Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can of Worms

people are stupid..
is shit...

this is the thanks i get for blogging...

soo apparently i opened up a can of worms with a random comment in one of my last blogs, the "Excitement Through Nothingness" Blog - go figure that that would be the title of the blog to get all the comment, i suppose, was directed at how i see a decline of values in society today...summed up in a short random story...granted that really wasn't even where i was going with it, but that's how others took it and are trying to 'defend' these amoral ways.

so now here is my response, on top of my soapbox, preaching to you..take it away Reverend Jangus

basing a real, true relationship off of a drunken one night is like basing you whole relationship off of one drunken night....basically what you have created is a one-night stand that has over stayed it's welcome..and by you "getting together again, and then forging some half-hearted bullshit of a relationship" you are really just trying to con yourselves into believing in what you did was right, that that's the way 'love' really is. love works off of body shots, loud music, and poor decisions.

and you know, this blog probably would have never been made had i not been attacked online about it. i became under fire when a certain someone starting critiquing my sexual past and present, saying i would not be the one complaining about all this sex on the first encounter if i myself were getting, as if the whole world revolves around meaningless, non-procreating sex...

you know, the more i think about it, the more i am reverting back into my old self..for twenty two years i fought against the whole gain of society - while my friends were out fucking, while people i didn't know were out fucking, i stayed sober. then the walls came down, i had sex..uneventful sex..i thought sex meant love, boy was a i wrong - but that's for another blog and another time...i tried out the whole fucking scene...but now looking back, i am start to become closed minded again..

i just don't put any weight on a girl i meet and fuck in the same night, that's just absurd. obviously they lack morals, standards, values, etc. nothing's a horrible way to try and start off a true relationship..any girl that is willing to give it up on the first night, i really don't want anything to do with..i don't look for whores...they can be thrown into the same category fo girls that cheat on their boyfriends.

now i will say, of all the girls i have had sex with, no numbers, but of all the girls, with the exception of one, i have known before engaging in relationship with girls is of a complex nature, i know the girls and we have a history that only builds...i suppose this is why i look down on gary so much..he doesn't establish a history with the girl and just goes out fucking anything in his path..

but not to sound all misogynistic, but i do have a problem with this feministic, we can be sluts approach today's women are taking, instead of traditional roles like they should, like the roles that have been set up and indoctrinated forever. granted i know times have changed and the roles have as well, sadly women now have to go out and get jobs to help support their family, all because today's society has limited the incomes on people making both household members work, while nobody is there to raise the children, cook, and to clean.

but i'm not getting into that...just girls trying to get away with acting like sluts..i went on a date with a girl the other day that i have known for awhile..she has been without a man in four months or so and every now and then she'll complain that she's so horny - that's fair - but where i respect her is how accountable she holds herself. even though she's horny as all hell, no matter how drunk she will get, on the first date no kiss, not even a peck on the cheek. granted some might see this as a little too far, i respect it...obviously this girl is not a complete prude, given she has had sex, but she's not being a whore either

they say you can't marry the 'up the butt' girl, but i'd like to think you can't marry the 'fuck on first night' girl

and now i'm sure i'll get responses with, "why can guys go out and fuck whenever whoever, but girls have to be more reserved" i really don't even think that is an argument, i mean honestly, where the fuck did y'all grow up. you women think you're so high and mighty, you think you're the more intelligent of the species, you think you're all that and a bag of chips (early 90's slang ftw) but as soon as it comes down to you having the responsibility to be more responsible, all hell breaks loose.

guys are the aggressor and girls are the defender....but what happens when both are the aggressor...welcome to slutville usa

sure guys like to fuck, look at gary, granted those guys are idiots, they are abusing their evolutionary instincts. yes males are supposed to spread the seed as much as possible, but as society has reformed itself, the need to do just that has slowed down, what with the cure for diseases, improvements in shelter, having an economical system, etc...these guys just have a wire loose and are going for the gusto...but women..i just don't fucking know anymore...

those who are defending women spreading their legs for anyone are, for the most part, women doing just that....they are trying to defend their soullessness retorting that what i say or believe is pure, as soon as something goes against the way you are living your life you get pretty soon as the things you are doing are called out and make you realize what you are doing is not right then you try to justify it with every last breath you have...

i'm not saying girls don't fuck..i've lived in a college town, i know what goes on there...but for the most part, if you follow up with them the next day, or read "texts from last night" or anything like that you'll see that the ones with the morals are the ones regret every putting themselves into a situation like that....i have a problem with those trying to defend their whorish ways when they know it's really not right

this isn't an episode of "bangbus" women off the street just don't have random acts of sexual intercourse with people they just met...that's a man's fantasy..that's the way men work...women, do not work like that...women do not walk down the street all alone, maybe their car broke down, maybe their boyfriend is being a douche, whatever...when a strange van pulls up next to them offering the girl a she gets in then decides the best thing for her to do is suck off the guy next to her while the other gets her from behind...female mentality is not that...that's purely a man's domain...

and that's the difference...sure men are entitled to have those thoughts, women aren't..enough said...

basically it comes down to, i think it's sad to see girls fucking on the first date..i don't advocate that, i don't want any part of that, i think it's a shame to see the values of society pitfalling like they much as i hate to say this, people need to go back to church or something...

"Well a woman who'll kiss on the very first date Is usually a hussy. And a woman who'll kiss on the second time out Is anything but fussy. But a woman who waits 'til the third time around, Head in the clouds, feet on the ground! She's the girl he's glad he's found--she's his Shi-Poo-Pi! "


Amber said...

So now it's about entitlement. Awesome.

Cynthia said...

My favorite part...

"i went on a date with a girl the other day that i have known for awhile.."