Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day 32 – 5

Love Me Tender
get it?

yeah i didn't think so, but i'll explain

My day started off with a morning breakfast shift, while it seemed as if all my roommates had that morning it wasn't bad, it was just me getting ready in the morning and not having to worry about others needing the shower/bathroom or maneuvering around then to get ready..

Breakfast was good and all..i got to be the pastry bitch, er muffin man, whatever you want to call it..the only bad part about that job was the fact I had to carry a tray of pastries around for 2 hours...and I continued to do so using only my right it was in a little bit of pain late in the shift, and I also refused to switch arms..

It was close to ten when someone told me I should have gone home around 9, which made me feel great, so I put down the pastries and headed the sky deck (I think that's what I am going to call deck thirteen, the sun deck..whatever..) I was there for a little bit before I decided to get out of my work cloths..on the way down I ran into eric who was going to hop on the island of Kona, so I changed and we waited in line to leave.

We took a tender boat to the island, but eric didn't have much time before he had to go back to work, so we didn't really do much..we walked around and eric complained about everything as usual..he headed back to the tender but I stayed to walk around some more, picking up brochures for things to do on the I was getting ready to leave i saw my group of ladies just arriving..they wanted me to go with them to turtle island or something, snorkeling something or another, but I figured I had enough sun, what with walking around today and the burn I had already from yesterday and headed back on the tender boat..

One cool thing about the tender boat in that area, I got to see dolphins popping out of the water, now I can say I saw it all, whales, lava, dolphins..i'm set for the Hawaiian experience...

I caught liz on my way to lunch and she was headed that way as well..we ate a decent meal, mostly consisting of fruits so no complaints from me and afterwards I headed to my room to write for a few hours before work..

You know I am a cynical person and it's starting to show through..i hate being a tourist, my god I hate change, hate new things, hate not knowing...i went to the island and really didn't have a good time, I was afraid to go out and go explore..didn't want to be taken too far away from the dock so I just walked around tourist alley....if I had some sort of inside information, a friend on the island, something to let me know all the cool places, the things worth seeing, all that, then maybe I could enjoy's the little things that make me happy, the dives, the mundane things, those are beautiful...i hate touristy bullshit...

On my way up in the elevator a lady riding with me turned and told me how much she enjoyed my laugh, then she told me I should do voices or something for cartoons, random and weird, but I enjoyed it none-the-less...

So tonight I worked in the pink palace and was to be an escort once again..but about a half hour into my shift the matre d pulled me aside and told me to go with him..he lead me to the back of the resturant to Kahili, the specialty restaurant between Crossings and the Pink Palace...that matre d then proceeded to show me what he wanted me to do for him that was basically be the reset person for their entire restaurant, which only consisted of 30 or so tables, but all in one long straight line...

It was fun and all, I sat in the back of the restuaurant making resets, polishing silverware and glassware, every now and then the host would pop their head in the back and tell me which tables needed to be was really nice, and the people kept thanking me for being there, I didn't understand it...even towards the end of my shift the matre d came over, asked if I was hungry then gave me some I ate I noticed that all the servers were eating too and it was all ok, oh my dad!

One thing I will mention that I found funny was the service staff employed at the specialty restaurants you are allowed, or required to take off the jacket or vest from what you would normally wear at the crossings or palace, I guess that's to indicate to others where you work...well some servers saw me without a vest going into the galley for plates and they started to freak out..something along the lines of didn't I just start and I am already in a specialty restaurant? I had to assure them it was only for the night but still...

It reminded me of chris' story..he was put on the floor to wait, and his junior waiter totally backed out on him..wouldn't help him at all, and was just a plain out bitch...for as she saw it, she was a junior waiter and has worked long enough and put enough hours in that she should move up to a waiter postion..and to have someone new just stroll in, that's a slap in the face.....what's sad is I can totally understand this...

But everyone is soo cut reminds me of the horrors of real estate...cedar point is a close second to this all, sad as that may be...and I'm going there in july.....

Ugghhh, so I got off of work at 1205, mainly because they forgot about me as usual, and I just sat in the back polishing everything...after clocking out I hurried my way down the stairs in hopes of catching something from the midnight buffet..i just really wanted something to drink, but they still had a nice little wedding cake dessert so I took that as well....

After that I called it a bar for me, I'm over that...goodnight

And just for the record I went with no Dramamine today...go me!

"ughh, we are so not friends now - whatever you love me - no I don't - well I got to go so I'll talk to you later - ok, love you goodbye!”

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