it had only been one hour, good god i made it home from BSU in 2 hours, and i like to go slowly at night due to the darkness, ha!
Well time to play catch up, or ketchup, or cats up, or sex, whatever. Well over the weekEND a lot happened, but what i will say is only part....I visited Zach and stayed the night, sleeping on the floor, i enjoyed, not knocking him or anything, it was nice to sleep on the floor, he tried giving me more blankets to put underneath me, but i wanted to sleep on the hard floor, it's been awhile. I got to eat at Utopia finally, and got to see Purdue for the first time, i had a good time, Zach took pictures, I took some pictures as well, though my flash on my new camera is dead, grrrr. So i want to buy a camera, a nice camera, but if i am going to spend $600 on a still camera, i might as well get a camcorder for that price yo. Hmm, any input? As i said in my blog before i didn't go into ALCO on sunday, well i did, but I saw George then quickly left without anyone noticing, ha. I saw the school's play only because people were pounding it out of me, it was alright, short, but still worth it. My mom raised me on liking plays, even musicals, did she want me to be gay or just trying to cultivate me? Basically i did a lot of driving in those days, and a lot of driving around town on sunday without cause Then it was Monday...
I took that long trip down to Muncie to see Brooke at the Academy. Talk about a trip, lordy I almost died trying to get on 69North from 465, i mean it was all my fault, well, partly the sign places for not telling me about the exit til 1/2 mile from it and having me switch in 4 different lanes the whole time, but i made it there, in 2 and a half hours mind you, and it was really easy to get to her dorm/quad/place of staying. I would say it was probably the easiest college campus i have drove around in, then agian it's safe to say that BSU is a small college, not small, but small mediocre size, not a Purdue or UofM. Well she showed me around down there and i like Bennie, some statue thingy, i got more gloomy day pics. Brooke and I worked everyting out, well i hope, and we are good now, i hope it stays like that. Muncie is a hole, it has an Aldi's and Big Lots, damn ghetto hole. Well on the way back i realized i was alredy in Lafeyette and it had only been one hour, good god i made it home from BSU in 2 hours, and i like to go slowly at night due to the darkness, ha!
Sunday, November 10, 2002
Time Will Fly
Well I found out I have til next year or so before we are out of this house. Yeah, basically we are here til after X-Mas. At least now I have a time frame. Hmm, what to do what to do. Well, maybe I could do like Zach, leave this town of Hell, I mean Lowell, head out somewhere, Lafayette, Muncie,... get a job and apartment there, but who knows, all this is crazy to me. Well, if anyone wants to influence me, go right ahead, I'll take all the input possible, find me jobs, apartments for any part in the world, i'll take it. til then
Well I found out I have til next year or so before we are out of this house. Yeah, basically we are here til after X-Mas. At least now I have a time frame. Hmm, what to do what to do. Well, maybe I could do like Zach, leave this town of Hell, I mean Lowell, head out somewhere, Lafayette, Muncie,... get a job and apartment there, but who knows, all this is crazy to me. Well, if anyone wants to influence me, go right ahead, I'll take all the input possible, find me jobs, apartments for any part in the world, i'll take it. til then
Friday, November 08, 2002
Am I getting the 6th Man Award?
So I noticed on the ALCO schedule my name has moved, but not in a good way. For the managers we have a little setup that goes from longest/most important from top to bottom. George only gets put on the top because unfortunaly he has the title of store manager. Next is Donna, true second in command, next is Sharon, onlt because of longevity, next should rightly come me, has before, but as of lately he has put Judy in front of me, which would make me 5th. Now we all love Judy, at times, but she can't perform half as nearly operations as myself, granted she has "been there" since the store opened (one day a month worker). I didn't complain until now. Tony K. is now ahead of me, sure he has been there for 3 years, but only a group manager for 3 months, agian can't perform as much as me, and can't even dress nicely for a manger's position, and George hates his laugh. So that makes me last and least, worthless number 6. Well from now on we'll just see what number 6 will do. That's right, nothing, piss me off, i'll do nothing, i'm not good enough. No office work for me to do. I'll stand around twiddling my thumbs, why not, i'm the loser leftover. Well i suppose it's alright, it'll be the last time HE puts my name on the schedule.....
So I noticed on the ALCO schedule my name has moved, but not in a good way. For the managers we have a little setup that goes from longest/most important from top to bottom. George only gets put on the top because unfortunaly he has the title of store manager. Next is Donna, true second in command, next is Sharon, onlt because of longevity, next should rightly come me, has before, but as of lately he has put Judy in front of me, which would make me 5th. Now we all love Judy, at times, but she can't perform half as nearly operations as myself, granted she has "been there" since the store opened (one day a month worker). I didn't complain until now. Tony K. is now ahead of me, sure he has been there for 3 years, but only a group manager for 3 months, agian can't perform as much as me, and can't even dress nicely for a manger's position, and George hates his laugh. So that makes me last and least, worthless number 6. Well from now on we'll just see what number 6 will do. That's right, nothing, piss me off, i'll do nothing, i'm not good enough. No office work for me to do. I'll stand around twiddling my thumbs, why not, i'm the loser leftover. Well i suppose it's alright, it'll be the last time HE puts my name on the schedule.....
A Clockwork Blue
If we could turn back the clock for just a second to this time last week, approximatly, where in i made the comment how i was planning to do something crazy/outrageous/whatever in a week. It was fueled, if not ignited last Saturday and finalized as a complete action(s) to be on Sunday. The intensity of such crazed event was magnified when i came to realize that as of Friday at 4 i was not due back to work till 11 on Sunday. Throughout this week i have been changing my thoughts and intuitions as to what i could possible do, but the main basis for the notion was still the same, outlandishenss.One hint I will gove to you the reader is that I won't be in on that fatefilled Sunday to ALCO at 11, i'll be too wrapped up in my weekEND. Should you be worried, yes; should you be fearful, depends who you are; should you be prepared, no I like it better that way. And a word of advice, don't come looking for me, you won't find me; don't try calling me, i won't answer; if you do happen to see me this weekend, don't consider yourselves lucky. I know i'll be enjoying my weekEND, won't you???
If we could turn back the clock for just a second to this time last week, approximatly, where in i made the comment how i was planning to do something crazy/outrageous/whatever in a week. It was fueled, if not ignited last Saturday and finalized as a complete action(s) to be on Sunday. The intensity of such crazed event was magnified when i came to realize that as of Friday at 4 i was not due back to work till 11 on Sunday. Throughout this week i have been changing my thoughts and intuitions as to what i could possible do, but the main basis for the notion was still the same, outlandishenss.One hint I will gove to you the reader is that I won't be in on that fatefilled Sunday to ALCO at 11, i'll be too wrapped up in my weekEND. Should you be worried, yes; should you be fearful, depends who you are; should you be prepared, no I like it better that way. And a word of advice, don't come looking for me, you won't find me; don't try calling me, i won't answer; if you do happen to see me this weekend, don't consider yourselves lucky. I know i'll be enjoying my weekEND, won't you???
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Well , I had some stuff to say, but it is way too early for me, haven't had any sleep, and am a little disorrientated. now this is upseting me, why can't i remember, and don't say it wasn't important. Hmmm, oh, one thoguht on my mind would be if i were to commit suicide i would be the first ot die from the 2001 class, how sweet would that be? Zach always talks about who will be first, might be a title worth holding....George said something to me as i left his apartment yesterday, " alright, well be good....i heard you are" that was a little disturbing to me, i guess it's better than him saying, "i know you are", but still the fact remains, how would he get such information? I'd surely like to know who i was good with and when, i mean it's not like i have had but one person in my life for the past 2 years, ,and nothing before that...bastard, probably just fucking with me. I hate him, though he will love this statement, i also hope he loves the bloody nose i gave him. why must i be such a violent person....oh, maybe because harm is the only way to correct continious shittyness. now i'm not saying vilonece should be the first reaction, althoguh we seem to all think it is at times, or at least feels right. start slowly, then bust a kneecap or two. Yeah, i should have been in the mafia, always wanted to be. Had i stayed living in Lynwood i would have gone to work at The White Rose Inn, a local high class resturant operated by a gang. ....I just realized that i work from 8 to 4 Friday at ALCO and don't work agian til Sunday @ 11 at ALCO, i have Friday night and Saturday off, wow, amazing. I should go somewhere, but where wants me is the question. I did have a trip south planned out, but that kinda fanned out. Maybe further south? why would i go anywhere for just a day, i just have to come back to my hell on Earth called life. And what';s with this sudden boom of Blog-age, all these people now have blogs: Brooke, Vince, Lucille, Kendall, and the list continues, oh well, such is a thing, good luck to all those, and keep up on the up keep. I'm done talking in circles, out.
Well , I had some stuff to say, but it is way too early for me, haven't had any sleep, and am a little disorrientated. now this is upseting me, why can't i remember, and don't say it wasn't important. Hmmm, oh, one thoguht on my mind would be if i were to commit suicide i would be the first ot die from the 2001 class, how sweet would that be? Zach always talks about who will be first, might be a title worth holding....George said something to me as i left his apartment yesterday, " alright, well be good....i heard you are" that was a little disturbing to me, i guess it's better than him saying, "i know you are", but still the fact remains, how would he get such information? I'd surely like to know who i was good with and when, i mean it's not like i have had but one person in my life for the past 2 years, ,and nothing before that...bastard, probably just fucking with me. I hate him, though he will love this statement, i also hope he loves the bloody nose i gave him. why must i be such a violent person....oh, maybe because harm is the only way to correct continious shittyness. now i'm not saying vilonece should be the first reaction, althoguh we seem to all think it is at times, or at least feels right. start slowly, then bust a kneecap or two. Yeah, i should have been in the mafia, always wanted to be. Had i stayed living in Lynwood i would have gone to work at The White Rose Inn, a local high class resturant operated by a gang. ....I just realized that i work from 8 to 4 Friday at ALCO and don't work agian til Sunday @ 11 at ALCO, i have Friday night and Saturday off, wow, amazing. I should go somewhere, but where wants me is the question. I did have a trip south planned out, but that kinda fanned out. Maybe further south? why would i go anywhere for just a day, i just have to come back to my hell on Earth called life. And what';s with this sudden boom of Blog-age, all these people now have blogs: Brooke, Vince, Lucille, Kendall, and the list continues, oh well, such is a thing, good luck to all those, and keep up on the up keep. I'm done talking in circles, out.
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
November 5th 1955
Of course all the majot BTTF buffs hold this date in their hearts. If you have no idea as to what i am talking about, you need to be drug out into the street and shot gang-lnace style. sorry. here's a little fun fact:
November 5 was the same date of time travel in Time After Time (1979), which is the story of H.G. Wells following Jack the Ripper from the late 19th Century to San Francisco of 1979. It stars Part III's Mary Steenburgen as a woman Wells meets in 1979 November 5 is also BTTF co-creator Bob Gale's father's birthday. In fact, Bob's father inspired the original movie, in a way. While looking at his father's high school yearbook, Bob wondered - if he went back in time and he and his father were the same age, would they be friends?
Well I can't wait for December 17th to arrive, I will have a BTTF overload and have no idea what to watch first, commentary, deleted scenes, ..., whoa.
Of course all the majot BTTF buffs hold this date in their hearts. If you have no idea as to what i am talking about, you need to be drug out into the street and shot gang-lnace style. sorry. here's a little fun fact:
November 5 was the same date of time travel in Time After Time (1979), which is the story of H.G. Wells following Jack the Ripper from the late 19th Century to San Francisco of 1979. It stars Part III's Mary Steenburgen as a woman Wells meets in 1979 November 5 is also BTTF co-creator Bob Gale's father's birthday. In fact, Bob's father inspired the original movie, in a way. While looking at his father's high school yearbook, Bob wondered - if he went back in time and he and his father were the same age, would they be friends?
Well I can't wait for December 17th to arrive, I will have a BTTF overload and have no idea what to watch first, commentary, deleted scenes, ..., whoa.
Monday, November 04, 2002
What's the Difference Between a House and a Home?
Well, looks like I am the new "Zach Baiel", yes, I am being kicked out of my own home. But it's not just me, it's my mom as well. You heard correct, the whole family is being thrown out on the streets, thanks to crooked lawyers and evil people. So now I must go apartment hunting, if i wish. what to do what to do, oh what to do. I don't know what else i got left here. Does anybody want to live with me, i'm never home, basically it will be a place to rest my head for a couple hours a day. Oh yeah,. and my mom will be going to Misourri more than likely, so i am here all alone. Where do i go from here? Do i make a trip to California like Zach would have wanted? Or maybe go East. Hmmm, do i change my whole identity, fake my death, or actually do die? So many decisions, so little time. Oh well, such is life, so you on the other side
Well, looks like I am the new "Zach Baiel", yes, I am being kicked out of my own home. But it's not just me, it's my mom as well. You heard correct, the whole family is being thrown out on the streets, thanks to crooked lawyers and evil people. So now I must go apartment hunting, if i wish. what to do what to do, oh what to do. I don't know what else i got left here. Does anybody want to live with me, i'm never home, basically it will be a place to rest my head for a couple hours a day. Oh yeah,. and my mom will be going to Misourri more than likely, so i am here all alone. Where do i go from here? Do i make a trip to California like Zach would have wanted? Or maybe go East. Hmmm, do i change my whole identity, fake my death, or actually do die? So many decisions, so little time. Oh well, such is life, so you on the other side
Sunday, November 03, 2002
Just Some Thoughts...
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don't matter, anyhow
An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don't know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and I'll be gone
You're the reason I'm trav'lin' on
Don't think twice, it's all right
It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
An' it ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
I'm on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there was somethin' you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin' anyway
So don't think twice, it's all right
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
Like you never did before
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
I can't hear you any more
I'm a-thinkin' and a-wond'rin' all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child I'm told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
But don't think twice, it's all right
I'm walkin' down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where I'm bound, I can't tell
But goodbye's too good a word, gal
So I'll just say fare thee well
I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don't mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don't think twice, it's all right
~Bobby D~
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don't matter, anyhow
An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don't know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and I'll be gone
You're the reason I'm trav'lin' on
Don't think twice, it's all right
It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
An' it ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe
I'm on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there was somethin' you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin' anyway
So don't think twice, it's all right
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
Like you never did before
It ain't no use in callin' out my name, gal
I can't hear you any more
I'm a-thinkin' and a-wond'rin' all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child I'm told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
But don't think twice, it's all right
I'm walkin' down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where I'm bound, I can't tell
But goodbye's too good a word, gal
So I'll just say fare thee well
I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don't mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don't think twice, it's all right
~Bobby D~
Saturday, November 02, 2002
Taste of Wilco, more than food to sample....
So after work last night/this morning we decided to go to RtC, hell yes Donna. she got to pick the place and she loces RtC, almost as much as i do, so we ate there, but we had that really bad old lady waitress, pissed me off. Not much really happened there, mike was actually able to decypher a page out of my journal book thingy and added some comments and insight, i was amazed. let's just say he knows rfish girl. So i went home, tidied up around my room, though you can't really tel and headed out towards the plazza. I realized it was Wilco's sample day and decided I had to go and eat for free! Well i arrived shortly after 10 and that was when it was supposed to begin, but they were still setting up, and while the coke guy harassed me i met up with Jamander. You know i actually enjoyed his company, never spent more than 5 minutes with the kid, but by the end of our stay he was boasting how we were seperated at birth, though years apart. well we walked around, he seemed to know a lot of people there, or maybe that's just him. we met up with some girl who dated duncan, and after careful thought, it's all being pieced together, but we don't know each other. she thought it was odd that i knew him for 3 years and we never met, i don't know people, not even when i meet them face to face once, i don't meddle in others afairs. what i thoghut was funny is when she asked my name i said jason angus she had no clue, then i said, well maybe just angus will ring a bell, then she knew. damn i hate people, and the fact that i am known by my last name. well jamander and i left, that was at noon, only for nate and i to return at 430 or so. Nate liked the fact that everyone there knew me, he said i should run for office, i was well humored. There was a girl giving away pepsi blue, i loved her for it even though the vanilla coke cures cancer...anyways i called her amandal after reading her name on her jacket. most of the vender/sampler people were from the dance team/pom squad and like 12, well older but you get the idea. Wehn we told Mike F about the little shin dig social event gonig on next door he literally knocked me down and ran outside, but we were a little late, the shut down promptly at 5 and it was already going on 517. instead i got him a free taco from taco bell when he went on his break. Around 7 teresa came in to tell me that we shouldn't see (see as in be around see, not date see) each other and how i shouldn't be with someone like her. freaked me out, who ever said anything about dating/seeing/whatever with her, we talked about duncan and that was it, strange people...but she gave me all her contact information as well, sounds like a movie or for nate's sake, a sitcom where in at that point the crowd would yell, "watch out Angus!" Later we built a huge stack of X-Mas lights in Jenga formation. I took pictures, commented that no human being could stack boxes of lights like that, mike shook a stick at the 24,000+ lights, then we had the Jenga competion between nate and mike. i got some great pics and a crowd did form. not much else really happened for the night, jimmy never showed up at the store, that pissed george off and we all parted to our respected places of rest. And so i say good night to all of you.....
So after work last night/this morning we decided to go to RtC, hell yes Donna. she got to pick the place and she loces RtC, almost as much as i do, so we ate there, but we had that really bad old lady waitress, pissed me off. Not much really happened there, mike was actually able to decypher a page out of my journal book thingy and added some comments and insight, i was amazed. let's just say he knows rfish girl. So i went home, tidied up around my room, though you can't really tel and headed out towards the plazza. I realized it was Wilco's sample day and decided I had to go and eat for free! Well i arrived shortly after 10 and that was when it was supposed to begin, but they were still setting up, and while the coke guy harassed me i met up with Jamander. You know i actually enjoyed his company, never spent more than 5 minutes with the kid, but by the end of our stay he was boasting how we were seperated at birth, though years apart. well we walked around, he seemed to know a lot of people there, or maybe that's just him. we met up with some girl who dated duncan, and after careful thought, it's all being pieced together, but we don't know each other. she thought it was odd that i knew him for 3 years and we never met, i don't know people, not even when i meet them face to face once, i don't meddle in others afairs. what i thoghut was funny is when she asked my name i said jason angus she had no clue, then i said, well maybe just angus will ring a bell, then she knew. damn i hate people, and the fact that i am known by my last name. well jamander and i left, that was at noon, only for nate and i to return at 430 or so. Nate liked the fact that everyone there knew me, he said i should run for office, i was well humored. There was a girl giving away pepsi blue, i loved her for it even though the vanilla coke cures cancer...anyways i called her amandal after reading her name on her jacket. most of the vender/sampler people were from the dance team/pom squad and like 12, well older but you get the idea. Wehn we told Mike F about the little shin dig social event gonig on next door he literally knocked me down and ran outside, but we were a little late, the shut down promptly at 5 and it was already going on 517. instead i got him a free taco from taco bell when he went on his break. Around 7 teresa came in to tell me that we shouldn't see (see as in be around see, not date see) each other and how i shouldn't be with someone like her. freaked me out, who ever said anything about dating/seeing/whatever with her, we talked about duncan and that was it, strange people...but she gave me all her contact information as well, sounds like a movie or for nate's sake, a sitcom where in at that point the crowd would yell, "watch out Angus!" Later we built a huge stack of X-Mas lights in Jenga formation. I took pictures, commented that no human being could stack boxes of lights like that, mike shook a stick at the 24,000+ lights, then we had the Jenga competion between nate and mike. i got some great pics and a crowd did form. not much else really happened for the night, jimmy never showed up at the store, that pissed george off and we all parted to our respected places of rest. And so i say good night to all of you.....
Friday, November 01, 2002
"No, stuff sucks"
Yeah, so I am in this mood, it seems that i can almost write some songs right about now, maybe it's time for another story.
Well, I'm getting ready to leave ALC for my nap/break/rest and George just turns on me. He statrs flipping out and yelling, "God damn i fucking hate you, i fucking hate Jason Angus" Beats me why, i didn't say anything, i was just getting ready and asled why my coat kept getting moved. Then he says, "I hope i don't retunr from ohio this weekend, i hope i die, so that my last workds to you would be, i fucking hate you jason angus" i hope he doesn't think this will get to me, because it won't, if anything that kinda brings a smile to my face. the fact that he got pissed at me for no reason whatsoever and said he hated me. HA! Hell, i'd want to be the last image in his mind as he gets into an accident or whatever it is he will do to die this weekend. Though i am not the cause of his death, that would be the ultimate: me causing anyone's death, it's still something to think about, and i soo would go to the funeral. I don't think he would be able to get into heaven with such a grudge in him, hmmmmm.
So get this, Jenny, the friend of George's that reminds him of me, will make in one day, a 6 hour shift, as much as i make in one week working 70 hours. That sickens me, think about it for a 1/12 of my week's work schedule she's equivalent to me. God, if that doesn't make me want to end my life i don't know what would.....You can't always get what you want, but people will die trying for it. I am literally killing myself with this terrible scheduling i am putting myself through, and for what? money? damn this capitalistic soceity. Working 70+ hours a week was a lot easier when i worked at Costas and ALCO, my schedule was from 8 to 10, all day, and the stores were moments apart, but now i got this night shift shit and it's just no good. I should have stayed at Costas at this rate, if it weren't a hole of a store, going out of business and just plain shitty. I'm a good, hard worker, willing to work 60 hours a week to receive a nice fat paycheck, but i'll never have anything like that. Everybody else will succeed and i will stay in my cesspool of working in minimun wage jobs. God i suck. I have failed and that is all i can continue to do. I don't even know anymore what i want, I give myself this illusion that i actually like working these crazy hours and putting in 70 hours a week, at least i have tricked myself in some what of a good way, it's something i need to do. What, what could i possible do. oh, i just realized this isn't my personal journal, sorry, you don't care. ok, the only two things i could possible ask for this X-mas would be my death or winning the lottery, solves my problems either way. but these a such quick fixes, we're supposed to work for what we get, which kinda ties into "you can't get what you want, you get what you deserve thing". Haven't i worked hard enough, don't i deserve something? And people wonder why i hate religon. blow me. one day i tell you, i will go insane, won't that be fun? hmmmmm anything else? Bob Dylan's Po Boy? sure....
Yeah, so I am in this mood, it seems that i can almost write some songs right about now, maybe it's time for another story.
Well, I'm getting ready to leave ALC for my nap/break/rest and George just turns on me. He statrs flipping out and yelling, "God damn i fucking hate you, i fucking hate Jason Angus" Beats me why, i didn't say anything, i was just getting ready and asled why my coat kept getting moved. Then he says, "I hope i don't retunr from ohio this weekend, i hope i die, so that my last workds to you would be, i fucking hate you jason angus" i hope he doesn't think this will get to me, because it won't, if anything that kinda brings a smile to my face. the fact that he got pissed at me for no reason whatsoever and said he hated me. HA! Hell, i'd want to be the last image in his mind as he gets into an accident or whatever it is he will do to die this weekend. Though i am not the cause of his death, that would be the ultimate: me causing anyone's death, it's still something to think about, and i soo would go to the funeral. I don't think he would be able to get into heaven with such a grudge in him, hmmmmm.
So get this, Jenny, the friend of George's that reminds him of me, will make in one day, a 6 hour shift, as much as i make in one week working 70 hours. That sickens me, think about it for a 1/12 of my week's work schedule she's equivalent to me. God, if that doesn't make me want to end my life i don't know what would.....You can't always get what you want, but people will die trying for it. I am literally killing myself with this terrible scheduling i am putting myself through, and for what? money? damn this capitalistic soceity. Working 70+ hours a week was a lot easier when i worked at Costas and ALCO, my schedule was from 8 to 10, all day, and the stores were moments apart, but now i got this night shift shit and it's just no good. I should have stayed at Costas at this rate, if it weren't a hole of a store, going out of business and just plain shitty. I'm a good, hard worker, willing to work 60 hours a week to receive a nice fat paycheck, but i'll never have anything like that. Everybody else will succeed and i will stay in my cesspool of working in minimun wage jobs. God i suck. I have failed and that is all i can continue to do. I don't even know anymore what i want, I give myself this illusion that i actually like working these crazy hours and putting in 70 hours a week, at least i have tricked myself in some what of a good way, it's something i need to do. What, what could i possible do. oh, i just realized this isn't my personal journal, sorry, you don't care. ok, the only two things i could possible ask for this X-mas would be my death or winning the lottery, solves my problems either way. but these a such quick fixes, we're supposed to work for what we get, which kinda ties into "you can't get what you want, you get what you deserve thing". Haven't i worked hard enough, don't i deserve something? And people wonder why i hate religon. blow me. one day i tell you, i will go insane, won't that be fun? hmmmmm anything else? Bob Dylan's Po Boy? sure....
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Moonlight Madness & ALCO at it's Worst
So this Wednesday night was ALCO's little open til 10, 20% off crap-a-thon and employess could dress up but nobody did...well....the story goes something like this.......
George called me up to the service desk, and i immediatly questioned as to what he possible needed, i was just up there. I saw Kay from George's Resturant, Victor's girlfriend, at the register thinking maybe that's why he called me up. so i naturally came behind the desk and asked what George need me for. Then all of a sudden i heard, clunk clunk clunk, i turn and look, but it's too late, Donna is walking behind the desk trapping me in...and she's donning a full out clown costume, faced painted and everything. Panik hits me like a bucket of water, i just stood there, frozen in a catatonic state, my smile was still plastered on my face that's how froze i was. i could barley look at her, she stood behind me for several minutes, i did face her, touched her nose, looked at her feet, then she left. Then they called Kim up to the desk but only on the side, so when donna apporached she ran into elsectronics, i then flipped over the service desk and ran to kelsey's side on register 1. I then made the comment that i have never felt so sick before in my life and ran out to Wilco. I bought a 2 lite of pop and went into the pharmacy to talk with Tina. There was another clown behind the courtesy booth, but didn't have a painted face so it wasn't as scary, i was telling tina, so as i left and turned the corner out of Fagen's, i literally bumped into the damn clown. I yelped, than ran out of the store back to ALCO. I went to the office and balled my eyes out for a good 10 minutes, i hyperventilated and my body was tingling, my lips, nose, fingers, stomache, all tingling, it was insane. later i met up with Kim who had made her way to the bathroom and was puking the whole time. We held each other in the breakroom in fear of what could still be out there. It really put a damper on the evening. God damn i fucking hate clowns!!!
So this Wednesday night was ALCO's little open til 10, 20% off crap-a-thon and employess could dress up but nobody did...well....the story goes something like this.......
George called me up to the service desk, and i immediatly questioned as to what he possible needed, i was just up there. I saw Kay from George's Resturant, Victor's girlfriend, at the register thinking maybe that's why he called me up. so i naturally came behind the desk and asked what George need me for. Then all of a sudden i heard, clunk clunk clunk, i turn and look, but it's too late, Donna is walking behind the desk trapping me in...and she's donning a full out clown costume, faced painted and everything. Panik hits me like a bucket of water, i just stood there, frozen in a catatonic state, my smile was still plastered on my face that's how froze i was. i could barley look at her, she stood behind me for several minutes, i did face her, touched her nose, looked at her feet, then she left. Then they called Kim up to the desk but only on the side, so when donna apporached she ran into elsectronics, i then flipped over the service desk and ran to kelsey's side on register 1. I then made the comment that i have never felt so sick before in my life and ran out to Wilco. I bought a 2 lite of pop and went into the pharmacy to talk with Tina. There was another clown behind the courtesy booth, but didn't have a painted face so it wasn't as scary, i was telling tina, so as i left and turned the corner out of Fagen's, i literally bumped into the damn clown. I yelped, than ran out of the store back to ALCO. I went to the office and balled my eyes out for a good 10 minutes, i hyperventilated and my body was tingling, my lips, nose, fingers, stomache, all tingling, it was insane. later i met up with Kim who had made her way to the bathroom and was puking the whole time. We held each other in the breakroom in fear of what could still be out there. It really put a damper on the evening. God damn i fucking hate clowns!!!
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Nothing for Nothing
So not much to say really, when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose, yeah i suppose that's true? i work 19 miles away from my house, give or take. I can make it there in around 25 minutes. You'd think by now i'd learn the route or something, or buildings, or something, nope. All i know is that around 7ish in the morning a Pepsi truck is heading south on Indianapolis Blvd after Target and usually turns left onto 30. Oh, the Amoco gas station next to the McDonald's in Cedar Lake is changing into a BP, hell yes i say!!! Well that makes Barcus wrong, who said it wouldn't be changing over for a few years at least, lest it's getting a face lift....into a BP. Now if only it had those really cool pumps i like ever so much. And speaking of that landmark, i can make it from there to my house in 7 minutes, yeah i rock. you know what sucks, i lost my remote starter for my Lucille, and it's turning winter, insert sad face here, oh well on the bright side i learned how to use my key for my door, and how it can open juts that door or all my doors depending on what i do with the key, how K-Rad! ouch, just ran my hands through my hair, bye bye devil horns, my hair feels really nasty, yes, lather rinse repeat i will. the deal at KFC is good, made me happy, i think. Hmmm, stuff sucks. I think that is all i got, well, i got nothing, so yeah, that's all.......
So not much to say really, when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose, yeah i suppose that's true? i work 19 miles away from my house, give or take. I can make it there in around 25 minutes. You'd think by now i'd learn the route or something, or buildings, or something, nope. All i know is that around 7ish in the morning a Pepsi truck is heading south on Indianapolis Blvd after Target and usually turns left onto 30. Oh, the Amoco gas station next to the McDonald's in Cedar Lake is changing into a BP, hell yes i say!!! Well that makes Barcus wrong, who said it wouldn't be changing over for a few years at least, lest it's getting a face lift....into a BP. Now if only it had those really cool pumps i like ever so much. And speaking of that landmark, i can make it from there to my house in 7 minutes, yeah i rock. you know what sucks, i lost my remote starter for my Lucille, and it's turning winter, insert sad face here, oh well on the bright side i learned how to use my key for my door, and how it can open juts that door or all my doors depending on what i do with the key, how K-Rad! ouch, just ran my hands through my hair, bye bye devil horns, my hair feels really nasty, yes, lather rinse repeat i will. the deal at KFC is good, made me happy, i think. Hmmm, stuff sucks. I think that is all i got, well, i got nothing, so yeah, that's all.......
Sunday, October 27, 2002
Ok, my thought of the day thus far, seeings how it is only 7am right now, is i wished somebody would have told me about Day Lights Savings Time a little bit earlier. How is one who lives in his murky basement supposed to keep up on these current events? And no, I'm not stupid, it just seems as though I'm the last to receive this type of information.
So i'll leave you with a thought of the day: Advertising signs that con you into thinking you're the one that can do what's never been done, that can win what's never been won, meantime life outside goes on all around you.
Of course, It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Bleeding
Ok, my thought of the day thus far, seeings how it is only 7am right now, is i wished somebody would have told me about Day Lights Savings Time a little bit earlier. How is one who lives in his murky basement supposed to keep up on these current events? And no, I'm not stupid, it just seems as though I'm the last to receive this type of information.
So i'll leave you with a thought of the day: Advertising signs that con you into thinking you're the one that can do what's never been done, that can win what's never been won, meantime life outside goes on all around you.
Of course, It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Bleeding
Saturday, October 26, 2002
It's Just a SHOT Away!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.It's just a Shot away. I've got an LRT, it's just a shot away,it's just a shot away.War, children, rape, murder, it's just a shot away, gimme shelter, it's just a shot away....... Wild Horses,,,Wild horses, couldn't drag me away, unless they were Paso Finos which I still have yet to figure out what they are.Wild wild horses we'll ride them someday........ Walk on your tip-toes, don't try No-Dose, but it's a kidna hard when working at Target after close, better stay away from those who carry around a firehose, keep a clean nose, watch the plain clothes, you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows, instead get a weather pixie to do a pose...... You'll Never Make a Saint a Me. Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!! yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah? You don't have to mean it, i swear, you just got to say it anyway, i just need to hear those words for me. dripping from your lips, play with me baby, you don't have to mean it, whisper in my ear, can this get any more sexual?maybe, but i won't get into the lemon song.... huh? my hand smells like syrup. i'm looking forward to RtC tomorrow night. Why didn't anyone from work call me in today, i slept for too long. I don't like it when people call me in the morning requesting rides back to valpo, especially when my ass just laid back down. my computer keeps restaring, that's not cool. I'm out, out of control. i'm dying of thirst. well the moral of this story, the moral of this blog, is simply that one should never be where one does not belong. so if you see your neighbor carrying something, help him with his load, and don't go mistaking paradise for that home across the road........
PS I'd just like to appologize for the last ramble
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.It's just a Shot away. I've got an LRT, it's just a shot away,it's just a shot away.War, children, rape, murder, it's just a shot away, gimme shelter, it's just a shot away....... Wild Horses,,,Wild horses, couldn't drag me away, unless they were Paso Finos which I still have yet to figure out what they are.Wild wild horses we'll ride them someday........ Walk on your tip-toes, don't try No-Dose, but it's a kidna hard when working at Target after close, better stay away from those who carry around a firehose, keep a clean nose, watch the plain clothes, you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows, instead get a weather pixie to do a pose...... You'll Never Make a Saint a Me. Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!! yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah? You don't have to mean it, i swear, you just got to say it anyway, i just need to hear those words for me. dripping from your lips, play with me baby, you don't have to mean it, whisper in my ear, can this get any more sexual?maybe, but i won't get into the lemon song.... huh? my hand smells like syrup. i'm looking forward to RtC tomorrow night. Why didn't anyone from work call me in today, i slept for too long. I don't like it when people call me in the morning requesting rides back to valpo, especially when my ass just laid back down. my computer keeps restaring, that's not cool. I'm out, out of control. i'm dying of thirst. well the moral of this story, the moral of this blog, is simply that one should never be where one does not belong. so if you see your neighbor carrying something, help him with his load, and don't go mistaking paradise for that home across the road........
PS I'd just like to appologize for the last ramble
Friday, October 25, 2002
Another Day, Another Dollar...
So i can't really say much happened today...other than the fact that after work this morning becca from work and i went to eat at Steak and Shake at 5ish and stayed there til 9! I guess it's just one of those things that can happen when either party doesn't know each other at all, maybe it takes a little bit of knowing til the annoyance/all i can take factor sets in, or maybe we were both too timid to say hey, "hey we've been here too long, let's go", or something of the sorts. We made up this really cool thing by accident, well i'll explain more once the pictures are devoloped, i know Zach will be waiting. So as for my job at Target, i'm still enjoying it. The work is easy enough to do, it's entertaining-they let me use this thing called an LRT, it's a laser gunlike device, so i basically play with that all night. Granted the land of high is a 19 mile drive that i can make in 25 minutes give or take, i do get paid $8.00 an hour, happy times. And besides all that i like the people i work with, i mean we go out for breakfast in the morning what could be better? And my mothe still has no idea about my second job. Although she did kinda question me tonight about not being home all night and not arriving til after 9. she has no clue, then agian she also thinks i'm not a virgin and has sex, mothers....
As for the rest of my day, it basically was there..i slept for an extended period of time, the Valpo thing fell through, I ended up going to work at ALCO from 6 to 9 and getting home and falling alseep til 3am. Yeppers. well it is 5 now and i want to go back to sleep, yet i also want to finish cleaning/organizing/rearranging my that will ever get done. oh well goodnight
So i can't really say much happened today...other than the fact that after work this morning becca from work and i went to eat at Steak and Shake at 5ish and stayed there til 9! I guess it's just one of those things that can happen when either party doesn't know each other at all, maybe it takes a little bit of knowing til the annoyance/all i can take factor sets in, or maybe we were both too timid to say hey, "hey we've been here too long, let's go", or something of the sorts. We made up this really cool thing by accident, well i'll explain more once the pictures are devoloped, i know Zach will be waiting. So as for my job at Target, i'm still enjoying it. The work is easy enough to do, it's entertaining-they let me use this thing called an LRT, it's a laser gunlike device, so i basically play with that all night. Granted the land of high is a 19 mile drive that i can make in 25 minutes give or take, i do get paid $8.00 an hour, happy times. And besides all that i like the people i work with, i mean we go out for breakfast in the morning what could be better? And my mothe still has no idea about my second job. Although she did kinda question me tonight about not being home all night and not arriving til after 9. she has no clue, then agian she also thinks i'm not a virgin and has sex, mothers....
As for the rest of my day, it basically was there..i slept for an extended period of time, the Valpo thing fell through, I ended up going to work at ALCO from 6 to 9 and getting home and falling alseep til 3am. Yeppers. well it is 5 now and i want to go back to sleep, yet i also want to finish cleaning/organizing/rearranging my that will ever get done. oh well goodnight
Thursday, October 24, 2002
The Day that Never Seems to End......
Ok, so I can't update when I have no time at all, not even 3 seconds at home and that's about it. Yesterday into today i had the longest day possible. I work at ALCO from 1 to 915pm or so, then my nightly job from 1030pm to 5am, after work we played baseball and went to eat at RtC, hell yes I like this group of people. then it was on my way back to ALCO and work from 8am to 4pm. Oh yes, i am wore out to say the least. So that is one of the reasons i have not been updating, i haven't had the time, literally, not even to sleep. I'm sorry if i made anybody mad **coughzackcough**.
--Side note--on the way back to lowell this morning i was going down 173rd, the back way avoiding rt 2, and as i came to the intersection of 173rd and parish, which i think finally has is fixed bridge and all, yeaaaaa, i rolled through the stop sign as i normally, for those who don't travel down 173, there's a cop that likes to park his squad car facing the road, to make people slow down and whatnot. Well needless to say as i got closer to the car i realized his lights were on and he was ni fact in his car, as i drove by he pulled out behind me. So i naturally started getting my stories together, getting out my license and registration and doing the speed limit. I make it to Nichols and turn right, i'm thinking he's going to wait until we can safely pull to the side of the road, well this mother fucker turns left. Ha, i got out of that one i must say, oh so close, but we all know i'll roll it agian.
Ok, so I can't update when I have no time at all, not even 3 seconds at home and that's about it. Yesterday into today i had the longest day possible. I work at ALCO from 1 to 915pm or so, then my nightly job from 1030pm to 5am, after work we played baseball and went to eat at RtC, hell yes I like this group of people. then it was on my way back to ALCO and work from 8am to 4pm. Oh yes, i am wore out to say the least. So that is one of the reasons i have not been updating, i haven't had the time, literally, not even to sleep. I'm sorry if i made anybody mad **coughzackcough**.
--Side note--on the way back to lowell this morning i was going down 173rd, the back way avoiding rt 2, and as i came to the intersection of 173rd and parish, which i think finally has is fixed bridge and all, yeaaaaa, i rolled through the stop sign as i normally, for those who don't travel down 173, there's a cop that likes to park his squad car facing the road, to make people slow down and whatnot. Well needless to say as i got closer to the car i realized his lights were on and he was ni fact in his car, as i drove by he pulled out behind me. So i naturally started getting my stories together, getting out my license and registration and doing the speed limit. I make it to Nichols and turn right, i'm thinking he's going to wait until we can safely pull to the side of the road, well this mother fucker turns left. Ha, i got out of that one i must say, oh so close, but we all know i'll roll it agian.
Sunday, October 20, 2002
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
OK, so I've been slacking on the Updates, Sorry...
I don't recall the last time i blogged, so i don't know what to mention in my blog about anything that has happened, oh wait, nothing ever happens, yeah that's right.....Anyways, last night was the first time we went out to RtC in like a week at least, go figure, it wasn't even a healthy bunch, but i suppose we needed our litle fix of RtC-ness. I've been working my ass off, and so that is one of the reasons i haven't updated in awhile, i'm sorry Zach, please forgive me. Oh, i know, I started rearranging me room on monday of last week, another reason to get blogbehind. So i have been fiddling with that and then loosing things, then geting pissed that i lost them, finding my bills at the last second only to just pay them on time. One tip, try to keep somewhat organized even when your room turns into total disarray. Then i tried to hook up my stereo center and now that didn't work, so i have been going to Radio Shack in the mall to get parts, grrr, but guess what, last night in my delusion awakenness at 330 i fixed it, don't ask me what i did, but it is going strong right now. Speaking of going strong, my computer is up and 70% operational, i am everso happy, it's been running ever since it got the new PS, one thing though, whenever it wants to dial out to connect with the modem it restarts, hmmmm, zach? Oh, i have yet to use my microwave though, HA! It's turning cold outside, i don't like that very much, but one thing i do enjoy is the smell of heat coming from the vents for the first time that year, ahhhhh, warmth. Brooke came back home for fall break, though i didn't get to see her much, and trying to watch SNL was a bomb, damn the antennas with crapyass reception. Oh well, i still enjoyed her company. OH OH, Sunday we watched Short Circuit and Short Curcuit 2, OMD that was sooo great, the second one makes me cry though, a lot. I recommend these 2 movies when you need a good laugh, defiantly a great family movie. Ahhhh, ok so that rapps it up i guess, i'll try to keep this updated more now that i have received hate mail from it. good day to you..
I don't recall the last time i blogged, so i don't know what to mention in my blog about anything that has happened, oh wait, nothing ever happens, yeah that's right.....Anyways, last night was the first time we went out to RtC in like a week at least, go figure, it wasn't even a healthy bunch, but i suppose we needed our litle fix of RtC-ness. I've been working my ass off, and so that is one of the reasons i haven't updated in awhile, i'm sorry Zach, please forgive me. Oh, i know, I started rearranging me room on monday of last week, another reason to get blogbehind. So i have been fiddling with that and then loosing things, then geting pissed that i lost them, finding my bills at the last second only to just pay them on time. One tip, try to keep somewhat organized even when your room turns into total disarray. Then i tried to hook up my stereo center and now that didn't work, so i have been going to Radio Shack in the mall to get parts, grrr, but guess what, last night in my delusion awakenness at 330 i fixed it, don't ask me what i did, but it is going strong right now. Speaking of going strong, my computer is up and 70% operational, i am everso happy, it's been running ever since it got the new PS, one thing though, whenever it wants to dial out to connect with the modem it restarts, hmmmm, zach? Oh, i have yet to use my microwave though, HA! It's turning cold outside, i don't like that very much, but one thing i do enjoy is the smell of heat coming from the vents for the first time that year, ahhhhh, warmth. Brooke came back home for fall break, though i didn't get to see her much, and trying to watch SNL was a bomb, damn the antennas with crapyass reception. Oh well, i still enjoyed her company. OH OH, Sunday we watched Short Circuit and Short Curcuit 2, OMD that was sooo great, the second one makes me cry though, a lot. I recommend these 2 movies when you need a good laugh, defiantly a great family movie. Ahhhh, ok so that rapps it up i guess, i'll try to keep this updated more now that i have received hate mail from it. good day to you..
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Tuesday, National Screw Over Day
Well, it may come to a surprise, but this Tuesday sucked, but in a sorta alright way. Yes my lovely day of Tuesday has come to bite ME in the ass, I guess overone's getting in the habit of stabbing me, perhaps a new sport? Anyways back to my stories...Begin my day off with an awakening from my grandpa, though he didn't come downstairs to see if I was awake, I still heard him and the dogs making a ruckess upstairs.
Well qwith this little wake up call, i decided it was time for me to get some shit done and do some bitching to people. I called the people about my power supply, and asked where the hell it was. After getting the run around for hours, turns out they sent it to michigan, agian. I bitched and i bitched, they told me they would call me back...tomorrow and hung up. So i called them back, asked to speak with the lady i was just talking to and asked her why, what time they closed and why couldn't she get it done today. She switched me over to stephanie, wherein i almost made her cry, but she sent it out that same day, wow, i rock.....
So now it was about time to see my Insurance Ladies and bitch to them about getting some monies back. Those little insurance bitched screwing me over, well, the lady, i think angie was her name, was very nice and faxed some stuff over for me, and told me i would have to call them for pursuit of my monies...
After dinning, we went over to Wal-Mart to buy a color ink cartridge that my mother was requesting for her printer. So we went, shopped around, looked at the fish tanks, made it a little outing. *this will be important later* One thing i hate is when walking anywhere, especially a store, and two people are conversaing and you have to squeeze in between them because you can't go around and they left just enough space for you to barely fit. And especially if they are employees. So we head for the check out and only 2 lanes are open, we decide which one would be better and start to head for lane 9. as we walk up the cashier yells to us, "this lane is closed" and her light went off. So we naturally headed to the other lane, lane 3, and her light went off. So all the customers flood the traffic aisle to see which register is actually open, and to our dismay, 5 girls up front with thier heads down on their drawers, and no lights were on. One of the cashiers yells to the crowd, "they'll be opening on lanes 6, 7, and 8." So we waited a second, and then a bit later it was repeated agian. So we saw our oppurtunity and went to lane 6. That's when all hell broke loose. As i walked up to the lady on lane 6, she said, and i quote, "Go away!" Things only got worse, we asked for a manager, i was pissed. The cashier behind us call for the manager and we waited. We told her of our experiences and how it started and bla bla, so she told us she would talk with her and the store manager. so we started walking out, that's when thwe "STOP, you have set off Wal-Mart's Inventory Control System" thing starting going off. I walked back in, but everyone, even people in line just waived me to go, so i did, with the natural flipping of the bird. That's when a guy outside, who i had to squeeze by earlier, said, hey put that down. i turned and looked, and said, well then it's for you too, and kepp my finger up. He kept staring at us and saying shit, so i was saying shit, in the end he started to chase us, but we were in our car and driving away, tried to read these plated mother fucker, as he yells for back up on his walkie talkie. Fucking walmart...
Well, it may come to a surprise, but this Tuesday sucked, but in a sorta alright way. Yes my lovely day of Tuesday has come to bite ME in the ass, I guess overone's getting in the habit of stabbing me, perhaps a new sport? Anyways back to my stories...Begin my day off with an awakening from my grandpa, though he didn't come downstairs to see if I was awake, I still heard him and the dogs making a ruckess upstairs.
Well qwith this little wake up call, i decided it was time for me to get some shit done and do some bitching to people. I called the people about my power supply, and asked where the hell it was. After getting the run around for hours, turns out they sent it to michigan, agian. I bitched and i bitched, they told me they would call me back...tomorrow and hung up. So i called them back, asked to speak with the lady i was just talking to and asked her why, what time they closed and why couldn't she get it done today. She switched me over to stephanie, wherein i almost made her cry, but she sent it out that same day, wow, i rock.....
So now it was about time to see my Insurance Ladies and bitch to them about getting some monies back. Those little insurance bitched screwing me over, well, the lady, i think angie was her name, was very nice and faxed some stuff over for me, and told me i would have to call them for pursuit of my monies...
After dinning, we went over to Wal-Mart to buy a color ink cartridge that my mother was requesting for her printer. So we went, shopped around, looked at the fish tanks, made it a little outing. *this will be important later* One thing i hate is when walking anywhere, especially a store, and two people are conversaing and you have to squeeze in between them because you can't go around and they left just enough space for you to barely fit. And especially if they are employees. So we head for the check out and only 2 lanes are open, we decide which one would be better and start to head for lane 9. as we walk up the cashier yells to us, "this lane is closed" and her light went off. So we naturally headed to the other lane, lane 3, and her light went off. So all the customers flood the traffic aisle to see which register is actually open, and to our dismay, 5 girls up front with thier heads down on their drawers, and no lights were on. One of the cashiers yells to the crowd, "they'll be opening on lanes 6, 7, and 8." So we waited a second, and then a bit later it was repeated agian. So we saw our oppurtunity and went to lane 6. That's when all hell broke loose. As i walked up to the lady on lane 6, she said, and i quote, "Go away!" Things only got worse, we asked for a manager, i was pissed. The cashier behind us call for the manager and we waited. We told her of our experiences and how it started and bla bla, so she told us she would talk with her and the store manager. so we started walking out, that's when thwe "STOP, you have set off Wal-Mart's Inventory Control System" thing starting going off. I walked back in, but everyone, even people in line just waived me to go, so i did, with the natural flipping of the bird. That's when a guy outside, who i had to squeeze by earlier, said, hey put that down. i turned and looked, and said, well then it's for you too, and kepp my finger up. He kept staring at us and saying shit, so i was saying shit, in the end he started to chase us, but we were in our car and driving away, tried to read these plated mother fucker, as he yells for back up on his walkie talkie. Fucking walmart...
Sunday, September 29, 2002
What is Love? (Part 1)
I think we all agree when we say love is conditional. but what makes us love someone? Do we love them for thier looks? for their ideas? love them in some more spiritual longing sense? Just how can a person complete you? Do you have to agree on every little thing in order to love that person? Can you not agree on hardle a thing, yet still feel compelled to live out your life with that one person? We've all heard that "opposites attract", hell it was a Paula Abdul song in the 80's, but how far along the line does opposites attract? does the song give us hope that you won't find someone who agrees with you on everythign? Is it a "take what you can get" sort of conotation? Ahh, i'm going insane trying to figure this out...ok so i asked a bunch of questions, i am in desperate need of all your input. in the mean time here's that song,just for you.......
Opposites Attract
(Oliver Leiber)
Baby seems we never ever agree
You like the movies
And I like T.V.
I take thing serious
And you take 'em light
I go to bed early
And I party all night
Our friends are sayin'
We ain't gonna last
Cuz I move slowly
And baby I'm fast
I like it quiet
And I love to shout
But when we get together
It just all works out
I take--2 steps forward
I take--2 steps back
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
And you know--it ain't fiction
Just a natural fact
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
Who'd a thought we could be lovers
She makes the bed
And he steals the covers
She likes it neat
And he makes a mess
I take it easy
Baby I get obsessed
She's got the money
And he's always broke
I don't like cigarettes
And I like to smoke
Things in common
There just ain't a one
But when we get together
We have nothin' but fun
I take--2 steps forward
I take--2 steps back
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
And you know--it ain't fiction
Just a natural fact
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
Repeat Chorus
Baby ain't it somethin'
How we lasted this long
You and me
Provin' everyone wrong
Don't think we'll ever
Get our differences patched
Don't really matter
Cuz we're perfectly matched
Repeat chorus twice
I'm M.C. Kat on the rap so mic it
Here's a little story and you're sure to like it
Swift and sly and I'm playing it cool
With my homegirl, Paula Abdul
Nothing in common but this trust
I'm like a minus, she's like a plus
One going up, one coming down
But we seem to land on common ground
When things go wrong we make corrections
To keep things moving in the right direction
Try to fight it but I'm telling you Jack
It's useless, Opposites Attract
I think we all agree when we say love is conditional. but what makes us love someone? Do we love them for thier looks? for their ideas? love them in some more spiritual longing sense? Just how can a person complete you? Do you have to agree on every little thing in order to love that person? Can you not agree on hardle a thing, yet still feel compelled to live out your life with that one person? We've all heard that "opposites attract", hell it was a Paula Abdul song in the 80's, but how far along the line does opposites attract? does the song give us hope that you won't find someone who agrees with you on everythign? Is it a "take what you can get" sort of conotation? Ahh, i'm going insane trying to figure this out...ok so i asked a bunch of questions, i am in desperate need of all your input. in the mean time here's that song,just for you.......
Opposites Attract
(Oliver Leiber)
Baby seems we never ever agree
You like the movies
And I like T.V.
I take thing serious
And you take 'em light
I go to bed early
And I party all night
Our friends are sayin'
We ain't gonna last
Cuz I move slowly
And baby I'm fast
I like it quiet
And I love to shout
But when we get together
It just all works out
I take--2 steps forward
I take--2 steps back
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
And you know--it ain't fiction
Just a natural fact
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
Who'd a thought we could be lovers
She makes the bed
And he steals the covers
She likes it neat
And he makes a mess
I take it easy
Baby I get obsessed
She's got the money
And he's always broke
I don't like cigarettes
And I like to smoke
Things in common
There just ain't a one
But when we get together
We have nothin' but fun
I take--2 steps forward
I take--2 steps back
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
And you know--it ain't fiction
Just a natural fact
We come together
Cuz opposites attract
Repeat Chorus
Baby ain't it somethin'
How we lasted this long
You and me
Provin' everyone wrong
Don't think we'll ever
Get our differences patched
Don't really matter
Cuz we're perfectly matched
Repeat chorus twice
I'm M.C. Kat on the rap so mic it
Here's a little story and you're sure to like it
Swift and sly and I'm playing it cool
With my homegirl, Paula Abdul
Nothing in common but this trust
I'm like a minus, she's like a plus
One going up, one coming down
But we seem to land on common ground
When things go wrong we make corrections
To keep things moving in the right direction
Try to fight it but I'm telling you Jack
It's useless, Opposites Attract
Saturday, September 28, 2002
WARNING: This Blog is Pissy
Fuck I'm mad, very, very upset/angry, whatever
I'm hatefilled, or so I have been told
These new associates are going to face my whip next week
Fucking new associates
-------Not fucking in the sexual sense, fucking as in mother fucking god damn i hate them....
Am i selfrighteous?
george is an asshole
i wish harm/death upon people, that's not wrong is it?
i can make my tires peel out
i saw a fox by Evergreen park
if you hate/dislike/not condone actions by a group of people, why would you be sympathetic towards them if something bad haapened to said group?
Am i the one with tunnel vision, or have i been sent here to set right what once/is wrong?
They say Hindsight is 20/20..but what the fuck does that mean?
Why are there no good TV shows on anymore, and why don't tey have a set station for re-runs of the good ones???
Fuck it, i'm done, kill me now....
Fuck I'm mad, very, very upset/angry, whatever
I'm hatefilled, or so I have been told
These new associates are going to face my whip next week
Fucking new associates
-------Not fucking in the sexual sense, fucking as in mother fucking god damn i hate them....
Am i selfrighteous?
george is an asshole
i wish harm/death upon people, that's not wrong is it?
i can make my tires peel out
i saw a fox by Evergreen park
if you hate/dislike/not condone actions by a group of people, why would you be sympathetic towards them if something bad haapened to said group?
Am i the one with tunnel vision, or have i been sent here to set right what once/is wrong?
They say Hindsight is 20/20..but what the fuck does that mean?
Why are there no good TV shows on anymore, and why don't tey have a set station for re-runs of the good ones???
Fuck it, i'm done, kill me now....
Thursday, September 26, 2002
I feel like an aborted fetus, not even given the chance at life
So here are some random things that have happened so far....
1)The most crazed thing that has happened so fa is the fact that i almost burnt down my house with a piece of bread. so i made this garlic bread stuff over the weekend with my lovely brooke, and it was damn good. I had a litle bit left, but it was hard, so i thought reheating it with the melted cheese and whathve you would make it soft agian. I throw it in my Blue samsung microwave and meander upstairs for a second, come back not 30 seconds later to see that my room is filled with smoke! I make my way towards the microwave which has smoke just pouring out of it. i stop it and open it up to see that the bread had caught on fire and was burnt to a crisp. So now my room smellsreally bad, smoke was lingering in my basement for awhile. I left to go to work and forgot to leave a note of what when i got off of work, i had all these missed calls and voicemails. Lordy was my mom pissed, but she wasn't sure about what, ha. So i went home and explained everythign that had happened. She got an idea that i was doing crack in the basement from one of her online buddies.... Basement full of smoke, kinda sweet smell, and a nausiating smell on top of it. nope, just bread. the sweet smell was caused from the odor killer nuetralizing can i sprayed all over the place. well it still smells today and i have no idea how to get rid of it....any ideas???
2) on the way home last night to explain about the smoke problem i passed two lowell cops on route 2, knowing that there are onlt 2 cops on duty at night, i had free reign upon the rest of the way. so yes i did speed all the way home, whats new..but i turned onto nichols from costas road and proceeded north. as i came to the stop sign on main somethign told me to completly stop, and i did. As i got on the line i saw that one cop who likes to hang out there behind the bushes to catch people blowing the stop sign. You know what i'm talking about Zach. So luckily to my intuition or whatever you may call it, i got out of a ticket, yea me
3) well folks, i am going back for my second interview tonight, how K-Rad is that? I turned in my application and they did one interview with me on the spot yesterday! Yeah, well it looks like i might be having 2 jobs if only they payed well...well enough to have only one job? ok maybe not, looks like the hunt for the third job is still going on....
4)So yeah like i said I feel like an aborted fetus, not even given the chance at life. that's right, a fetus isn't a person, has no rights, has no feelings or emotions, and isn't truly living or alive. Damn those pro-lifers. anways..back to what i was i went to Aldi in Schererville and asked for an application. I said it was for the lowell store, then the DM told me that she has all the people filled in already for the lowell store. WTF I mean i did put in my application to have one on fill weeks ago, and went to get another one today, god damn. I didn't even get a chance to get my foot in at that place and i am already cursing it. to hell wit them, yes i said wit, i'm going to listen to Come Wit Me now, pissy ass song, gooddday...
So here are some random things that have happened so far....
1)The most crazed thing that has happened so fa is the fact that i almost burnt down my house with a piece of bread. so i made this garlic bread stuff over the weekend with my lovely brooke, and it was damn good. I had a litle bit left, but it was hard, so i thought reheating it with the melted cheese and whathve you would make it soft agian. I throw it in my Blue samsung microwave and meander upstairs for a second, come back not 30 seconds later to see that my room is filled with smoke! I make my way towards the microwave which has smoke just pouring out of it. i stop it and open it up to see that the bread had caught on fire and was burnt to a crisp. So now my room smellsreally bad, smoke was lingering in my basement for awhile. I left to go to work and forgot to leave a note of what when i got off of work, i had all these missed calls and voicemails. Lordy was my mom pissed, but she wasn't sure about what, ha. So i went home and explained everythign that had happened. She got an idea that i was doing crack in the basement from one of her online buddies.... Basement full of smoke, kinda sweet smell, and a nausiating smell on top of it. nope, just bread. the sweet smell was caused from the odor killer nuetralizing can i sprayed all over the place. well it still smells today and i have no idea how to get rid of it....any ideas???
2) on the way home last night to explain about the smoke problem i passed two lowell cops on route 2, knowing that there are onlt 2 cops on duty at night, i had free reign upon the rest of the way. so yes i did speed all the way home, whats new..but i turned onto nichols from costas road and proceeded north. as i came to the stop sign on main somethign told me to completly stop, and i did. As i got on the line i saw that one cop who likes to hang out there behind the bushes to catch people blowing the stop sign. You know what i'm talking about Zach. So luckily to my intuition or whatever you may call it, i got out of a ticket, yea me
3) well folks, i am going back for my second interview tonight, how K-Rad is that? I turned in my application and they did one interview with me on the spot yesterday! Yeah, well it looks like i might be having 2 jobs if only they payed well...well enough to have only one job? ok maybe not, looks like the hunt for the third job is still going on....
4)So yeah like i said I feel like an aborted fetus, not even given the chance at life. that's right, a fetus isn't a person, has no rights, has no feelings or emotions, and isn't truly living or alive. Damn those pro-lifers. anways..back to what i was i went to Aldi in Schererville and asked for an application. I said it was for the lowell store, then the DM told me that she has all the people filled in already for the lowell store. WTF I mean i did put in my application to have one on fill weeks ago, and went to get another one today, god damn. I didn't even get a chance to get my foot in at that place and i am already cursing it. to hell wit them, yes i said wit, i'm going to listen to Come Wit Me now, pissy ass song, gooddday...
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Damn it...
Well as you can see, they Shout Out link is now Missing In Action. Please save your comments for when it returns, if it ever frickin' does. you might recognize that in the bottom left hand corner of the page the little warning sign is up, done with errors on the page thing, yeah, don't ask me what the fuck is going on, it's pissing me off though. oh well, i might blog later, if this thing is working, sad face
Well as you can see, they Shout Out link is now Missing In Action. Please save your comments for when it returns, if it ever frickin' does. you might recognize that in the bottom left hand corner of the page the little warning sign is up, done with errors on the page thing, yeah, don't ask me what the fuck is going on, it's pissing me off though. oh well, i might blog later, if this thing is working, sad face
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Pulling one out of the Book
Well not much has happened/is happening/ or is going to happen so i'm going to have to use one of my reserve blog ideas for today's entry. Give you a run down of my life. nothing is going on, i work, i go to work, whipdee shit, nothing really eventful happens, damn i suck.anyways here i go....
Reserve #1
Ok well George and I were at RtC, doesn't matter what day really, i mean we are there 5 out of the 7 days to begin with, and I noticed something, more or less I realized something. See, Mike and Glen were working, overlapping or whathave you, and whenever Glen would come from the back or anywhere near the front, mike would get off his can and pretend to work. Mike would even stop intermingling with the younger patrons as well. The only one enforcing any rules and discipline was Glen, he yelled at some Mexican who was filling up big 'ol soups cups up with pop to take and drink, glen told him to use a smaller normal, glass. So then it hits me, George is the Mike type manager, and I am the Glen type manager. I mean think about it. George and Mike do have this love for being amongst the teenagers. Glen and I are always bitching to our workers to get shit done and get it done right. I mean i thought glen was an ass, butI also had this liking for him, i knew something was up with him. Glen and I are both asses, but we are just trying to get the work done, and as we do that we have other peopkle like mike lally gagging around. Now I'm not saying George isn't a good manager, he just lets some thigns get away from him, such as discipline and enforcing and set of rules whatsoever. I mean you can slide with some shit, but once it starts building and or gets repeatitive, then that's enough, but maybe that isn't a big enough picture for George seeings how he likes to look at only the big picture, (Big Vs. Little pictures is another reserve so i will talk about it later.)
Well that's all for my rantings now, maybe something will happen and i'll be able to blog about it, if not, bite me
Well not much has happened/is happening/ or is going to happen so i'm going to have to use one of my reserve blog ideas for today's entry. Give you a run down of my life. nothing is going on, i work, i go to work, whipdee shit, nothing really eventful happens, damn i suck.anyways here i go....
Reserve #1
Ok well George and I were at RtC, doesn't matter what day really, i mean we are there 5 out of the 7 days to begin with, and I noticed something, more or less I realized something. See, Mike and Glen were working, overlapping or whathave you, and whenever Glen would come from the back or anywhere near the front, mike would get off his can and pretend to work. Mike would even stop intermingling with the younger patrons as well. The only one enforcing any rules and discipline was Glen, he yelled at some Mexican who was filling up big 'ol soups cups up with pop to take and drink, glen told him to use a smaller normal, glass. So then it hits me, George is the Mike type manager, and I am the Glen type manager. I mean think about it. George and Mike do have this love for being amongst the teenagers. Glen and I are always bitching to our workers to get shit done and get it done right. I mean i thought glen was an ass, butI also had this liking for him, i knew something was up with him. Glen and I are both asses, but we are just trying to get the work done, and as we do that we have other peopkle like mike lally gagging around. Now I'm not saying George isn't a good manager, he just lets some thigns get away from him, such as discipline and enforcing and set of rules whatsoever. I mean you can slide with some shit, but once it starts building and or gets repeatitive, then that's enough, but maybe that isn't a big enough picture for George seeings how he likes to look at only the big picture, (Big Vs. Little pictures is another reserve so i will talk about it later.)
Well that's all for my rantings now, maybe something will happen and i'll be able to blog about it, if not, bite me
Sunday, September 22, 2002
Sunday, Nothing to do on the Sabbath
So i wake up this morning, around 1ish or so, and I got this E-Card and lordy was I happy. Finally some hate mail for me. Ohh how it is great to be feared and hated. Damn i smile. I truly feel loved, well hated, but yeah, you get the idea.
So around 3 or 4, after just finishing up my shower and playing games online, Brooke comes over to say her goodbyes before she heads back to the Academy. We entertained each other for the day with stories and anecdotes. The best part of the entire get together was when we fell asleep on the couch. Now i have seen Zach and Anne sleep on the couch together and Laura and her boyfriend as well, I did not think it was possible unless you were right on top of each other, but, i was proven wrong. From where i was laying i had plenty of room, can't say for Brooke though, she was on the edge, ha. There only was one awkward moment, it was when i was dreaming and my whole body twitched, waking both of us up. She asked what was wrong, i grumbled something in my sleep and she just rolled over and faced me, and we went back to sleep. awwwww. besdies for the crazed waking up, i slept damn well and good, but we were finally awoken by the rining of the door bell from brooke's mom. we stumbled up the stairs and she departed from me.
The Leftovers
After wandering around my empty house, i started waking up and getting things together. Got online only to become addicted to some games, then the constant badgering of George. He finally requested my presence and i went to meet him at his apartment. He left, somewhat hurridly, towards the north. I don't think george had any direction, just wanted to go. up in Sherrillville, he started going to the back entrance to RtC, i told him it was way to early, somethign like 730, so we steared clear of that lane and headed further north for the land of high. Went ot Meijer for there new ad for it was sunday. Saw that lowe's was open, what the shit, how did we not know about it? anways...back to RtC we went, saw the early Sunday crowd, bunch of teenage fucks, glad we always go later. Got our crazy ditzy waitress Jamie, and yeah, well the rest is history....oh forhot to mention, i saw michelle Bates walk in and she went by our table to usethe bathroom, we conversed lightly then as she left i called Zach. While i was talking to him, Jamie the waitress grabbed the phone and statred talking to him, she gave the phone back shortyl, i started to talk with him, then he said, "give me a sec, i'm watching my movie" as he had stated earlier. Jus then Michelle walks by and i hand her the phone, she naturally asks him what's he doing, and he is starting to get mad that he can't finsih the movie, and he was so close, i just wouldn't let him, i guess you had to be there, HAHAHAHA.
So i wake up this morning, around 1ish or so, and I got this E-Card and lordy was I happy. Finally some hate mail for me. Ohh how it is great to be feared and hated. Damn i smile. I truly feel loved, well hated, but yeah, you get the idea.
So around 3 or 4, after just finishing up my shower and playing games online, Brooke comes over to say her goodbyes before she heads back to the Academy. We entertained each other for the day with stories and anecdotes. The best part of the entire get together was when we fell asleep on the couch. Now i have seen Zach and Anne sleep on the couch together and Laura and her boyfriend as well, I did not think it was possible unless you were right on top of each other, but, i was proven wrong. From where i was laying i had plenty of room, can't say for Brooke though, she was on the edge, ha. There only was one awkward moment, it was when i was dreaming and my whole body twitched, waking both of us up. She asked what was wrong, i grumbled something in my sleep and she just rolled over and faced me, and we went back to sleep. awwwww. besdies for the crazed waking up, i slept damn well and good, but we were finally awoken by the rining of the door bell from brooke's mom. we stumbled up the stairs and she departed from me.
The Leftovers
After wandering around my empty house, i started waking up and getting things together. Got online only to become addicted to some games, then the constant badgering of George. He finally requested my presence and i went to meet him at his apartment. He left, somewhat hurridly, towards the north. I don't think george had any direction, just wanted to go. up in Sherrillville, he started going to the back entrance to RtC, i told him it was way to early, somethign like 730, so we steared clear of that lane and headed further north for the land of high. Went ot Meijer for there new ad for it was sunday. Saw that lowe's was open, what the shit, how did we not know about it? anways...back to RtC we went, saw the early Sunday crowd, bunch of teenage fucks, glad we always go later. Got our crazy ditzy waitress Jamie, and yeah, well the rest is history....oh forhot to mention, i saw michelle Bates walk in and she went by our table to usethe bathroom, we conversed lightly then as she left i called Zach. While i was talking to him, Jamie the waitress grabbed the phone and statred talking to him, she gave the phone back shortyl, i started to talk with him, then he said, "give me a sec, i'm watching my movie" as he had stated earlier. Jus then Michelle walks by and i hand her the phone, she naturally asks him what's he doing, and he is starting to get mad that he can't finsih the movie, and he was so close, i just wouldn't let him, i guess you had to be there, HAHAHAHA.
Saturday in the park...
I should have stayed awake when i awoke at 930 to take my piss, but i thought since i had the day off, might as well sleep in and enjoy it, like George has been doing his entire vacation. Well then I hear this stomping around coming from upstairs, it's my mother and i know she is wearing her boots...anyways, she comes downstairs to tell me that if anyone calls for her, she's sick and asleep so she can't come to the phone right now. So i ask her where she is gonig, she gave me the one word answer i knew was coming, and headed up the stairs and out the door. So back to sleep...then my phone starts a ringing, i ignore it, then another call, so i went to the couch where my bookbag is laying whcih had the phone attached to it. Just as i get it all untangled, the hang up, grrr. So then it says i have voicemail, find out it was brooke who was pissed about something. So after taking a few minutes to gather myself and decide whether or not to go back to sleep, i finally called her. We conversed and i started growing hungry. I proceeded my way to the upstairs only to blow past the kitchen and headed straight for the compute. So as i am getting off the phone with brooke and put an away message up, my grandpa comes over, this is the second at least this week, lordy. So he offered me some pizza which eased his presence with me. He came over to sharpen the lawn mowing blade after i bitched to him about it, being bitched at from George about it, then he cut both the front and backyards. I then tried some more futile attempts on fixing my computer. After failing several times, i took my frustrated self to the working computer upstairs where i talked amongst my computer techies, aka zach. Well after conversing with him, we decided a trip to lafayette was in order. So quickly grabbing every little thing that goes with Ziggy, including the monitor, we headed off to I-65. We flew down there in under an hour, George got us lost several times, pissed me off damn well and good. Then we didn't know which apartment Zach lived in, A or B, grrr. But we called zach and everythign was good. He showed us around the apartment, very nice might i say, and started working on my computer. barcus and Zach diagnosed the first problem saying it is the power supply, as for the other problems they can't solve because they need it working. So the new PS i just got has fried out, wow. Zach proved this to me by hooking up his power supply, just the main motherboard connecter to my mother board and turned on my computer. that's when some freaky shit started happening. Zach took some pics of the craziness and we called it a day. All of his stuff was turning on along with my stuff, it was wierd. So we threw Ziggy back into Lucille and George made his way in the car, i guess it was time to go. so back to lowell we went. George was pissed the whole way back, didn't say a word, but did bitch about my speed saying, "72 would be adequate." So to please him i did around 85, what a bitch. As we got on I-65 i said i'd be in my house at 7:13, and about halfway home, I changed it to 7:14, and sure enough i walked in my door and got settled in at 7:14, crazy shit. So around Brooke shows up, what a suprise that was. Well i kinda figured she'd be in town, she asked me not to go anywhere Sat. night and told me to be back around 7 when i told her i was going to Purdue. So i was hungry, and i think she was too, so i decided to go to Wilco to get something to eat. While in thebakery section getting some bread some of Brooke's friends run up to her and tell her who they just say in the store. Well guess who was standing in line for the checkout, our ol buddy Mr. Lindsay. It was amazing to see that sight, i wouldn't have the balls to go out in public after being on th front cover of the paper for the week. The girls tried to refrain me from doing anything, but i told them i'd be good. On the way out he saw me, so i waved, i put his hand up in the air and waved back, but held it there, a sort of longing wave, all the way out of the building. the look on his face was sad, i wonder how many people and family have turned their backs on him. So then i got harrassed for waiving to him, and when we checked out even the reqister lady was mad, they said i'll be known as the guy who waived to mr lindsay, oh well. I did give Zach a call and left him a voicemail of whom i just saw in Wilco. So we went back home, made our velvetta shells and cheese and made my garlic bread stuff. Mmmm was it good. We actually had a good evening, it concluded around 1130 when i took her home. So as i was coming back through town i naturally had to stop at Goerge's,plus i had to tell him how i saw Mr Lindsay as well. So as we go out onto the porch to talk about things, we overhear this yelling. george tells me to have a seat. We come to realize it is his neighbors on the first floor having sex. God was it wrong. Good thing it only lasted for that short amount of time. After hearing silence for a couple minutes i decided to head home and put my Saturday to rest. the end
I should have stayed awake when i awoke at 930 to take my piss, but i thought since i had the day off, might as well sleep in and enjoy it, like George has been doing his entire vacation. Well then I hear this stomping around coming from upstairs, it's my mother and i know she is wearing her boots...anyways, she comes downstairs to tell me that if anyone calls for her, she's sick and asleep so she can't come to the phone right now. So i ask her where she is gonig, she gave me the one word answer i knew was coming, and headed up the stairs and out the door. So back to sleep...then my phone starts a ringing, i ignore it, then another call, so i went to the couch where my bookbag is laying whcih had the phone attached to it. Just as i get it all untangled, the hang up, grrr. So then it says i have voicemail, find out it was brooke who was pissed about something. So after taking a few minutes to gather myself and decide whether or not to go back to sleep, i finally called her. We conversed and i started growing hungry. I proceeded my way to the upstairs only to blow past the kitchen and headed straight for the compute. So as i am getting off the phone with brooke and put an away message up, my grandpa comes over, this is the second at least this week, lordy. So he offered me some pizza which eased his presence with me. He came over to sharpen the lawn mowing blade after i bitched to him about it, being bitched at from George about it, then he cut both the front and backyards. I then tried some more futile attempts on fixing my computer. After failing several times, i took my frustrated self to the working computer upstairs where i talked amongst my computer techies, aka zach. Well after conversing with him, we decided a trip to lafayette was in order. So quickly grabbing every little thing that goes with Ziggy, including the monitor, we headed off to I-65. We flew down there in under an hour, George got us lost several times, pissed me off damn well and good. Then we didn't know which apartment Zach lived in, A or B, grrr. But we called zach and everythign was good. He showed us around the apartment, very nice might i say, and started working on my computer. barcus and Zach diagnosed the first problem saying it is the power supply, as for the other problems they can't solve because they need it working. So the new PS i just got has fried out, wow. Zach proved this to me by hooking up his power supply, just the main motherboard connecter to my mother board and turned on my computer. that's when some freaky shit started happening. Zach took some pics of the craziness and we called it a day. All of his stuff was turning on along with my stuff, it was wierd. So we threw Ziggy back into Lucille and George made his way in the car, i guess it was time to go. so back to lowell we went. George was pissed the whole way back, didn't say a word, but did bitch about my speed saying, "72 would be adequate." So to please him i did around 85, what a bitch. As we got on I-65 i said i'd be in my house at 7:13, and about halfway home, I changed it to 7:14, and sure enough i walked in my door and got settled in at 7:14, crazy shit. So around Brooke shows up, what a suprise that was. Well i kinda figured she'd be in town, she asked me not to go anywhere Sat. night and told me to be back around 7 when i told her i was going to Purdue. So i was hungry, and i think she was too, so i decided to go to Wilco to get something to eat. While in thebakery section getting some bread some of Brooke's friends run up to her and tell her who they just say in the store. Well guess who was standing in line for the checkout, our ol buddy Mr. Lindsay. It was amazing to see that sight, i wouldn't have the balls to go out in public after being on th front cover of the paper for the week. The girls tried to refrain me from doing anything, but i told them i'd be good. On the way out he saw me, so i waved, i put his hand up in the air and waved back, but held it there, a sort of longing wave, all the way out of the building. the look on his face was sad, i wonder how many people and family have turned their backs on him. So then i got harrassed for waiving to him, and when we checked out even the reqister lady was mad, they said i'll be known as the guy who waived to mr lindsay, oh well. I did give Zach a call and left him a voicemail of whom i just saw in Wilco. So we went back home, made our velvetta shells and cheese and made my garlic bread stuff. Mmmm was it good. We actually had a good evening, it concluded around 1130 when i took her home. So as i was coming back through town i naturally had to stop at Goerge's,plus i had to tell him how i saw Mr Lindsay as well. So as we go out onto the porch to talk about things, we overhear this yelling. george tells me to have a seat. We come to realize it is his neighbors on the first floor having sex. God was it wrong. Good thing it only lasted for that short amount of time. After hearing silence for a couple minutes i decided to head home and put my Saturday to rest. the end
Thursday, September 19, 2002
"Make like a Lindsay, and molest a child"
Yeah, well you probably all have heard now, Mr. Lindsay, the one everyone's been calling a faggot since the beginning of time, has finally been caught. I don't think this should come as a shock to anyone, he always had that fruity aura, no not an Aurora. I had him for a gym teacher, never liked him, always wanted my ass to swim even though i don't know how. Then I had to put up with him during any athletic event. Once agian, somethign has "rocked" our "little" town of Lowell. Damn I hate Lowell, it no longer can be called the "quiet, little town" it once was. Think about the past 3 years, and all that has happened. Yeah, exactly my point. And it's always the most outrageous things that happen, you can't even predict what may happen, or joke about things, because, it just could happen one day. Maybe an airplane will crash into the fields by the Lowell Plaza, maybe another huge downtown fire, maybe Aldi's will get completed, who knows...
Yes, I got my car back monday, and boy am i happy, but yet pissed as well. It looked all purty and shiny, but there are some things still wrong with it, grrrrr. I will take it back to Lowell Body Shop on Friday and have them fix any repairs i request, then my bitching to other problems will go to my insurance company. Like the fact that i had a full tank of gas when i turned in the car, and they gave it to me on empty, fuckers, not to mention the ripped apart my blue light up dice, and the list continues. I'm just happy to have her. And not moments of getting in her and getting on the road, did i pick up my little sister and her friend and head northward. We tried to get to the CP courthouse by 430, but were a little late, which just made kodee pissed, not my fault might i add, we all know how I drive. :-) So in light of that we went to the mall, all was good, but i guess I'm not used to shopping with other people, it was amusing. I ended up getting a Cookies N Cream Mochochilla thingy, yea.
In the Evening...
So that same night i went to the mall, George and I went out. headed for Best Buy and Circuit City. we dined in at the lovely Taco Bell, we had coupons of course. then headed to Meijer. Something sparked the novel idea of getting an Ouija Board. George insisted that they only sell them at Toys R Us do to the contraversiality of the "game". I knew better, it's Meijer, "A million reasons, a single store" yo. They had a spot for it, but were sold out, so we headed off to the Meijer in Highland. As we get into the parking lot, a car pulls up next to us, asn we see it's Salai's Mom! Ha, well not really, but yeah, you had to be there. So we went in, got the board, and thus proceded, quickly, homeward. We used it in george's apartment, and at first didn't seem to work. Now I'm all for the thing, i believe in it as much as you can, and i not to sure on George's part, but we just couldn't get it to speak anything but gibberish. So on our last attempt we finally got one. Some guy from cedar lake, totally freaked George out, and he said,. "jason, it's enough of this shit, i think it's time to stop, don't you?", and then the cursor went to "yes", then to "goodbye", fucked with George some more. little pussy, maybe he'll grow some balls and we can use it agian, til then i have to find some "willing" people.
Yeah, well you probably all have heard now, Mr. Lindsay, the one everyone's been calling a faggot since the beginning of time, has finally been caught. I don't think this should come as a shock to anyone, he always had that fruity aura, no not an Aurora. I had him for a gym teacher, never liked him, always wanted my ass to swim even though i don't know how. Then I had to put up with him during any athletic event. Once agian, somethign has "rocked" our "little" town of Lowell. Damn I hate Lowell, it no longer can be called the "quiet, little town" it once was. Think about the past 3 years, and all that has happened. Yeah, exactly my point. And it's always the most outrageous things that happen, you can't even predict what may happen, or joke about things, because, it just could happen one day. Maybe an airplane will crash into the fields by the Lowell Plaza, maybe another huge downtown fire, maybe Aldi's will get completed, who knows...
Yes, I got my car back monday, and boy am i happy, but yet pissed as well. It looked all purty and shiny, but there are some things still wrong with it, grrrrr. I will take it back to Lowell Body Shop on Friday and have them fix any repairs i request, then my bitching to other problems will go to my insurance company. Like the fact that i had a full tank of gas when i turned in the car, and they gave it to me on empty, fuckers, not to mention the ripped apart my blue light up dice, and the list continues. I'm just happy to have her. And not moments of getting in her and getting on the road, did i pick up my little sister and her friend and head northward. We tried to get to the CP courthouse by 430, but were a little late, which just made kodee pissed, not my fault might i add, we all know how I drive. :-) So in light of that we went to the mall, all was good, but i guess I'm not used to shopping with other people, it was amusing. I ended up getting a Cookies N Cream Mochochilla thingy, yea.
In the Evening...
So that same night i went to the mall, George and I went out. headed for Best Buy and Circuit City. we dined in at the lovely Taco Bell, we had coupons of course. then headed to Meijer. Something sparked the novel idea of getting an Ouija Board. George insisted that they only sell them at Toys R Us do to the contraversiality of the "game". I knew better, it's Meijer, "A million reasons, a single store" yo. They had a spot for it, but were sold out, so we headed off to the Meijer in Highland. As we get into the parking lot, a car pulls up next to us, asn we see it's Salai's Mom! Ha, well not really, but yeah, you had to be there. So we went in, got the board, and thus proceded, quickly, homeward. We used it in george's apartment, and at first didn't seem to work. Now I'm all for the thing, i believe in it as much as you can, and i not to sure on George's part, but we just couldn't get it to speak anything but gibberish. So on our last attempt we finally got one. Some guy from cedar lake, totally freaked George out, and he said,. "jason, it's enough of this shit, i think it's time to stop, don't you?", and then the cursor went to "yes", then to "goodbye", fucked with George some more. little pussy, maybe he'll grow some balls and we can use it agian, til then i have to find some "willing" people.
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
It's True, Dr Pepper does make the World Taste better..and on the subject of soda, You do Get what You Deserve....
Well you see, this statement here applies to Mak Funcan's case. See Mak "stole" or allegedly "stole" a pop. Whatever the deal was, he made a confession and as the result of employee theft, was terminated on the spot. There's been other problems with the said employee, the pixie stick incidents come to mind, and so forth. Now, the company from which he was employed has an agressive law firm, who want to bring legal charges against him*defendant*. You see, the defendant was "narked out" by an employee, and for that results in a reward, minimum of $200. Well the reward money has to come from somewhere, the Loss Prevention Department has a budget too, so why not get it from the fucks who caused it. So now the defendant is bitching because he feels he has paid his dues by "leaving" the company, he says he will pay for the $.99 pop which was not paid for, but doesn't see why he should pay the $250 fine. Now the law firm is not just gonig after employees, but convicted thieves as well. Basically, it's you do the crime, no matter the size, you do the time/ pay the fine. Mak and Mach want to countersue the plantiffs, but they have no grounds whatsoever. My final word is, pay the fine before it goes to court and you make the molehill turn into a mountain, with you looking like the jackasses in the end...
P.S. It may seem that i am a little harsh on the subject towards the defendant, but then agian, he bitched on and on about how he thought I, his friend, was the employee whom narked on make payments for my car none-the-less.......Sorry, I didn't borrow Dewes' knife for this one Mak, but maybe seems that you have..
Well you see, this statement here applies to Mak Funcan's case. See Mak "stole" or allegedly "stole" a pop. Whatever the deal was, he made a confession and as the result of employee theft, was terminated on the spot. There's been other problems with the said employee, the pixie stick incidents come to mind, and so forth. Now, the company from which he was employed has an agressive law firm, who want to bring legal charges against him*defendant*. You see, the defendant was "narked out" by an employee, and for that results in a reward, minimum of $200. Well the reward money has to come from somewhere, the Loss Prevention Department has a budget too, so why not get it from the fucks who caused it. So now the defendant is bitching because he feels he has paid his dues by "leaving" the company, he says he will pay for the $.99 pop which was not paid for, but doesn't see why he should pay the $250 fine. Now the law firm is not just gonig after employees, but convicted thieves as well. Basically, it's you do the crime, no matter the size, you do the time/ pay the fine. Mak and Mach want to countersue the plantiffs, but they have no grounds whatsoever. My final word is, pay the fine before it goes to court and you make the molehill turn into a mountain, with you looking like the jackasses in the end...
P.S. It may seem that i am a little harsh on the subject towards the defendant, but then agian, he bitched on and on about how he thought I, his friend, was the employee whom narked on make payments for my car none-the-less.......Sorry, I didn't borrow Dewes' knife for this one Mak, but maybe seems that you have..
Sunday, September 15, 2002
If you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need, is what you need what you deserve?
So this is my comment to Kristen's comment, though why even bother trying to argue whatever it is i am about to say on deaf and dumb ears, just like fighting a loosing battle, for some reason i feel the need to, call it bordem, call it a last ditch effort, the rantings of a dying man, whatever it may be, i hope i enjoy it. Basically this will be me bitching about god only knows what, pointing out flaws in her ramblings and so forth. Well here i go, wish me no luck.
**Note, you may want to open up Kristen comment as I rant along, it'll help with the flow**
So i'm a stupid fuck, well can't really argue there, i think i have been coined that phrase before so we'll just move on shall we. As for the "not wanting to have anythign to do with you", well that is the current attitude, but weeks ago it was different, so whatever it is that i have done this time has obviously changed that. The phrase "I haven't done shit to you", well I, and most others including herself at one time, beg to differ. And then what is there to be a "little bitch" about, "a little bitch about it"it, what is this it she speaks of?... Apparently i treat people like shit, therefore i get shit on by others inturn. Well i think it goes that other people piss me off first, treat me like shit first, therefore I return the favor and treat them like shit, only from me it is more noticable because i am more proficient at it. I make my treatment noticable to the point of overbearing, i do this to get my point across, that they fucked me first. I have "very little" decent things to say about people, maybe i just hold people to higher standards, maybe i was raised that way, on higher standards, not to be some fuck, and i implement it upon others. Sorry for the fact that most people are scum, can't yell at me for it. I don't expect anyone to say "decent" things about me, i hope they say, "that jason sure is a fucker", somebody has to press these people to the grindstone. I'll take work for an example, i was trained to bust my ass every minute of the job, i sacrificed many a things for the company, it did little for my self benefit, but overall it was good. I hold the ASSociates that i work with to do the same, maybe retail is for the lazy fucks, and grocery is a real man's business..... I'm a bitch, yes, hardass no, ass yes. I don't see how venting my anger out on the lazy people i work with constitues being a hardass, i am their manager, i do tell them what to do, hell, even when i wasn't a manager i still told people what to do, what needed to be done, i was knowledgable. As for relationships, ehhh, I'm good *good as in content, i'm defiantly not cocky on the subject, sorry for the mis-confusion*. I am a Golden God, yes, I am a Golden God. I really don't know what all that is, I've never thought highly of myself, but whatever, i will parade around with the title, Golden God....... If no one cared about how i felt, or what i think, nobody would visit my blog, maybe the occasional accident, but when you got people like MrMexico01 clicking on the link every half hour to see if i have updated, that tells you they are obviously intrigued and very bored, yet still visit here. George speaks of me in his blogs, links me, and Zach dedicated an entrie blogging to me and me alone, does that mean he cares, well it wasn't a pissed blog at me, just the opposite, eh who knows. And I mean hell, you [Kristen] went here, when's the last time i ranted about you in my blog's, dedicated a blogging to you *until now yes i know*, you've received very brief mentions, so i don't know what you're so pissy about. Just what are these "messes" that you so speak of. I mean obviously i deserve the messes you say, but what, prattle, are they, is it my car, yes i wrecked my car,ok? .......Alright, don't waste anymore time on me, i'm not asking you to, sorry i got you so pissy in the first place, yet you never explained what it is that i did. You can easily email me, it's listed, you got my number, you know where i live, you know where i work, you have my schedule along with yours. Well whatever it may be, it's just probably that I'm an ass....If anyone's created a mess, i think that falls into your court, you ruined a friendship, though you didn't act alone. Does everbody deserve what they get, and if so, did you deserve what you got? As for messes, you've got plenty of your own, do you get yourself into them as well, or is it a third party, anyone but yourself. are we able to learn from our mistakes, or do we just keep on making them over and over agian. so to restate my title question, "If you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need, is what you need what you deserve?" Obviously you can't always get what you want, no arguing that. But if you try sometimes, you just may find, you get what you need. So if the Stones said it, it's got to be true, right? Basically, it's not the very best, you wanted something special, more than what you needed, but ni the end, you get just enough to get you by, you get an addequate dosage, which in all reality is all we should want. We should only want what we need, but we are greedy, that's human nature, Machiavelli taught us that. but our wants are endless, are needs are more controllable, only 3 things for human life to survive right? now on the whole othe issue of, is the bare minimum sufficient enough to be what you deserve? I soo took this the wrong way, but i can make some good arguments, hell an essay for that matter, on this topic. Some people need an ass-whooping *some think me*, do they deserve it, sure, to some people. will it help detour some of the problems that resulted in the ass-whooping? ya know know really, but are there other methods, must we treat people like shit, hurt them physically and emotionaly just to teach them a lesson? here's where Zach's A Clockwork Orange can come in. But hell, I'm done ranting, tell me what you think, and maybe, just maybe I'll write something up....Zach, I think this calls for an Essay subdomain if ya know what i mean, he he. I'm off to bed, but first I got to read my Ecclesiastes 4.61 along with 9.4, "A living dog is better than a dead lion". Adios....and you never would have thought I would quote the bible, oh the times they are a changin'
So this is my comment to Kristen's comment, though why even bother trying to argue whatever it is i am about to say on deaf and dumb ears, just like fighting a loosing battle, for some reason i feel the need to, call it bordem, call it a last ditch effort, the rantings of a dying man, whatever it may be, i hope i enjoy it. Basically this will be me bitching about god only knows what, pointing out flaws in her ramblings and so forth. Well here i go, wish me no luck.
**Note, you may want to open up Kristen comment as I rant along, it'll help with the flow**
So i'm a stupid fuck, well can't really argue there, i think i have been coined that phrase before so we'll just move on shall we. As for the "not wanting to have anythign to do with you", well that is the current attitude, but weeks ago it was different, so whatever it is that i have done this time has obviously changed that. The phrase "I haven't done shit to you", well I, and most others including herself at one time, beg to differ. And then what is there to be a "little bitch" about, "a little bitch about it"it, what is this it she speaks of?... Apparently i treat people like shit, therefore i get shit on by others inturn. Well i think it goes that other people piss me off first, treat me like shit first, therefore I return the favor and treat them like shit, only from me it is more noticable because i am more proficient at it. I make my treatment noticable to the point of overbearing, i do this to get my point across, that they fucked me first. I have "very little" decent things to say about people, maybe i just hold people to higher standards, maybe i was raised that way, on higher standards, not to be some fuck, and i implement it upon others. Sorry for the fact that most people are scum, can't yell at me for it. I don't expect anyone to say "decent" things about me, i hope they say, "that jason sure is a fucker", somebody has to press these people to the grindstone. I'll take work for an example, i was trained to bust my ass every minute of the job, i sacrificed many a things for the company, it did little for my self benefit, but overall it was good. I hold the ASSociates that i work with to do the same, maybe retail is for the lazy fucks, and grocery is a real man's business..... I'm a bitch, yes, hardass no, ass yes. I don't see how venting my anger out on the lazy people i work with constitues being a hardass, i am their manager, i do tell them what to do, hell, even when i wasn't a manager i still told people what to do, what needed to be done, i was knowledgable. As for relationships, ehhh, I'm good *good as in content, i'm defiantly not cocky on the subject, sorry for the mis-confusion*. I am a Golden God, yes, I am a Golden God. I really don't know what all that is, I've never thought highly of myself, but whatever, i will parade around with the title, Golden God....... If no one cared about how i felt, or what i think, nobody would visit my blog, maybe the occasional accident, but when you got people like MrMexico01 clicking on the link every half hour to see if i have updated, that tells you they are obviously intrigued and very bored, yet still visit here. George speaks of me in his blogs, links me, and Zach dedicated an entrie blogging to me and me alone, does that mean he cares, well it wasn't a pissed blog at me, just the opposite, eh who knows. And I mean hell, you [Kristen] went here, when's the last time i ranted about you in my blog's, dedicated a blogging to you *until now yes i know*, you've received very brief mentions, so i don't know what you're so pissy about. Just what are these "messes" that you so speak of. I mean obviously i deserve the messes you say, but what, prattle, are they, is it my car, yes i wrecked my car,ok? .......Alright, don't waste anymore time on me, i'm not asking you to, sorry i got you so pissy in the first place, yet you never explained what it is that i did. You can easily email me, it's listed, you got my number, you know where i live, you know where i work, you have my schedule along with yours. Well whatever it may be, it's just probably that I'm an ass....If anyone's created a mess, i think that falls into your court, you ruined a friendship, though you didn't act alone. Does everbody deserve what they get, and if so, did you deserve what you got? As for messes, you've got plenty of your own, do you get yourself into them as well, or is it a third party, anyone but yourself. are we able to learn from our mistakes, or do we just keep on making them over and over agian. so to restate my title question, "If you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need, is what you need what you deserve?" Obviously you can't always get what you want, no arguing that. But if you try sometimes, you just may find, you get what you need. So if the Stones said it, it's got to be true, right? Basically, it's not the very best, you wanted something special, more than what you needed, but ni the end, you get just enough to get you by, you get an addequate dosage, which in all reality is all we should want. We should only want what we need, but we are greedy, that's human nature, Machiavelli taught us that. but our wants are endless, are needs are more controllable, only 3 things for human life to survive right? now on the whole othe issue of, is the bare minimum sufficient enough to be what you deserve? I soo took this the wrong way, but i can make some good arguments, hell an essay for that matter, on this topic. Some people need an ass-whooping *some think me*, do they deserve it, sure, to some people. will it help detour some of the problems that resulted in the ass-whooping? ya know know really, but are there other methods, must we treat people like shit, hurt them physically and emotionaly just to teach them a lesson? here's where Zach's A Clockwork Orange can come in. But hell, I'm done ranting, tell me what you think, and maybe, just maybe I'll write something up....Zach, I think this calls for an Essay subdomain if ya know what i mean, he he. I'm off to bed, but first I got to read my Ecclesiastes 4.61 along with 9.4, "A living dog is better than a dead lion". Adios....and you never would have thought I would quote the bible, oh the times they are a changin'
Friday, September 13, 2002
"Life Sucks and So Do You, Fuck Off!!!" ~ Screeching Weasels
God does life suck....So I got ditched on being picked up for work yesterday. George just didn't come, so I slept in, not like they needed me, the truck wasn't due til Friday, so he had me work Friday, today, for the over 800 piece truck, grrrr. Hey guess what, still no car, even though today was the day it was to be mine, uh uh, got to wait til next week. Lordy was i pissed. I did go to the body shop and demand to see my car. I told the lady who called me she has the worst job possible. It was being detailed, she had the pastey look to her, but it was her, i smile. One thing that made me happy was in the body shop as i walked in i heard Zeppelin playing, then when i went to where my car was the Stones were playing, hell yeah, at least they have good taste in music, or maybe it was a sign? Tonight is Rolling Stones night, but not for me, I'm not good enoguh to be blessed with tickets, or good looks for that matter, but that's a whole other subject. So i appologize for the terrible rambles of yesterday, no structure whatsoever to my thoughts, and it was all one big ol paragraph, well actually it did break mid thoguht to a new paragraph, but that was merly an accident. From the looks of this blogging, it's gonig to be just like yesterday's, sorry agian. I messaged some person who has been reading my blog and subprofile and found out they are from highland. They use the words "yo" and "quality", now that's just fucked up. Apparently they started out reading Zach's Blog, then got to my link. They even asked me about the Jackie chick, well to quote them, "druggie chick", hahaha. My mood is, i want to see it painted black, i want to see the sun blotted out from the sky, yeah, i'm an angry fuck, well just mad, upset, emotionally distraught, physically tired, and tired of this bullshit called life. Brooke's mom and kodee my sister say me walking last night, that was a little awkward. She gave me an envolope, but not any ordinary envolope, it was a Fuch's envolope, he he. My last blogging reminded me of my Trying Manifesto thign I wrote several years ago. Maybe I'll post that up in some time. I'm glad I haven't made any plans lately, I'd be more pissed than I am. I hate Dewes. Conquest-White, War-Red, Pestilence-Black, Death-Pale. You can't always get what you want. I got my pictures back, that was good i suppose, they smelled good at least. I hada talk with my mom last night about relationships, it was weird, i was giving her advice and whatnot. Brooke's roommate is indeed a bitch. Every September/October I get into my moods where i hate my life, and like clockwork, though not orange, i want to die. would somebody please make it stop..oh shit, people actually read this, i'm not crazy, not crazier than any of you, admit it, i just want something new, i want to statr anew, ending seems so final, though at times i ask for it, maybe half heartedly i mean it, but damn, anything but this. Halloween candy finally came in, it's a little late in the year, but not too late, we'll have that out by Tuesday at the very latest. I do appreciate everybody's comments on the last blogging, thank you. Well I rambled no enough, I'm done, good day
God does life suck....So I got ditched on being picked up for work yesterday. George just didn't come, so I slept in, not like they needed me, the truck wasn't due til Friday, so he had me work Friday, today, for the over 800 piece truck, grrrr. Hey guess what, still no car, even though today was the day it was to be mine, uh uh, got to wait til next week. Lordy was i pissed. I did go to the body shop and demand to see my car. I told the lady who called me she has the worst job possible. It was being detailed, she had the pastey look to her, but it was her, i smile. One thing that made me happy was in the body shop as i walked in i heard Zeppelin playing, then when i went to where my car was the Stones were playing, hell yeah, at least they have good taste in music, or maybe it was a sign? Tonight is Rolling Stones night, but not for me, I'm not good enoguh to be blessed with tickets, or good looks for that matter, but that's a whole other subject. So i appologize for the terrible rambles of yesterday, no structure whatsoever to my thoughts, and it was all one big ol paragraph, well actually it did break mid thoguht to a new paragraph, but that was merly an accident. From the looks of this blogging, it's gonig to be just like yesterday's, sorry agian. I messaged some person who has been reading my blog and subprofile and found out they are from highland. They use the words "yo" and "quality", now that's just fucked up. Apparently they started out reading Zach's Blog, then got to my link. They even asked me about the Jackie chick, well to quote them, "druggie chick", hahaha. My mood is, i want to see it painted black, i want to see the sun blotted out from the sky, yeah, i'm an angry fuck, well just mad, upset, emotionally distraught, physically tired, and tired of this bullshit called life. Brooke's mom and kodee my sister say me walking last night, that was a little awkward. She gave me an envolope, but not any ordinary envolope, it was a Fuch's envolope, he he. My last blogging reminded me of my Trying Manifesto thign I wrote several years ago. Maybe I'll post that up in some time. I'm glad I haven't made any plans lately, I'd be more pissed than I am. I hate Dewes. Conquest-White, War-Red, Pestilence-Black, Death-Pale. You can't always get what you want. I got my pictures back, that was good i suppose, they smelled good at least. I hada talk with my mom last night about relationships, it was weird, i was giving her advice and whatnot. Brooke's roommate is indeed a bitch. Every September/October I get into my moods where i hate my life, and like clockwork, though not orange, i want to die. would somebody please make it stop..oh shit, people actually read this, i'm not crazy, not crazier than any of you, admit it, i just want something new, i want to statr anew, ending seems so final, though at times i ask for it, maybe half heartedly i mean it, but damn, anything but this. Halloween candy finally came in, it's a little late in the year, but not too late, we'll have that out by Tuesday at the very latest. I do appreciate everybody's comments on the last blogging, thank you. Well I rambled no enough, I'm done, good day
Thursday, September 12, 2002
Sympathy for the Devil
Well damn, isn't this pathetic...I've got nothing to ramble about it seems. All too often have I had thoguhts, ideas, comments, questions, and other bunches-o-crap that I say to myself, "Hey, I'll have something to blog about tonight" yet never have the time to do it, or just plain out forget what it was. When I make it home at night, whatever hour it may be, my mother is using the internet, pissing me off, delaying my time to use, to the point where I fall alseep, only to wake up the next day, forgetting everything from the day previous, and having to go to work. Nothing is happening in Lowell, apparently Zach is visiting for the day or so, maybe I'll see him. Work is work, nothing I can do about that, though I am still trying to get a second job. Through the week I've had the revelation of week timing, apparently "the first of the week" really means, Wednesday or Thursday, and then when, let's say on a Wednesday, someone speaks of "later this week", it means Thursday or Friday. Damn people piss me off, I just want my Lucille back for the 25 days that I'll still have her. I did drive by the other night and set the alarm off, little things that humor me. So now everyone and their dog is getting a blog, and we all spend our pathetic little lives on making ours, and reading others, commenting on others at times, just to see how much everyone's lives suck compared to yours. Then there are the people who asy they have no time, yet their name is always online, or others who blogs just suck who spend all day online unidle. so yesterday was September 11, and what did you do? with a little more information and better planning, I may have been burning a flag. you know, I'll be as happy as peach pie when in three years we all will have forgotten about the Terrorist attacks. It happened, people died, whoop-dee shit, let's move on, America isn't as great as ya'll thought now is it? And another thign, why don't people comment? I mean I know who is visiting my blog, I have a tracker on it, but it's the same people over and over agian, not to discourage those who do comment, I love you Zach, and thoguh George you smile too much, your comments are appreciated as well.
So yeah people, when you read, i know you have things to say, there's this thing at the bottom by my name, it says, "Shout Out" and you click that and then you can comment, it takes but 30 seconds for the whole task. And you only have to fill out your name once, it remembers you each time you comment, wow. So tomorrow is Friday the 13th, I have the night off, the Rolling Stones play at Comisky Park, I don't have tickets. I would have liked to see them play, one of the few remaining groups that I could stand watching. I've only been to one concert, last year, Illinois State Fair, Bob Dylan...yeah, we all know how that went. I want to see the Stones, I looked for tickets online, ebay, i am even so tempted just to drive up there and buy some scalped tickets on the spot, just to get in the doors. My computer is still without it's power supply, damn well sent that thing in 4 weeks ago, i guess time is one thing that is defianly NOT on my side. It's not that I'm impatient, nor have instant gratification problems, it's just that I get dicked around. Lucille would be the excellent example of this,...if you're told one time table, and then are given a totally different one that is more than twice as long, dropped onto you at the last minute, then yeah, you'd be pissed too. And guess who else is going to be in town tonight, Vince Wagner, with is lovely bride Elizabeth, well girl partner person, yeah. And guess what else, they have tickets to the Stones concert for tomorrow. Can life rub my face in shit any more? I'm sure it can, and I'll be waiting. It seems that's the only thing I can do, wait. I'm waiting for Lucille, have been for the longest time, waiting for my power supply so I can boot up Ziggy 4 agian, waiting for my life to get on track, though that may be forever, waiting for my failures to come to me, yes that's the one. Waiting for my failures to come to me, repeat that phrase, I may not know what my failures will be, when they will come, or to what effect they will have, but I'll be waiting, maybe not ready to handle them, but ready for their arrival. It's kind of like "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best", but the exact oppoiste maybe? Preparing for nothing, which could be good, nothing bad happening is always good, things keeping on track, on pace, on rountine, is good. Hope for the worst, not true out hope for the worst, just think ahead, think what could be the worst, all the possible failures. by thinking out ahead of time what may fall through, orcrap out on you, that is planning in itself. when it does happen, it won't be a shock to you, you've already seen it coming, you knew what was gonig to happenm, how it was gonig to happen, and what your future reactions will be. You'll be able to handle it better, and be able to take on the next downfall. My night tonight will consist of a car-less evening, sleeping, and god knows what else.
P.S. Yes I know Tuesday's entry is just 4 dots, I wanted to cheat the system and make a mock posting to get the timestamp of Tuesday, then blog a little bit later of the day's events. Well it backfired on me, and I never got to blog about whatever it was I wanted to blog about. So I'll leave it, for all to see, in my archived history of Bloggdom, yeah whatever
Well damn, isn't this pathetic...I've got nothing to ramble about it seems. All too often have I had thoguhts, ideas, comments, questions, and other bunches-o-crap that I say to myself, "Hey, I'll have something to blog about tonight" yet never have the time to do it, or just plain out forget what it was. When I make it home at night, whatever hour it may be, my mother is using the internet, pissing me off, delaying my time to use, to the point where I fall alseep, only to wake up the next day, forgetting everything from the day previous, and having to go to work. Nothing is happening in Lowell, apparently Zach is visiting for the day or so, maybe I'll see him. Work is work, nothing I can do about that, though I am still trying to get a second job. Through the week I've had the revelation of week timing, apparently "the first of the week" really means, Wednesday or Thursday, and then when, let's say on a Wednesday, someone speaks of "later this week", it means Thursday or Friday. Damn people piss me off, I just want my Lucille back for the 25 days that I'll still have her. I did drive by the other night and set the alarm off, little things that humor me. So now everyone and their dog is getting a blog, and we all spend our pathetic little lives on making ours, and reading others, commenting on others at times, just to see how much everyone's lives suck compared to yours. Then there are the people who asy they have no time, yet their name is always online, or others who blogs just suck who spend all day online unidle. so yesterday was September 11, and what did you do? with a little more information and better planning, I may have been burning a flag. you know, I'll be as happy as peach pie when in three years we all will have forgotten about the Terrorist attacks. It happened, people died, whoop-dee shit, let's move on, America isn't as great as ya'll thought now is it? And another thign, why don't people comment? I mean I know who is visiting my blog, I have a tracker on it, but it's the same people over and over agian, not to discourage those who do comment, I love you Zach, and thoguh George you smile too much, your comments are appreciated as well.
So yeah people, when you read, i know you have things to say, there's this thing at the bottom by my name, it says, "Shout Out" and you click that and then you can comment, it takes but 30 seconds for the whole task. And you only have to fill out your name once, it remembers you each time you comment, wow. So tomorrow is Friday the 13th, I have the night off, the Rolling Stones play at Comisky Park, I don't have tickets. I would have liked to see them play, one of the few remaining groups that I could stand watching. I've only been to one concert, last year, Illinois State Fair, Bob Dylan...yeah, we all know how that went. I want to see the Stones, I looked for tickets online, ebay, i am even so tempted just to drive up there and buy some scalped tickets on the spot, just to get in the doors. My computer is still without it's power supply, damn well sent that thing in 4 weeks ago, i guess time is one thing that is defianly NOT on my side. It's not that I'm impatient, nor have instant gratification problems, it's just that I get dicked around. Lucille would be the excellent example of this,...if you're told one time table, and then are given a totally different one that is more than twice as long, dropped onto you at the last minute, then yeah, you'd be pissed too. And guess who else is going to be in town tonight, Vince Wagner, with is lovely bride Elizabeth, well girl partner person, yeah. And guess what else, they have tickets to the Stones concert for tomorrow. Can life rub my face in shit any more? I'm sure it can, and I'll be waiting. It seems that's the only thing I can do, wait. I'm waiting for Lucille, have been for the longest time, waiting for my power supply so I can boot up Ziggy 4 agian, waiting for my life to get on track, though that may be forever, waiting for my failures to come to me, yes that's the one. Waiting for my failures to come to me, repeat that phrase, I may not know what my failures will be, when they will come, or to what effect they will have, but I'll be waiting, maybe not ready to handle them, but ready for their arrival. It's kind of like "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best", but the exact oppoiste maybe? Preparing for nothing, which could be good, nothing bad happening is always good, things keeping on track, on pace, on rountine, is good. Hope for the worst, not true out hope for the worst, just think ahead, think what could be the worst, all the possible failures. by thinking out ahead of time what may fall through, orcrap out on you, that is planning in itself. when it does happen, it won't be a shock to you, you've already seen it coming, you knew what was gonig to happenm, how it was gonig to happen, and what your future reactions will be. You'll be able to handle it better, and be able to take on the next downfall. My night tonight will consist of a car-less evening, sleeping, and god knows what else.
P.S. Yes I know Tuesday's entry is just 4 dots, I wanted to cheat the system and make a mock posting to get the timestamp of Tuesday, then blog a little bit later of the day's events. Well it backfired on me, and I never got to blog about whatever it was I wanted to blog about. So I'll leave it, for all to see, in my archived history of Bloggdom, yeah whatever
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