Day 36 - 9
Starts Off Horrible..
But somehow I end up laughing
This is sucking away at my soul...
So right off the bat my day got off to one horrible start...even before I woke up. It all started with a really elaborate messed up dream, and I know it's just a dream, but when it seems so real and is fucked up as this, how can it not effect your day or mindset..especially when I put weight into dreams anyways....
There were two parts to the dream, the first dealing with my good friend started out with him trying to help me out fixing a computer problem I had or something along the lines of technology, you he's fixing the computer or whatever, and my iPod has a virus on it, and it keeps on playing the porno movie and won't do anything else, I can't restart or anything, it's weird..and then the dreams goes back to the point when someone plugged my iPod into their computer and I suppose that's how I got the virus?
There were a lot of call backs in the dream let me tell the place where zach is fixing the computer is some sort of a house that we broke into to use? Anyways, as I exit this place for the fifth or so time it's now morning and daylight is I exit the screen door crashes and the asian/hawaiian couple that own the place are waking up (why they are sleeping outside is beyond me, the dream gave some sort of loose explination but I can't remember) so I run past the couple and try to get zach out of there, but by then it's too late...they blame him for the vandalism and everything else tat was going wrong..which wasn't his fault there was tthis other group of kids fucking around...
Anyways, they sentence him to jail time for years and he has to say goodbye to his family and job meanwhile they confiscate all the electronic devices such as my laptop..someting along the lines of it's a federal case...but something happened like if zach were to confess or do something it wouldn't be a federal case..and I pleaded for my laptop back since it wouldn't be a federal case anymore but there was nothing I could do and I felt bad for putting zach behind bars..
The second part involved some seriel killer...even though it was the last part of the dream it's hard to recant the vivid memories of it...i just remember there was another flash back scene having to do with liz's social security number and address on this piece of paper. She did not supply her real information so when the killer memorized it of that sheet it was the wrong one and yeah, it was just a stupid fucked up dream....
So off to work I went, working lunch at the "hoo-key-lou" and that's where I lost it..i made it up there and I was assigned the duty of polishing this one kid shows me where it was at and I try to go to work...but I soon realize I need gloves and a towel to polish I am looking for both things but can't find either one anywhere..i was in the galley and you'd think I'd be able to find loves there..but noooo
Then this one fuck spots me and starts giving me orders...tells me to get the rolled silverware and bring it back to now I'm pissed, I hate having a job and then being told by someone else to do more things...especially when I haven't even started my assigned task yet...
So I obliged reluctantly, just trying to help out, and ask where to go for the silverware..he tells me the name of the local..and I tell im I'm new here I don't know what you are saying..he just repeats himself, so I flip out...i exit the back galley area and start looking for this sacred rolled siverware. A girlfriend of mine crosses my path noticing I am in distress and tries to help, I vent and she tells me to breath...don't restrain me when I am in a mood like this...she brings me to the place and I go back with silverware in hand
I bring back the silverware and that d-bag is still there, but now he tells me to distribute the silverware to these two locales I have no idea where they are...and the best part is he is getting off his shift, so I just turn around cursing and go to look for my fucking gloves and towel.
I find them eventually and start my work..then, THEN as I am rolling this older asian man starts talking at me..telling me to pick up the silverware...i look down and there is silverware on the shelf right below in front of I point to those racks, he justkeeps repeating, I ask where he wants them, and this goes on back and forth til another man informs me the asian guy wants me to pick up the silverware that is on the floor..well that makes sense, so I look and I see nothing..i look..then I get on my hands and knees in the three inches of water that I am standing in and finally spot the two fallen pieces and pick them up..
So I am angered by the fact this man had me pick them up when I couldn't even see them, but the guy who 'translated' for me told me that is was the asian man's job to keep the floor was his job to keep it clean, he spotted it.yet had me get all fucking wet to pick I up when I hadn't even dropped any silverware!!!!! That's when I lost it and cursed out everyone...anyone who came near me received some sort of racial/ethnic/anything bashing...i was beyond livid...
Whatever..i sat there polishing my silverware basking in my own hatred for everything..occassionally mckenna would check up on me, but I just wanted to be alone and eventually get off of work, only to go back to work..
Night at the palace, another night of this time in my life I was dying on the inside, my insides hurt because this place was sucking out my soul..honestly I could feel the pain of my soul crying out..there's a new matre d in the restaurant, he's like 21 or something, how he is in the position is beyond me, maybe he's fucking the right people I don't know...well, I'll tell you this, I don't like him, he's not a nice guy and he shouldn't have a management position..fuck that
A lady yelled at me for taking her and her family to her table through the other tables, keeping her on the carpet like we are supposed to do rather than walking on the tile where the server's side-stations are located...the thing for her argument was she did have a stroller with her, but it was a very small stroller, not even as wide as I made a judgement call, the sidestations were flooded with servers and more were coming with food, for everyone's safety I took it upon myself to take them to the carpet, had it been some sort of a wheelchair I may have gone through there, but she yelled at me and told the matre d on me who later yelled at me for it...
I got tired of all this abuse and it was somewhere around 7 I was almost in tears..yeah, things are getting to me this badly (randomly enough this was about the time jenny busted into tears on the POAmerica..)...if it wasn't for the guests I don't know what I would have done...right about that time I had some people walk into the restaurant that I apparently met the night before at the BBQ..they were really nice to me and making conversation...i had several more people come in like that, all eager to see me, somehow I made an impact on their lives in just the first day of the cruise..and even the guest who left the palace angrily pointing at me saying I was the best thing there..
F&B Scott made his rounds later that night and asked how I was doing, I asked if he wanted me to be honest, of course he did, so I told him I hated life more than life itself, I was about to cry four seconds ago, and in three I may jump ship..he said we needed to talk later and gave me his pager number saying I must contact him before I retire tonight...
Well sad to say that never happened, by the time I got off of work it was time for the buffet, and as soon as I got finished eating I wanted to drink by getting off the ship..and this is the port you do not want to get off the ship..i had such a horrible day I wanted off here, I wanted to get really drunk here...i didn't want to get back on the ship basically...i said I'm either coming back in a body bag, or I'm blowing so over a .04 they won't let me back I find brian and we take off to town...the real kicker is either of us have no clue where the bar that everyone goes to is...christina who changed her mind left and right about going out tonight called us while she was at the beach, but she walked into a bar or something, I had no idea what was going
Well we walked and we came unto a spot where we had a couple choices of bars...but 'the tavern' was what rang a bell, so we go inside only to find Christina already there, apparently that's the bar she ran into and had failed to call us back letting us know what was up...
Whatever, so brian and I order some harm there..i suppose I did 'flirt' with the bartender lady..well you see the thing is I ordered a gin and tonic, and when the lady gave it to me she didn't put a lime in it..i looked over the counter top only to come up empty handed, so I asked her, in some sort of a way for a lime, it actually went down like this, "I would love you forever if you could give me a lime please" no harm there..she obliged and told me she didn't want to see me flirting with any ladies out when I ordered the second round of drinks as soon as I walked up to the counter the barkeep acknowledged me as the love of her life, how cute....
Then christina decided it was time to go and wants me to walk her out the door because there was some guy talking to her, trying to get with her that she didn't like...i willing take the part of the guy taking her home and we walk out of the bar together..i try to convince her to stay for just a bit longer because we could all actually leave together since nobody should be on these streets alone, but she wants to go on her way to meet her guy at the beach, as I make my way back in the bar I noticed something in the reflection of one of the random mirrors...there was a pause, the notice of me walking back into the bar, and then they darted, and when I looked back they were out the door..i looked at brian and shook my head..i ran out the door and got on the phone to Christina..when I told her what I just saw she looked back only to see the guy walking behind her with his hood pulled over his head...she picked up her pace and had her guy friend meet her closer than the all ended well
Back in the bar..and on round three is where we have our I come back to the table there's this guy trying to get in my chair, brian does his best to make him get over and with my arrival he finally does...well turns out he's a drunk islander, we talk, he can barley keep a conversation let alone speak real words, could have blinded him with dental the conversation is just getting awkward and I decided to pull out my 'magic' tricks..well, he didn't like that too much let me tell you..
Right after my tricks his friend comes over and tells him they are going..well, he doesn't like this..then all of a sudden he stands up and is staring at brian, yelling at him...this guy is on my right, brian on my he's up and saying to brian "let's go, let's do this" and brian is now leaning back in his chair trying to figure out what just happened...the guy's friend trie to grab and pull him away but the drunk guy just lays one on his friend, a solid hit, so his friend was like fuck that and walked away...
So now the drunk guy is punching the table, yelling at brian to this time with the punches flying into the wood I stand up and get beside brian, to sure what I am supposed to be doing, but as long as I got out of the way of the flailing arms...then this little old lady who checked out ID's at the door comes over and she's supposed to be our security, the bouncer..well some how this little old lady sweet talks the guy and coerces him out the door..where we found out later he started a fight out there...thank god for the little lady, somehow she saved our lives that night..
So once the guy left, all eyes were finally off of us, but the terror was ever present..somehow we adverted death, everything we had heard about the ship legends, how this port was so terrible, how the natives there were soo mean..well, we actually got to live and experience it...
After a couple people talked to us about it, we finished our drinks and headed then the bar was closing and it was close to 130..we tried out best to make it to the crew bar to get another drink, but they too were we called it a night, brian vowing never to get off in wahilihili ever again, and me vowing to absoutly return to the tavern next week...if not for the story, for the bartender lady who overpoured my drinks....for once in my life I kinda felt like a woman, having a barkeep pour extra in my drink because I'm so darn cute..
And somehow even though I haven't drank in such a long time, I never got anywhere near drunk, let alone a lame, and on that note, good night
"the guy was like mother fucking Donkey Kong"
When you think you've hit rock bottom, give me a call; tell me how the view is from up there... OR the ramblings of a Wasted Genius...
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Day 35 - 8
It's Over!
Yet it's only just begun..
So the one week cruise is over, just repetition for the next 19 weeks...
Oh my dad, I actually had a good day today...i am smiling for the first time in a week...all is well, or so I think...the day started off to a decent start...well, kinda...i woke up, but well before I needed to be to work, so I skipped out on the shower and whatnot and went back to sleep - though I did try to stay awake and just rest my eyes, we all know how that by the time I awoke it was 620 and I had to rush to get ready...
I get to work and the list/setup was all wrong..but luckily I got assigned to be somebody's back first real experience on the floor, go me! So it was alright, I felt as if I wasn't helping out all that much, but the girl (sue) really didn't seem to mind..but you know how things get to me, I want to be at full potential at all times, especially when I am new, I hate being the new guy, doing things wrong, doing them slowly, just a waste of space..but I guess that's how you learn
By the end of that shift I finally decided to greak the ice with the girl and start talking with her, I was quiet most of the shift, but then I just let it all out as my normal Jason self favorite part was when we were talking about beds...i was recanting about how my roommate just left and how i was going to now get the bottom bunk, well she went and replied with saying she had the princess bed (god does that remind me Cedar Point or what?) and I kinda though the bottom bunk was the princess bed, however, the princess bed is the bed all to itself, as if you only had three roommates or three beds, then I had to go into the rant about how I thought the bottom bunk was way better..i mean you make a frickin' fort and they provide you with the sheets that pull around all ready, it's just this tight little box like a frickin' coffin with no lights around's crazy good, rest in peace you will..and she's still disagreeing with me so I told her to go ahead, sleep in her bed, then go and sleep, dramtic pause as I see her eyes pick up of the floor and her ears perk up, in somebody else's bed who has the bottom bunk and you tell me the difference and what you think...then I went and called her out how she thought I was goona say sleep in my bed and the conversation just got better..
So after all that nonsense it was to my room to claim the bottom bunk..oh yeah! The bottom bunk already had two foam mattress egg crates just sitting I tore apart my bed above it and just brought it down...i also claimed the two pillows that paul had left know, it's kinda sad to see him leave, he was actually nice and I know we could have gotten along, but whatever, I get the bottom bunk now...and on top of that paul gave me his boogie board too!
I napped in the bed both before and after I made it, it was just that nice. The lunch wasn't all that great and I wanted to get subway later at the aloha tower, but the nap kinda killed that idea for me..i got out of bed at four, and started to head out..well, while myself and the two I met up with who were heading out at the same time were going about our business this one kid we work with joined, but left all of a sudden to get ready for work, saying we needed to be there at 445..when I had checked with several different sources that we needant be there til 515, so that definitely put a damper on our time out and we rush back to our rooms, change, and get to work only to find a couple people sitting and waiting...yeah, well we didn’t have to be there til 515 like I was told...
So after that half hour passed we had our little pre-shift meeting and I found out I had to go to the embarkation BBQ, excitement maybe..that meant changing out of the formal wear and going out to the I ran back to my room, changed, but ran up to the fourth deck to meet up with brian who also had to work the BBQ with me..we quickly ran into the mess caf to eat a very fast dinner...timing from when we sat down to when we finished the last bite was three minutes, I don't know how we did it...then we took the elevator up to the eleventh deck..eatting on the clock is good....
So we get there and the two of us are assigned on bussing tables throughout the entire pool deck, we had halves on the upper area which was fine because they gave us bus tubs to use..and this is when I had a blast....i just walked around, saying aloha every three seconds, and clearing tables...not too long was it before people starting talking to me and wanting to interact with me...
I talked to this one group of older people for awhile and they were really nice, I gave the one lady some of my Dramamine to help ease her eventual nausea..and one of the guys tipped me, it was only a dollar, but but made me the happiest person in the world, I was officially back!
So I did my thing, happy as could be..then one lady grabbed ahold of my arm and asked for a first I told her I couldn't go and get her a drink..but then I remembered where I was, like I had a total lapse of memory...i had a micros card, I could do this, and I did..which was the start of a brilliant work shift..
It wasn't too much later I found another table that wanted drinks, and I was able to deliver, a lot faster this time because I figured out how the micros computer setup worked, this was my first time ever using it and it was a complete crash course...but simplistic enough
I came across this one table, they gave me their drink order, but they were a lively group and started cracking jokes with me...and at first it really threw me for a loop..i went into the, I'm formal *insert proper pose with serviette here* I didn't know how to react..but a few seconds and more jokes later I was talking about leiing their wives and all was well..
By the end of the night I had made ten dollars or so, and that was just by bussing tables, I wasn’t even a cocktail server and I was able to rock it out..oh man it was great, I felt so alive to interact with people and make them don't get me wrong, they absolutely piss me off to no end, but I was making somewhat of a difference in their lives and it made me happy...
After that point I was on cloud frickin' nine, I came back to my room with a new sense of direction on this whole cruise job thing, like a weight had been taken off my shoulders, I could stand up straight again, you get the idea..
I was all dancey in my room as I changed clothes...i went to the sky deck to see the island shrink into the distance, one snag was that my phone though it showed I had bars, was not able to actually make the I hung out in the crew rec area next to the mess hall and chilled there making conversation...that one girl named sue stopped by and we chatted..i did flirt with her and I caught myself after I said I didn't even mean to say them I was just making conversation, but god, I know she has a crush on...don't think I am high on myself, her roommate, liz, told me..yeah, it's good to know people..
Afterwards I went to the bar..that's right, I was in such a good mood I went to the was lame as usual and I wasn't there for long, just enough to play a game of presidents and assholes, where I came in second, or vice? And then we went back to the mess to grab the late night was funny and sad to see, but all of class 109 was all in a row along the back of the mess, then we started hollering out our class number and whatnot, it just got out of random person did respond back with "102!!!"
Then it was back to the bar to chill some more...nothing too intense..i did lick christina's face randomly and she shrieked like none other, then almost pushed me off the bar stool while everyone in the bar looked and our group was in hysterics..i told the story of my roommates underpants and that was about it..people were getting drunk and I eventually called it a night somewhere around one in the morning...
I left, with my girl Kelly sitting right behind me, not once did she look over at me or anything, she doesn't notice and doesn't care apparently..yet I still try? Liz even commented on what was I thinking going after the hard and rough girl when I had Hermina coming up to me and actually talking to me, being all friendly and I thought she wasn't interested, which I don't think she really is..besides, Hermina may be cute and all (sad to say but somewhat of a cuter, thinner, taller Brooke) but she just talks with all these loser guys..and when I see that I think she's trying to get with them for their "attractiveness" but they are just fucking D-bags so her taste in men is sub-par..whatever, I don't deal with shit like that..i'll stick with the girl who ignores thank you very much...
I got back to the room, gave chris my windows xp discs so he can try and repair his computer and I typed up my day..i had to tell someone what a great mood I was in..i was dancing!!!
"shrieks, laughter, 109!"
It's Over!
Yet it's only just begun..
So the one week cruise is over, just repetition for the next 19 weeks...
Oh my dad, I actually had a good day today...i am smiling for the first time in a week...all is well, or so I think...the day started off to a decent start...well, kinda...i woke up, but well before I needed to be to work, so I skipped out on the shower and whatnot and went back to sleep - though I did try to stay awake and just rest my eyes, we all know how that by the time I awoke it was 620 and I had to rush to get ready...
I get to work and the list/setup was all wrong..but luckily I got assigned to be somebody's back first real experience on the floor, go me! So it was alright, I felt as if I wasn't helping out all that much, but the girl (sue) really didn't seem to mind..but you know how things get to me, I want to be at full potential at all times, especially when I am new, I hate being the new guy, doing things wrong, doing them slowly, just a waste of space..but I guess that's how you learn
By the end of that shift I finally decided to greak the ice with the girl and start talking with her, I was quiet most of the shift, but then I just let it all out as my normal Jason self favorite part was when we were talking about beds...i was recanting about how my roommate just left and how i was going to now get the bottom bunk, well she went and replied with saying she had the princess bed (god does that remind me Cedar Point or what?) and I kinda though the bottom bunk was the princess bed, however, the princess bed is the bed all to itself, as if you only had three roommates or three beds, then I had to go into the rant about how I thought the bottom bunk was way better..i mean you make a frickin' fort and they provide you with the sheets that pull around all ready, it's just this tight little box like a frickin' coffin with no lights around's crazy good, rest in peace you will..and she's still disagreeing with me so I told her to go ahead, sleep in her bed, then go and sleep, dramtic pause as I see her eyes pick up of the floor and her ears perk up, in somebody else's bed who has the bottom bunk and you tell me the difference and what you think...then I went and called her out how she thought I was goona say sleep in my bed and the conversation just got better..
So after all that nonsense it was to my room to claim the bottom bunk..oh yeah! The bottom bunk already had two foam mattress egg crates just sitting I tore apart my bed above it and just brought it down...i also claimed the two pillows that paul had left know, it's kinda sad to see him leave, he was actually nice and I know we could have gotten along, but whatever, I get the bottom bunk now...and on top of that paul gave me his boogie board too!
I napped in the bed both before and after I made it, it was just that nice. The lunch wasn't all that great and I wanted to get subway later at the aloha tower, but the nap kinda killed that idea for me..i got out of bed at four, and started to head out..well, while myself and the two I met up with who were heading out at the same time were going about our business this one kid we work with joined, but left all of a sudden to get ready for work, saying we needed to be there at 445..when I had checked with several different sources that we needant be there til 515, so that definitely put a damper on our time out and we rush back to our rooms, change, and get to work only to find a couple people sitting and waiting...yeah, well we didn’t have to be there til 515 like I was told...
So after that half hour passed we had our little pre-shift meeting and I found out I had to go to the embarkation BBQ, excitement maybe..that meant changing out of the formal wear and going out to the I ran back to my room, changed, but ran up to the fourth deck to meet up with brian who also had to work the BBQ with me..we quickly ran into the mess caf to eat a very fast dinner...timing from when we sat down to when we finished the last bite was three minutes, I don't know how we did it...then we took the elevator up to the eleventh deck..eatting on the clock is good....
So we get there and the two of us are assigned on bussing tables throughout the entire pool deck, we had halves on the upper area which was fine because they gave us bus tubs to use..and this is when I had a blast....i just walked around, saying aloha every three seconds, and clearing tables...not too long was it before people starting talking to me and wanting to interact with me...
I talked to this one group of older people for awhile and they were really nice, I gave the one lady some of my Dramamine to help ease her eventual nausea..and one of the guys tipped me, it was only a dollar, but but made me the happiest person in the world, I was officially back!
So I did my thing, happy as could be..then one lady grabbed ahold of my arm and asked for a first I told her I couldn't go and get her a drink..but then I remembered where I was, like I had a total lapse of memory...i had a micros card, I could do this, and I did..which was the start of a brilliant work shift..
It wasn't too much later I found another table that wanted drinks, and I was able to deliver, a lot faster this time because I figured out how the micros computer setup worked, this was my first time ever using it and it was a complete crash course...but simplistic enough
I came across this one table, they gave me their drink order, but they were a lively group and started cracking jokes with me...and at first it really threw me for a loop..i went into the, I'm formal *insert proper pose with serviette here* I didn't know how to react..but a few seconds and more jokes later I was talking about leiing their wives and all was well..
By the end of the night I had made ten dollars or so, and that was just by bussing tables, I wasn’t even a cocktail server and I was able to rock it out..oh man it was great, I felt so alive to interact with people and make them don't get me wrong, they absolutely piss me off to no end, but I was making somewhat of a difference in their lives and it made me happy...
After that point I was on cloud frickin' nine, I came back to my room with a new sense of direction on this whole cruise job thing, like a weight had been taken off my shoulders, I could stand up straight again, you get the idea..
I was all dancey in my room as I changed clothes...i went to the sky deck to see the island shrink into the distance, one snag was that my phone though it showed I had bars, was not able to actually make the I hung out in the crew rec area next to the mess hall and chilled there making conversation...that one girl named sue stopped by and we chatted..i did flirt with her and I caught myself after I said I didn't even mean to say them I was just making conversation, but god, I know she has a crush on...don't think I am high on myself, her roommate, liz, told me..yeah, it's good to know people..
Afterwards I went to the bar..that's right, I was in such a good mood I went to the was lame as usual and I wasn't there for long, just enough to play a game of presidents and assholes, where I came in second, or vice? And then we went back to the mess to grab the late night was funny and sad to see, but all of class 109 was all in a row along the back of the mess, then we started hollering out our class number and whatnot, it just got out of random person did respond back with "102!!!"
Then it was back to the bar to chill some more...nothing too intense..i did lick christina's face randomly and she shrieked like none other, then almost pushed me off the bar stool while everyone in the bar looked and our group was in hysterics..i told the story of my roommates underpants and that was about it..people were getting drunk and I eventually called it a night somewhere around one in the morning...
I left, with my girl Kelly sitting right behind me, not once did she look over at me or anything, she doesn't notice and doesn't care apparently..yet I still try? Liz even commented on what was I thinking going after the hard and rough girl when I had Hermina coming up to me and actually talking to me, being all friendly and I thought she wasn't interested, which I don't think she really is..besides, Hermina may be cute and all (sad to say but somewhat of a cuter, thinner, taller Brooke) but she just talks with all these loser guys..and when I see that I think she's trying to get with them for their "attractiveness" but they are just fucking D-bags so her taste in men is sub-par..whatever, I don't deal with shit like that..i'll stick with the girl who ignores thank you very much...
I got back to the room, gave chris my windows xp discs so he can try and repair his computer and I typed up my day..i had to tell someone what a great mood I was in..i was dancing!!!
"shrieks, laughter, 109!"
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Day 33 - 6
And junk..
I don't even know what that means...
Well today was the day, right? Everyone hypes up maui to be the island to end all I figured since I had a block of time in the afternoon, why not check it out...but first I had to work breakfast...when I arrived at 630 like I was scheduled (alright I was a little early but it was ok) there were like only three people there..the numbers grew along with the time, but wow...i worked resets for breakfast, no biggie, life was a breeze and we got out of there early...
I ran into josh and we decided to jump ship for maui...we left, tried to take a free shuttle to the beach but the person running the line was a jerk, saying to hell with crew we just walked, leaving chris and liz to take a different shuttle to the mall...
We walked around, and you know, things suck when you are on foot I want all the cool things to be right there for me...i don't want to see urban life, fucking mcdonald's and shopping malls..i want to see cool things..well we finally made it to the beach...i walked into the water and got my shoes all wet, life was good...we were there out and about for a couple hours and we decided to head back to the ship before we die of getting a sunburn
You know I like josh, at first I thought he was a psycho killer going to do bad things to me while I slept in my room at piney point, but soon I realized that was not the case, rather it would be james to flip out and go crazy...but yeah, josh is a little wacky, but I like it, we are on the same level of outlandish humor, and he brings out a more childlike side..i don't know if that's good or bad, but it makes me laugh and that eases the stress..
We ate up some lunch, I retrieved several voicemails and tried my best to reply but to no avail...then I headed to my room where I went to type..but that never happened..i got as far as pressing the play button on itunes and fell asleep...i would awake at 521...
So I awoke, late by what would turn into 45 minutes...i got dressed and went to work..i tried to blend in as best I could...and you know it worked..i never checked in with a matre d and nobody said anything, well, except Christina who said that during roll they announced my name but nobody responded...
roll? The one time roll is actually taken and I am not there, oh my...well all seemed to be well in the end I think...i never did check in like I said but I went straight to work..and when we needed to go out out the floor, there I was..i'm too new that I don't think anybody even recognizes me yet, well except for the one point while I was resetting, actually this happened several times, this one matre d called me over, asked my name, then asked where were the other resetters.he pulled out his list, read off the two other names that were supposed to be with me on the starbird side, and said he has only seen me out that was a good thing..
the night eventually ended..i hate doing reset team just because there's so much random work, almost over work because we don't have enough equipment to do things I got back to my room to change, the other roommates were cleaning for tomorrow's inspection, and I headed to the sky deck..and you know, I get out there, check my new barrage of messages, and my phone is about to die...luckily I did get a couple voicemails out there and talk to jenny...though the phone did actually die in the middle of the conversation and I had no way of contacting her back..
you know I do miss her in a strange way..sure it can get lonely out here on the seas, but I don't know...i think it's just my in ability to commit that doesn't allow me to really appreciate her, which is sad...just another heart for me to crush, and one they are gone realize how great they truly were and then fall in love with them, or rather the idea...ughh, I hate life
so after my phone died it was time for the midnight buffet followed with conversation and that was all...i didn't get off the ship to go to the bar in maui that everyone goes to, and I didn't go to the crew bar on the ship...i guess I am lame like that....
"have you heard about the new maui light?"
And junk..
I don't even know what that means...
Well today was the day, right? Everyone hypes up maui to be the island to end all I figured since I had a block of time in the afternoon, why not check it out...but first I had to work breakfast...when I arrived at 630 like I was scheduled (alright I was a little early but it was ok) there were like only three people there..the numbers grew along with the time, but wow...i worked resets for breakfast, no biggie, life was a breeze and we got out of there early...
I ran into josh and we decided to jump ship for maui...we left, tried to take a free shuttle to the beach but the person running the line was a jerk, saying to hell with crew we just walked, leaving chris and liz to take a different shuttle to the mall...
We walked around, and you know, things suck when you are on foot I want all the cool things to be right there for me...i don't want to see urban life, fucking mcdonald's and shopping malls..i want to see cool things..well we finally made it to the beach...i walked into the water and got my shoes all wet, life was good...we were there out and about for a couple hours and we decided to head back to the ship before we die of getting a sunburn
You know I like josh, at first I thought he was a psycho killer going to do bad things to me while I slept in my room at piney point, but soon I realized that was not the case, rather it would be james to flip out and go crazy...but yeah, josh is a little wacky, but I like it, we are on the same level of outlandish humor, and he brings out a more childlike side..i don't know if that's good or bad, but it makes me laugh and that eases the stress..
We ate up some lunch, I retrieved several voicemails and tried my best to reply but to no avail...then I headed to my room where I went to type..but that never happened..i got as far as pressing the play button on itunes and fell asleep...i would awake at 521...
So I awoke, late by what would turn into 45 minutes...i got dressed and went to work..i tried to blend in as best I could...and you know it worked..i never checked in with a matre d and nobody said anything, well, except Christina who said that during roll they announced my name but nobody responded...
roll? The one time roll is actually taken and I am not there, oh my...well all seemed to be well in the end I think...i never did check in like I said but I went straight to work..and when we needed to go out out the floor, there I was..i'm too new that I don't think anybody even recognizes me yet, well except for the one point while I was resetting, actually this happened several times, this one matre d called me over, asked my name, then asked where were the other resetters.he pulled out his list, read off the two other names that were supposed to be with me on the starbird side, and said he has only seen me out that was a good thing..
the night eventually ended..i hate doing reset team just because there's so much random work, almost over work because we don't have enough equipment to do things I got back to my room to change, the other roommates were cleaning for tomorrow's inspection, and I headed to the sky deck..and you know, I get out there, check my new barrage of messages, and my phone is about to die...luckily I did get a couple voicemails out there and talk to jenny...though the phone did actually die in the middle of the conversation and I had no way of contacting her back..
you know I do miss her in a strange way..sure it can get lonely out here on the seas, but I don't know...i think it's just my in ability to commit that doesn't allow me to really appreciate her, which is sad...just another heart for me to crush, and one they are gone realize how great they truly were and then fall in love with them, or rather the idea...ughh, I hate life
so after my phone died it was time for the midnight buffet followed with conversation and that was all...i didn't get off the ship to go to the bar in maui that everyone goes to, and I didn't go to the crew bar on the ship...i guess I am lame like that....
"have you heard about the new maui light?"
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Day 32 – 5
Love Me Tender
get it?
yeah i didn't think so, but i'll explain
My day started off with a morning breakfast shift, while it seemed as if all my roommates had that morning it wasn't bad, it was just me getting ready in the morning and not having to worry about others needing the shower/bathroom or maneuvering around then to get ready..
Breakfast was good and all..i got to be the pastry bitch, er muffin man, whatever you want to call it..the only bad part about that job was the fact I had to carry a tray of pastries around for 2 hours...and I continued to do so using only my right it was in a little bit of pain late in the shift, and I also refused to switch arms..
It was close to ten when someone told me I should have gone home around 9, which made me feel great, so I put down the pastries and headed the sky deck (I think that's what I am going to call deck thirteen, the sun deck..whatever..) I was there for a little bit before I decided to get out of my work cloths..on the way down I ran into eric who was going to hop on the island of Kona, so I changed and we waited in line to leave.
We took a tender boat to the island, but eric didn't have much time before he had to go back to work, so we didn't really do much..we walked around and eric complained about everything as usual..he headed back to the tender but I stayed to walk around some more, picking up brochures for things to do on the I was getting ready to leave i saw my group of ladies just arriving..they wanted me to go with them to turtle island or something, snorkeling something or another, but I figured I had enough sun, what with walking around today and the burn I had already from yesterday and headed back on the tender boat..
One cool thing about the tender boat in that area, I got to see dolphins popping out of the water, now I can say I saw it all, whales, lava, dolphins..i'm set for the Hawaiian experience...
I caught liz on my way to lunch and she was headed that way as well..we ate a decent meal, mostly consisting of fruits so no complaints from me and afterwards I headed to my room to write for a few hours before work..
You know I am a cynical person and it's starting to show through..i hate being a tourist, my god I hate change, hate new things, hate not knowing...i went to the island and really didn't have a good time, I was afraid to go out and go explore..didn't want to be taken too far away from the dock so I just walked around tourist alley....if I had some sort of inside information, a friend on the island, something to let me know all the cool places, the things worth seeing, all that, then maybe I could enjoy's the little things that make me happy, the dives, the mundane things, those are beautiful...i hate touristy bullshit...
On my way up in the elevator a lady riding with me turned and told me how much she enjoyed my laugh, then she told me I should do voices or something for cartoons, random and weird, but I enjoyed it none-the-less...
So tonight I worked in the pink palace and was to be an escort once again..but about a half hour into my shift the matre d pulled me aside and told me to go with him..he lead me to the back of the resturant to Kahili, the specialty restaurant between Crossings and the Pink Palace...that matre d then proceeded to show me what he wanted me to do for him that was basically be the reset person for their entire restaurant, which only consisted of 30 or so tables, but all in one long straight line...
It was fun and all, I sat in the back of the restuaurant making resets, polishing silverware and glassware, every now and then the host would pop their head in the back and tell me which tables needed to be was really nice, and the people kept thanking me for being there, I didn't understand it...even towards the end of my shift the matre d came over, asked if I was hungry then gave me some I ate I noticed that all the servers were eating too and it was all ok, oh my dad!
One thing I will mention that I found funny was the service staff employed at the specialty restaurants you are allowed, or required to take off the jacket or vest from what you would normally wear at the crossings or palace, I guess that's to indicate to others where you work...well some servers saw me without a vest going into the galley for plates and they started to freak out..something along the lines of didn't I just start and I am already in a specialty restaurant? I had to assure them it was only for the night but still...
It reminded me of chris' story..he was put on the floor to wait, and his junior waiter totally backed out on him..wouldn't help him at all, and was just a plain out bitch...for as she saw it, she was a junior waiter and has worked long enough and put enough hours in that she should move up to a waiter postion..and to have someone new just stroll in, that's a slap in the face.....what's sad is I can totally understand this...
But everyone is soo cut reminds me of the horrors of real estate...cedar point is a close second to this all, sad as that may be...and I'm going there in july.....
Ugghhh, so I got off of work at 1205, mainly because they forgot about me as usual, and I just sat in the back polishing everything...after clocking out I hurried my way down the stairs in hopes of catching something from the midnight buffet..i just really wanted something to drink, but they still had a nice little wedding cake dessert so I took that as well....
After that I called it a bar for me, I'm over that...goodnight
And just for the record I went with no Dramamine today...go me!
"ughh, we are so not friends now - whatever you love me - no I don't - well I got to go so I'll talk to you later - ok, love you goodbye!”
Love Me Tender
get it?
yeah i didn't think so, but i'll explain
My day started off with a morning breakfast shift, while it seemed as if all my roommates had that morning it wasn't bad, it was just me getting ready in the morning and not having to worry about others needing the shower/bathroom or maneuvering around then to get ready..
Breakfast was good and all..i got to be the pastry bitch, er muffin man, whatever you want to call it..the only bad part about that job was the fact I had to carry a tray of pastries around for 2 hours...and I continued to do so using only my right it was in a little bit of pain late in the shift, and I also refused to switch arms..
It was close to ten when someone told me I should have gone home around 9, which made me feel great, so I put down the pastries and headed the sky deck (I think that's what I am going to call deck thirteen, the sun deck..whatever..) I was there for a little bit before I decided to get out of my work cloths..on the way down I ran into eric who was going to hop on the island of Kona, so I changed and we waited in line to leave.
We took a tender boat to the island, but eric didn't have much time before he had to go back to work, so we didn't really do much..we walked around and eric complained about everything as usual..he headed back to the tender but I stayed to walk around some more, picking up brochures for things to do on the I was getting ready to leave i saw my group of ladies just arriving..they wanted me to go with them to turtle island or something, snorkeling something or another, but I figured I had enough sun, what with walking around today and the burn I had already from yesterday and headed back on the tender boat..
One cool thing about the tender boat in that area, I got to see dolphins popping out of the water, now I can say I saw it all, whales, lava, dolphins..i'm set for the Hawaiian experience...
I caught liz on my way to lunch and she was headed that way as well..we ate a decent meal, mostly consisting of fruits so no complaints from me and afterwards I headed to my room to write for a few hours before work..
You know I am a cynical person and it's starting to show through..i hate being a tourist, my god I hate change, hate new things, hate not knowing...i went to the island and really didn't have a good time, I was afraid to go out and go explore..didn't want to be taken too far away from the dock so I just walked around tourist alley....if I had some sort of inside information, a friend on the island, something to let me know all the cool places, the things worth seeing, all that, then maybe I could enjoy's the little things that make me happy, the dives, the mundane things, those are beautiful...i hate touristy bullshit...
On my way up in the elevator a lady riding with me turned and told me how much she enjoyed my laugh, then she told me I should do voices or something for cartoons, random and weird, but I enjoyed it none-the-less...
So tonight I worked in the pink palace and was to be an escort once again..but about a half hour into my shift the matre d pulled me aside and told me to go with him..he lead me to the back of the resturant to Kahili, the specialty restaurant between Crossings and the Pink Palace...that matre d then proceeded to show me what he wanted me to do for him that was basically be the reset person for their entire restaurant, which only consisted of 30 or so tables, but all in one long straight line...
It was fun and all, I sat in the back of the restuaurant making resets, polishing silverware and glassware, every now and then the host would pop their head in the back and tell me which tables needed to be was really nice, and the people kept thanking me for being there, I didn't understand it...even towards the end of my shift the matre d came over, asked if I was hungry then gave me some I ate I noticed that all the servers were eating too and it was all ok, oh my dad!
One thing I will mention that I found funny was the service staff employed at the specialty restaurants you are allowed, or required to take off the jacket or vest from what you would normally wear at the crossings or palace, I guess that's to indicate to others where you work...well some servers saw me without a vest going into the galley for plates and they started to freak out..something along the lines of didn't I just start and I am already in a specialty restaurant? I had to assure them it was only for the night but still...
It reminded me of chris' story..he was put on the floor to wait, and his junior waiter totally backed out on him..wouldn't help him at all, and was just a plain out bitch...for as she saw it, she was a junior waiter and has worked long enough and put enough hours in that she should move up to a waiter postion..and to have someone new just stroll in, that's a slap in the face.....what's sad is I can totally understand this...
But everyone is soo cut reminds me of the horrors of real estate...cedar point is a close second to this all, sad as that may be...and I'm going there in july.....
Ugghhh, so I got off of work at 1205, mainly because they forgot about me as usual, and I just sat in the back polishing everything...after clocking out I hurried my way down the stairs in hopes of catching something from the midnight buffet..i just really wanted something to drink, but they still had a nice little wedding cake dessert so I took that as well....
After that I called it a bar for me, I'm over that...goodnight
And just for the record I went with no Dramamine today...go me!
"ughh, we are so not friends now - whatever you love me - no I don't - well I got to go so I'll talk to you later - ok, love you goodbye!”
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Day 31 - 4
Valentine's Day!!!
Laughter and lava
Kissy kiss and all that mushy shit..
Sooo, today was virtually my day off..well, as close to a day off as I am going to see in the next 20 weeks...i didn't have to work breakfast nor I got to sleep in...well sorta..
We had our weekly safety/evacuation drill at 1030...which lasted almost an then it was time for lunch..and the highlight of the day was lunch..we had our ice cream was super!
I made me up a little bowl and decorated it as I liked, and as I turned to walk away a buddy of mine from the pastry department, yeah that one guy, pulled me over to look at my creation..he noticed I was fixing it up, spending a little time on it, but just creating it you he looks at it, then looks at my tag and says Jason, we're gonna pull you out of junior waiting and put you in our pastry department, you can plate our dishes..
Afterwards I felt the need to stay awake and do something...and even though we were docked I did not get off the ship, but rather went up to the 13th deck to sit out and look at the view..i kinda wanted to get off, but whatever, I didn't care all too much, I needed to check my voicemails and get in contact with people, after all it is valentine's day...
I was out there for an hour or so, my battery on my lappy died so I decided to go back to my room to charge it...well that's where I have my problems...when I get to my room I am tired as could be, it's a dark little dungeon, and I take a nap...i guess it's not all that bad, everyone seems to be doing it...
Well dinner time came, I made my way to the fifth deck towards the pink palace, once again missing my dinner in the mess hall...i was scheduled to be an escort once again, no biggie, I mean it was fun and all the last couple of times I did it...
One thing I found out though, people love talking to me...i'll upsell drinks, people want to know where I am from, people just love talking to's all that charm or something...and I feel bad because I would stay there and speak with them but I'm just an escort...their server wants to get to them and I have other people who want to sit down..oh well..
Well the ship went to sea and I caught it just as we departed..looking out the portholes to see the shoreline coasting along..i popped only one Dramamine this time and I was able to make it the entire shift...
For whatever reason the escort/host team had to stay late, and had a bunch of side duties to do..i was uncertain of what was going on really, I mean we were still there and the reset team along with most servers were gone..i was finally able to get out of there at 1035,just enough time to run up the stairs to the thirteenth deck and catch the very end of the lava flow..
It was kinda neat to see, but we got there too late, and others said it wasn’t that good that night so we weren't really missing much..still I got 19 more weeks to catch it so no skin off my teeth..
I shot the shit with liz and Scottie for about half an hour before I realized it was that time for the midnight buffet..thank god for that buffet, without it I don't know when I would eat...though I really should stop eating so much and so late (insert my classic joke here)
While we were eating our late night meal liz and I had a conversation about my laugh the other night, apparently for her entire duration at piney point she never heard my laugh, I told her she should have been there the other night because it was a blast...well wouldn't you know not very much later we were all eating and something triggered it, I went into hysterics and this time it was cowboy who was on crowd control, which kills me even more..everyone in the mess was looking at me once again, and once again others were joining in on the laughter..ohh what a contagious thing. Well it happened two more times, and it still brought on onlookers and more laughter..i'm a laugh riot, or something like that...
And with my belly full and joyous laughs had, I called it a night and retired to my room, only to pass out within moments with the sway of ship to remind me of my waterbed days..who needs a valentine with you when you have others loving you from afar?
"oh shit, here he goes again.."
Valentine's Day!!!
Laughter and lava
Kissy kiss and all that mushy shit..
Sooo, today was virtually my day off..well, as close to a day off as I am going to see in the next 20 weeks...i didn't have to work breakfast nor I got to sleep in...well sorta..
We had our weekly safety/evacuation drill at 1030...which lasted almost an then it was time for lunch..and the highlight of the day was lunch..we had our ice cream was super!
I made me up a little bowl and decorated it as I liked, and as I turned to walk away a buddy of mine from the pastry department, yeah that one guy, pulled me over to look at my creation..he noticed I was fixing it up, spending a little time on it, but just creating it you he looks at it, then looks at my tag and says Jason, we're gonna pull you out of junior waiting and put you in our pastry department, you can plate our dishes..
Afterwards I felt the need to stay awake and do something...and even though we were docked I did not get off the ship, but rather went up to the 13th deck to sit out and look at the view..i kinda wanted to get off, but whatever, I didn't care all too much, I needed to check my voicemails and get in contact with people, after all it is valentine's day...
I was out there for an hour or so, my battery on my lappy died so I decided to go back to my room to charge it...well that's where I have my problems...when I get to my room I am tired as could be, it's a dark little dungeon, and I take a nap...i guess it's not all that bad, everyone seems to be doing it...
Well dinner time came, I made my way to the fifth deck towards the pink palace, once again missing my dinner in the mess hall...i was scheduled to be an escort once again, no biggie, I mean it was fun and all the last couple of times I did it...
One thing I found out though, people love talking to me...i'll upsell drinks, people want to know where I am from, people just love talking to's all that charm or something...and I feel bad because I would stay there and speak with them but I'm just an escort...their server wants to get to them and I have other people who want to sit down..oh well..
Well the ship went to sea and I caught it just as we departed..looking out the portholes to see the shoreline coasting along..i popped only one Dramamine this time and I was able to make it the entire shift...
For whatever reason the escort/host team had to stay late, and had a bunch of side duties to do..i was uncertain of what was going on really, I mean we were still there and the reset team along with most servers were gone..i was finally able to get out of there at 1035,just enough time to run up the stairs to the thirteenth deck and catch the very end of the lava flow..
It was kinda neat to see, but we got there too late, and others said it wasn’t that good that night so we weren't really missing much..still I got 19 more weeks to catch it so no skin off my teeth..
I shot the shit with liz and Scottie for about half an hour before I realized it was that time for the midnight buffet..thank god for that buffet, without it I don't know when I would eat...though I really should stop eating so much and so late (insert my classic joke here)
While we were eating our late night meal liz and I had a conversation about my laugh the other night, apparently for her entire duration at piney point she never heard my laugh, I told her she should have been there the other night because it was a blast...well wouldn't you know not very much later we were all eating and something triggered it, I went into hysterics and this time it was cowboy who was on crowd control, which kills me even more..everyone in the mess was looking at me once again, and once again others were joining in on the laughter..ohh what a contagious thing. Well it happened two more times, and it still brought on onlookers and more laughter..i'm a laugh riot, or something like that...
And with my belly full and joyous laughs had, I called it a night and retired to my room, only to pass out within moments with the sway of ship to remind me of my waterbed days..who needs a valentine with you when you have others loving you from afar?
"oh shit, here he goes again.."
Monday, February 12, 2007
Day 30 - 3
Triple Threat Tuesday
Rocky waters...
My favorite part about sailing is when we dock on dry land...
Ughhh, so let's do this, or of all days, you would not even was everyone's first day working, for the restaurant that is..and wouldn't you know, it's the day everyone works a triple shift...amazing. BUT on top of that, yes there is more, this part of the journey is the roughest part at what a day I had...
It started out at 6am..i awoke and then heard my roommates shuffling around getting ready...knowing that they had to be at work at 7 and myself at work at 730, I just waited for all them to finish...658 rolls around and I can finally get into the shower...
My first shift was fun, I got to be an escort, or a seater if you will..i just ran around and took people to their tables, no biggie...and they have a nice little computer program to help assist with the seating, pretty nifty if you ask me...i kept telling people it was my first day and a lot of them responded with they could not tell at all and what a great job I was doing..i basically rock I know..
Then it was off to lunch for a quick bite while my shirts got pressed and then it was time for the lunch shift and there I was on the reset team..basically making new setups of silverware with the occasional bussing of a table or two. I took some sea-ez..or Dramamine in real world terms right before we headed to sea..and I heard everyone saying these would be the roughest parts of our travels, so I was a little worried...
Work was work..this other kid and I had a blast, joking..every time the ship would rock you would see the two of us walking to the left, then walking back to the right, swaying, it was retarded...the other hightlight was while I was resetting tables a heard some passengers ohh'ing and aww'ing right by me, so I looked out the window only to see whale tails flipping about in the water...once we were released I went down to the mess and grabbed a green apple to take back with me to my room..i did my very best to write, but I grew tired and fell asleep...
Third day in a row I missed dinner...time for work. This time I was in the pink palace..and once again I was an escort..i really don’t mind, it’s a very chillax job. However already I have started with my eyeing of the co-workers...there is one in particular that I like because she reminds me of someone, yet I don’t know who...
I tried my best to talk to her in passing, and she was very cordial back with me, she called me squirt at one point and I giggled and walked away...later when she walked by she made it a point to grab my name tag and see what my name was..i tried to catch her's later, at first I thought it was Kali, with a k only because I saw the K and heard her say Kali, but indeed found out it was Kelly...
Christina and I had a blast, she makes me happy because she constantly tells me how fun it is to work with me and how I am always making her laugh...if it's one goal I have in life, it's to please other people, especially to make them smile....that doesn't mean I don't not hate them all ;-)
We finished up with the work and decided we all needed to go to the crew bar..whatever I made promises to make an appearance so I might as well...but first I made a stop at the mess for the late night buffet..we had a nice little group meet up and it was cute because it was all our graduated class of 109 and the adopted others all sitting together
once again we are limited to wine and beer...but this time there's no blue moon..and the wines are still lackluster, so whatever..i tried a cab and it was a no go, but I still drank it just to have it...the bar is pretty lame....and then there's this closed off area for the dance floor with the DJ and the smoking area..whatever, I guess it's where everyone goes...sounds like another "loser's" or louies, whatevs..
Triple Threat Tuesday
Rocky waters...
My favorite part about sailing is when we dock on dry land...
Ughhh, so let's do this, or of all days, you would not even was everyone's first day working, for the restaurant that is..and wouldn't you know, it's the day everyone works a triple shift...amazing. BUT on top of that, yes there is more, this part of the journey is the roughest part at what a day I had...
It started out at 6am..i awoke and then heard my roommates shuffling around getting ready...knowing that they had to be at work at 7 and myself at work at 730, I just waited for all them to finish...658 rolls around and I can finally get into the shower...
My first shift was fun, I got to be an escort, or a seater if you will..i just ran around and took people to their tables, no biggie...and they have a nice little computer program to help assist with the seating, pretty nifty if you ask me...i kept telling people it was my first day and a lot of them responded with they could not tell at all and what a great job I was doing..i basically rock I know..
Then it was off to lunch for a quick bite while my shirts got pressed and then it was time for the lunch shift and there I was on the reset team..basically making new setups of silverware with the occasional bussing of a table or two. I took some sea-ez..or Dramamine in real world terms right before we headed to sea..and I heard everyone saying these would be the roughest parts of our travels, so I was a little worried...
Work was work..this other kid and I had a blast, joking..every time the ship would rock you would see the two of us walking to the left, then walking back to the right, swaying, it was retarded...the other hightlight was while I was resetting tables a heard some passengers ohh'ing and aww'ing right by me, so I looked out the window only to see whale tails flipping about in the water...once we were released I went down to the mess and grabbed a green apple to take back with me to my room..i did my very best to write, but I grew tired and fell asleep...
Third day in a row I missed dinner...time for work. This time I was in the pink palace..and once again I was an escort..i really don’t mind, it’s a very chillax job. However already I have started with my eyeing of the co-workers...there is one in particular that I like because she reminds me of someone, yet I don’t know who...
I tried my best to talk to her in passing, and she was very cordial back with me, she called me squirt at one point and I giggled and walked away...later when she walked by she made it a point to grab my name tag and see what my name was..i tried to catch her's later, at first I thought it was Kali, with a k only because I saw the K and heard her say Kali, but indeed found out it was Kelly...
Christina and I had a blast, she makes me happy because she constantly tells me how fun it is to work with me and how I am always making her laugh...if it's one goal I have in life, it's to please other people, especially to make them smile....that doesn't mean I don't not hate them all ;-)
We finished up with the work and decided we all needed to go to the crew bar..whatever I made promises to make an appearance so I might as well...but first I made a stop at the mess for the late night buffet..we had a nice little group meet up and it was cute because it was all our graduated class of 109 and the adopted others all sitting together
once again we are limited to wine and beer...but this time there's no blue moon..and the wines are still lackluster, so whatever..i tried a cab and it was a no go, but I still drank it just to have it...the bar is pretty lame....and then there's this closed off area for the dance floor with the DJ and the smoking area..whatever, I guess it's where everyone goes...sounds like another "loser's" or louies, whatevs..
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Day 28 – 1
This is Gonna Take Everything I Got
There's a reason why I don't make first day posts..i hate everything..
Short and sweet..we woke up, ate the breakfast...we went to the ship...we had classes on safety...they gave me crap about my home address and my fly to address...the rooms are smaller than small...we left port at 7 and I started to get sea sick...i met a guy in the pastry department that may be able to give jenny the hookup, he also graduated from Chic..i tried to rock out as much as possible, but as the day grew on, as did the stress..ughh, this will be life changing...
"everyone needs a Jason in their life.."
This is Gonna Take Everything I Got
There's a reason why I don't make first day posts..i hate everything..
Short and sweet..we woke up, ate the breakfast...we went to the ship...we had classes on safety...they gave me crap about my home address and my fly to address...the rooms are smaller than small...we left port at 7 and I started to get sea sick...i met a guy in the pastry department that may be able to give jenny the hookup, he also graduated from Chic..i tried to rock out as much as possible, but as the day grew on, as did the stress..ughh, this will be life changing...
"everyone needs a Jason in their life.."
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Day 27-1-0
Leaving and Arriving...
The struggles of traveling with no sleep...
And trying to see one of the coolest places in a matter of hours...
Ughhh, I hate flying..still. this time they didn't lose my luggage, thank god, but it was just all the down time spent, it really pissed me off...
we left piney point somewhere around 2 in the morning...making it to the airport a little before 4...then we waited for the check in lines to open..and then went through that whole process...then we waited at the terminal trying to kill time by eating and doing whatever, I ate gelato knocking off one thing from my "when I land in honolulu check list"... it still counts as the ice cream onto a Gin&Tonic and Subway...
our flight didn't leave until 8 so I hated life waiting around, trying to take a nap and trying to keep up texting people...we flew to Denver..had an hour layover, which turned into a little bit longer with a delay from San Fran..made it to san fran and hopped on the next plane out to hawai'i...this one being the biggest plane I've ever flown on, a 777. We departed from San Fran around 230 and headed to the skies..over the water...on a, three of my biggest fears all in one locale, I love it..sarcasm...
one thing to note, never plug your headphones into the jaqck for the seat and turn the channel to the airtraffic channel..biggest mistake i've ever made..all the talks about being overweight and changing speeds, getting denied by the was all too much to take.....
we got to the hotel, but it was alte, already something like 8pm, not leaving much time for us to do anything..we ate dinner and all chilled in the bar, i didn't drink but i was up til about 1 for whatever reason..i wanted to walk down to the beach, but nobody would go with me...
josh was lucky enough to be my room once again, and he had the pleasure of listening to my woody allen-esque rants to the front desk..i seriously called them three different times or to figure out the internet, the other to make a wake up call time, and the last was the worst, it was about our lights being out in the vanity sink area..ughh, what a time....
"...i think our lights our out...i mean unless there's some other way to turn them on, but i flipped the lightswitches all over this place and the two didn't come on..which i figured maybe i'm not doing something right because what are the odds that both lights would be blown out...and it wouldn't be that big of deal but i need those lights to shave because that's the only mirror in the room, and i need to get a close shave for work tomorrow..-hey flip all those switches again for me josh- yeah still nothing, maybe i'm just not doing it right, both lights aren't coming on i don't know what o tell you..."
Leaving and Arriving...
The struggles of traveling with no sleep...
And trying to see one of the coolest places in a matter of hours...
Ughhh, I hate flying..still. this time they didn't lose my luggage, thank god, but it was just all the down time spent, it really pissed me off...
we left piney point somewhere around 2 in the morning...making it to the airport a little before 4...then we waited for the check in lines to open..and then went through that whole process...then we waited at the terminal trying to kill time by eating and doing whatever, I ate gelato knocking off one thing from my "when I land in honolulu check list"... it still counts as the ice cream onto a Gin&Tonic and Subway...
our flight didn't leave until 8 so I hated life waiting around, trying to take a nap and trying to keep up texting people...we flew to Denver..had an hour layover, which turned into a little bit longer with a delay from San Fran..made it to san fran and hopped on the next plane out to hawai'i...this one being the biggest plane I've ever flown on, a 777. We departed from San Fran around 230 and headed to the skies..over the water...on a, three of my biggest fears all in one locale, I love it..sarcasm...
one thing to note, never plug your headphones into the jaqck for the seat and turn the channel to the airtraffic channel..biggest mistake i've ever made..all the talks about being overweight and changing speeds, getting denied by the was all too much to take.....
we got to the hotel, but it was alte, already something like 8pm, not leaving much time for us to do anything..we ate dinner and all chilled in the bar, i didn't drink but i was up til about 1 for whatever reason..i wanted to walk down to the beach, but nobody would go with me...
josh was lucky enough to be my room once again, and he had the pleasure of listening to my woody allen-esque rants to the front desk..i seriously called them three different times or to figure out the internet, the other to make a wake up call time, and the last was the worst, it was about our lights being out in the vanity sink area..ughh, what a time....
"...i think our lights our out...i mean unless there's some other way to turn them on, but i flipped the lightswitches all over this place and the two didn't come on..which i figured maybe i'm not doing something right because what are the odds that both lights would be blown out...and it wouldn't be that big of deal but i need those lights to shave because that's the only mirror in the room, and i need to get a close shave for work tomorrow..-hey flip all those switches again for me josh- yeah still nothing, maybe i'm just not doing it right, both lights aren't coming on i don't know what o tell you..."
Friday, February 09, 2007
Day 26
My Turn to Say Goodbye
And a turn of events..
I'm leaving on the same note I arrived on....
I woke up this morning. I actually awoke several times, but felt no need to ever get out of bed...i never checked in, to hell with that right? When the clock reached the 1030 mark that's when I decided to get out of bed, having been, or should have been well rested for the duration I spent sleeping.
So I worked the lunch's Friday so that not only meant pizza was served, but those sticking around from the graduating class yesterday, 110, had to work with I was hoping that meant I wouldn't have to work..well I got close because I was scheduled as a breaker..but after they did roll call they changed the schedule and had to actually work, whatever...i still had dinner to hope for not working, what with the movement meeting and all...
I did have a good thing happen at lunch, no I didn't spill anything on anyone, but it did have to do with that...this guy who works with me came up to me in the middle of my shift and started talking about the girl I spilled drinks on..apparently he was sitting at her table at dinner time and overheard a conversation with her and her it turns out she does have a crush on me...something was said along the lines "he's so nervous when he's around he drops the trays, but it's really i who am the nervous one.."
So after lunch the time somehow flew by..i was online for an hour before my computer needed to be charged, then I sat there, doing god knows what..before you knew it, the time was almost four so we needed to head down to see if we were indeed working. After I got down there I saw that the movement meeting was at 5 and therefore we had the night off...ecstatic to have the night off and possibly eat a meal at a decent pace...well as we now have been trained to do, we scarffed down the food in about twenty minutes..damn the man
So the movement meeting was short and we were free to do as we pleased...i ran upstairs to grab Andrea's present in hopes of finding her..well she was nowhere to be I went down to the NCL desk, walking past it, but turning around to find amy, whom I thought had keys to andrea’s office..but it turned out to be one better than that, apparently this manager actually lives with I left the gift with her as she was departing home, score!
Only being back in the room for a few minutes the phone rings and it's for me...amiee (different amiee, my amiee) calls me and asks if I wanna get a drink, hells yeah.
So we meet in the bar and drink it up..somehow amiee managed to pull off a huge glass of wine, not the normal sized glass at all, and I was in the mood for a Blue Moon...i ended up having three of those bad boys and I bought amiee another glass of that time it was shortly after 8 and that meant it was sandwich I said my goodbyes in the bar and headed over there...
But I should note, in the bar that night was in fact the infamous girl, gina, the one whom I spilt the drinks on..i did everything in my power to charm her over, especially after hearing the news she had a crush on me...i offered to buy her a drink, but of course she was too pink to drink, and was only having shirly temples..but I went back to her on two occasions just to make conversation and smooth things over..and I finally got the hint that she did have a crush on me..
So the sandwiches were good, but I was so..excited..that I forgot to add the lettuce and tomatoes..whatevs..i had to eat in a hurry because I still had a lot to do with the night..
Back at the room I started my laundry, just a small load of all the things I wore this week, and started to kinda pack..throw in a shower and just waited for the laundry to finish up..
Not too much after that..once I was finished with the laundry I was able to piece together my baggage..and I wondered how in the heck I did it the first's funny because as I was unpacking from here I thought to myself I could've packed more shit...but after struggling to make what I had fit into my bags this time, I had negative room...
But I made it, also taking along the added bonus of a teddy bear and two rolls of toilet paper in my carry on...and then we waited for 130
"we hope you enjoyed your stay, even if it was for 26 days..."
My Turn to Say Goodbye
And a turn of events..
I'm leaving on the same note I arrived on....
I woke up this morning. I actually awoke several times, but felt no need to ever get out of bed...i never checked in, to hell with that right? When the clock reached the 1030 mark that's when I decided to get out of bed, having been, or should have been well rested for the duration I spent sleeping.
So I worked the lunch's Friday so that not only meant pizza was served, but those sticking around from the graduating class yesterday, 110, had to work with I was hoping that meant I wouldn't have to work..well I got close because I was scheduled as a breaker..but after they did roll call they changed the schedule and had to actually work, whatever...i still had dinner to hope for not working, what with the movement meeting and all...
I did have a good thing happen at lunch, no I didn't spill anything on anyone, but it did have to do with that...this guy who works with me came up to me in the middle of my shift and started talking about the girl I spilled drinks on..apparently he was sitting at her table at dinner time and overheard a conversation with her and her it turns out she does have a crush on me...something was said along the lines "he's so nervous when he's around he drops the trays, but it's really i who am the nervous one.."
So after lunch the time somehow flew by..i was online for an hour before my computer needed to be charged, then I sat there, doing god knows what..before you knew it, the time was almost four so we needed to head down to see if we were indeed working. After I got down there I saw that the movement meeting was at 5 and therefore we had the night off...ecstatic to have the night off and possibly eat a meal at a decent pace...well as we now have been trained to do, we scarffed down the food in about twenty minutes..damn the man
So the movement meeting was short and we were free to do as we pleased...i ran upstairs to grab Andrea's present in hopes of finding her..well she was nowhere to be I went down to the NCL desk, walking past it, but turning around to find amy, whom I thought had keys to andrea’s office..but it turned out to be one better than that, apparently this manager actually lives with I left the gift with her as she was departing home, score!
Only being back in the room for a few minutes the phone rings and it's for me...amiee (different amiee, my amiee) calls me and asks if I wanna get a drink, hells yeah.
So we meet in the bar and drink it up..somehow amiee managed to pull off a huge glass of wine, not the normal sized glass at all, and I was in the mood for a Blue Moon...i ended up having three of those bad boys and I bought amiee another glass of that time it was shortly after 8 and that meant it was sandwich I said my goodbyes in the bar and headed over there...
But I should note, in the bar that night was in fact the infamous girl, gina, the one whom I spilt the drinks on..i did everything in my power to charm her over, especially after hearing the news she had a crush on me...i offered to buy her a drink, but of course she was too pink to drink, and was only having shirly temples..but I went back to her on two occasions just to make conversation and smooth things over..and I finally got the hint that she did have a crush on me..
So the sandwiches were good, but I was so..excited..that I forgot to add the lettuce and tomatoes..whatevs..i had to eat in a hurry because I still had a lot to do with the night..
Back at the room I started my laundry, just a small load of all the things I wore this week, and started to kinda pack..throw in a shower and just waited for the laundry to finish up..
Not too much after that..once I was finished with the laundry I was able to piece together my baggage..and I wondered how in the heck I did it the first's funny because as I was unpacking from here I thought to myself I could've packed more shit...but after struggling to make what I had fit into my bags this time, I had negative room...
But I made it, also taking along the added bonus of a teddy bear and two rolls of toilet paper in my carry on...and then we waited for 130
"we hope you enjoyed your stay, even if it was for 26 days..."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Day 25
Jenny Was a Friend of Mine...
Wait, I already said that...
Well then in that case..goodbye.
Today was a day of mixed emotions to say the least...but it didn't necessarily start off that know I did my usual, not waking up in time for check in, but just relaxing while I could get it in and then went off to work for lunch.
Well here's a story for lunch I was one of 6 scheduled to work the main dining room, and that's where my trouble would take place..i did my thing, picking up trays, taking them back, you know, whatever I was supposed to be doing...then, then the I load up my right arm with four trays stacked up on one another, and as I put that fourth tray on another lady at the same table tells me she is finished, so I go to grab her tray with my left hand and was going to head back..well, as I grab a hold of the tray in the center to pick it up, she starts adjusting the items on the tray, the main thing being the addition of a full glass of water to the very upper rightmost corner..this threw off the distribution of weight on the tray and as I had it only inches off of the table I saw that top corner bend like nobody's business..
i tried to put down the tray a quick as possible foreseeing danger, but it was all too late, the glass of water spilt over the side to the right..landing in someone else's Caesar salad and on their lap..the girl looked up at me and acknowledged me as the same guy who spilled a drink on her in the wheelhouse a couple weeks ago..i felt absolutely stupid at this in the world could I spill on someone let alone spill on them on two separate random occasions...
I did everything in my power to win her over, all my charm in the world didn't seem to sway her, she was upset..and this time it was only water slightly on her lap..i cracked jokes, everything..nothing seemed to help..i even had people go over to talk to her for me just to make sure she wasn't going to hate me forever...whatever
So after lunch I did the workout thing, knocking it out early today for whatever reason..when I got out of the shower back at the room jenny was waiting for me, and she brought some news along with...she had seen the list of names and ships people were going to...she would be going on the America, thus leaving tonight, and I would be placed on the Aloha, and therefore leaving tomorrow night...
This posed as a doubly bad thing, maybe even triple depending on how extreme you wanted to go with it...but it really meant that this would be our last night together for at least 20 weeks...25 days in the making, all wiped away by the placement of names on a list. She is scheduled to leave tonight...make the most of a bad situation..but it's only a bad situation if you left it be one...
The time would come for me to work the dinner shift, and jenny would be graduating at that time as well..i worked til 630 in the wheelhouse, along with many others as the main dining room was closed for a special VIP SIU dinner or something..that girl, we will call her gina, the one spilt the drinks on was present in the dining room and I made it point to not go by her..and had others who knew her talk to her about the incident earlier..she was calmer now, but I still wanted to win her over if it was possible at all...
Jenny was off washing cloths and packing, so when I called her room on several different occasions she was not around...amiee got ahold of me and wanted to use the lappy to see if there was a way to check her MMD process online..we went down to the now deserted wheelhouse to get online...the internet was not being our friend and was rather sluggish..
Right before 8 liz came over with a heaping plate full of shrimp..she had worked that special VIP dinner and was allowed to partake in the leftovers...when amiee saw the shrimp her mouth started liz went back and brought two huge plates full of shrimp for the both of we were finishing them off the crowd for sandwiches appeared as did jenny.
Jenny was saying her goodbyes to everyone possible as we were downstairs..then she had amiee and I pose for the re-take of the greatest picture every taken and now lost..i don't know if it was as great, but we were posing we started giggling and apparently got too loud because I'm stupid and we got yelled at...after that amiee went back to her room and jenny and I went to play ping-pong for the title of grand master piney point champion of the world..err something like that...
As always, on a good note, she won the first game, but it was actually very close...i returned by winning the next two games..she thought we were finished right then and there but I said let's keep playing...then she somehow pulled off a two in a row win over me, thus tying the series...i think she wanted to call it quits there but I wanted a definite we continued, me a little upset about losing two in a row..
I came back and won the next game..but I told jenny you have to win by two, just like in the game, to win the we played on...and this game jenny absolutely lost whatever game she had..everything went down the toilet..she was stuck on six points for the longest time...the series got to 10 to 20, game point for me after I biffed my last make it competitive and have the pressure all on me for some sort of crazed victorious win, I threw the next 5 vollies allowing the score to be 15-20, my serve...i placed the ball in my hand, pulled back the paddle and smacked it hard at her..too hard in would have been a re-serve had jenny not hit it, but due to her 'amazing' cat like reflxes she hit the ball, and lost the not only the point, the game, but the greatest series ever..hard fought yes..i did my victory lap, hopped the net, ran over to her, picking her up and spinning her around in my arms..
we headed back to the room, i had asked her to do me a favor before she left...i asked to make it possible to go to sleep at midnight, and have her leave at one for her trip as planned, but do it as i slept...not to wake me, just to leave (i know, how random..), but i didn't want it to be goodbye..i didn't want there to be a goodbye, i wanted to go to sleep as if i were going to see her in the morning, we went to the room..we did our best to fall asleep, but we haven't gone to bed that early ever so it was difficult...
i had to have ben raining in the room or something, or my eyes were just watering before i went to sleep because jenny made a comment about tears or something, i don't know what she was talking about...though she did start to tear up after was shortly after 1245 we had our moment of silence and i tried my best to go to sleep...well it never worked, i heard jenny's alarm go off...i heard her get up out of the bed, gather her things, kiss me on the cheek, whisper into my ear, and go out the she exited i called out softly goodbye and then i heard the door latch click...
“I’ll see you in another life, when we are both cats..”
Jenny Was a Friend of Mine...
Wait, I already said that...
Well then in that case..goodbye.
Today was a day of mixed emotions to say the least...but it didn't necessarily start off that know I did my usual, not waking up in time for check in, but just relaxing while I could get it in and then went off to work for lunch.
Well here's a story for lunch I was one of 6 scheduled to work the main dining room, and that's where my trouble would take place..i did my thing, picking up trays, taking them back, you know, whatever I was supposed to be doing...then, then the I load up my right arm with four trays stacked up on one another, and as I put that fourth tray on another lady at the same table tells me she is finished, so I go to grab her tray with my left hand and was going to head back..well, as I grab a hold of the tray in the center to pick it up, she starts adjusting the items on the tray, the main thing being the addition of a full glass of water to the very upper rightmost corner..this threw off the distribution of weight on the tray and as I had it only inches off of the table I saw that top corner bend like nobody's business..
i tried to put down the tray a quick as possible foreseeing danger, but it was all too late, the glass of water spilt over the side to the right..landing in someone else's Caesar salad and on their lap..the girl looked up at me and acknowledged me as the same guy who spilled a drink on her in the wheelhouse a couple weeks ago..i felt absolutely stupid at this in the world could I spill on someone let alone spill on them on two separate random occasions...
I did everything in my power to win her over, all my charm in the world didn't seem to sway her, she was upset..and this time it was only water slightly on her lap..i cracked jokes, everything..nothing seemed to help..i even had people go over to talk to her for me just to make sure she wasn't going to hate me forever...whatever
So after lunch I did the workout thing, knocking it out early today for whatever reason..when I got out of the shower back at the room jenny was waiting for me, and she brought some news along with...she had seen the list of names and ships people were going to...she would be going on the America, thus leaving tonight, and I would be placed on the Aloha, and therefore leaving tomorrow night...
This posed as a doubly bad thing, maybe even triple depending on how extreme you wanted to go with it...but it really meant that this would be our last night together for at least 20 weeks...25 days in the making, all wiped away by the placement of names on a list. She is scheduled to leave tonight...make the most of a bad situation..but it's only a bad situation if you left it be one...
The time would come for me to work the dinner shift, and jenny would be graduating at that time as well..i worked til 630 in the wheelhouse, along with many others as the main dining room was closed for a special VIP SIU dinner or something..that girl, we will call her gina, the one spilt the drinks on was present in the dining room and I made it point to not go by her..and had others who knew her talk to her about the incident earlier..she was calmer now, but I still wanted to win her over if it was possible at all...
Jenny was off washing cloths and packing, so when I called her room on several different occasions she was not around...amiee got ahold of me and wanted to use the lappy to see if there was a way to check her MMD process online..we went down to the now deserted wheelhouse to get online...the internet was not being our friend and was rather sluggish..
Right before 8 liz came over with a heaping plate full of shrimp..she had worked that special VIP dinner and was allowed to partake in the leftovers...when amiee saw the shrimp her mouth started liz went back and brought two huge plates full of shrimp for the both of we were finishing them off the crowd for sandwiches appeared as did jenny.
Jenny was saying her goodbyes to everyone possible as we were downstairs..then she had amiee and I pose for the re-take of the greatest picture every taken and now lost..i don't know if it was as great, but we were posing we started giggling and apparently got too loud because I'm stupid and we got yelled at...after that amiee went back to her room and jenny and I went to play ping-pong for the title of grand master piney point champion of the world..err something like that...
As always, on a good note, she won the first game, but it was actually very close...i returned by winning the next two games..she thought we were finished right then and there but I said let's keep playing...then she somehow pulled off a two in a row win over me, thus tying the series...i think she wanted to call it quits there but I wanted a definite we continued, me a little upset about losing two in a row..
I came back and won the next game..but I told jenny you have to win by two, just like in the game, to win the we played on...and this game jenny absolutely lost whatever game she had..everything went down the toilet..she was stuck on six points for the longest time...the series got to 10 to 20, game point for me after I biffed my last make it competitive and have the pressure all on me for some sort of crazed victorious win, I threw the next 5 vollies allowing the score to be 15-20, my serve...i placed the ball in my hand, pulled back the paddle and smacked it hard at her..too hard in would have been a re-serve had jenny not hit it, but due to her 'amazing' cat like reflxes she hit the ball, and lost the not only the point, the game, but the greatest series ever..hard fought yes..i did my victory lap, hopped the net, ran over to her, picking her up and spinning her around in my arms..
we headed back to the room, i had asked her to do me a favor before she left...i asked to make it possible to go to sleep at midnight, and have her leave at one for her trip as planned, but do it as i slept...not to wake me, just to leave (i know, how random..), but i didn't want it to be goodbye..i didn't want there to be a goodbye, i wanted to go to sleep as if i were going to see her in the morning, we went to the room..we did our best to fall asleep, but we haven't gone to bed that early ever so it was difficult...
i had to have ben raining in the room or something, or my eyes were just watering before i went to sleep because jenny made a comment about tears or something, i don't know what she was talking about...though she did start to tear up after was shortly after 1245 we had our moment of silence and i tried my best to go to sleep...well it never worked, i heard jenny's alarm go off...i heard her get up out of the bed, gather her things, kiss me on the cheek, whisper into my ear, and go out the she exited i called out softly goodbye and then i heard the door latch click...
“I’ll see you in another life, when we are both cats..”
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Day 24
Just Blah..
That's all
It really doesn't even deserve this sentence..
Nothing really happened on this day..i mean I woke up with a headache and from that moment on it was really hard to get going..i was sluggish all day long, even long after the pain went away.
I finally gave up on the food here..i don’t know what it is, normally I can eat anyting, and I especially like dorm like food...and they do change it up here, just some of the basics are the same, like the mashed potatoes that should be served on Wednesday, but may be that I've grown tired of the food, maybe they had bad pickings for this week, or maybe it's the fact we have been reduced to 15 minute breaks...
I guess the one funny part of the day was when I came back to my room from eating my triple decker PB&J and I walk into seeing josh and jenny scrubbing the mirror in the middle of the appeared as if the note I left for james wasn't coming off...i guess the permanent marker I used was in fact permanent on all surfaces? I don't know, I've never had a problem writing on mirrors whatever...
It was a fun little experiment..we were using everything we had in our possession to get the black ink off the shiny surface...we had razor blades, glass cleanser, salt, butter knives, colgne...yeah the latter working the best because of the alcohol content...
So any of you out there who want to get permanent marker off of a mirror or glass...just use something with alcohol and all your troubles will be solved, take it from me the guy who did it already
When it was all said and down, cleaned up and put back together I thanked them for their support and told them it reminded me of some after school know like the one time the gang from saved by the bell wrecked lisa's parents Mercedes and they had to get it fixed and all...just like in any other episode..yeah, like that..
Later jenny and I found ourselves playing some was different because I won the first game, and I told her she would win the next..and sure as sure could be, she did...we ended up leaving the series on a tie three games a piece..and we still have to do the very last series for title of champion of the world before we leave
Other than that it was just a typical boring day..i really can't remember anything too too crazy good to mention, so this will be short and sweet, the end
"I just, you..whatever"
Just Blah..
That's all
It really doesn't even deserve this sentence..
Nothing really happened on this day..i mean I woke up with a headache and from that moment on it was really hard to get going..i was sluggish all day long, even long after the pain went away.
I finally gave up on the food here..i don’t know what it is, normally I can eat anyting, and I especially like dorm like food...and they do change it up here, just some of the basics are the same, like the mashed potatoes that should be served on Wednesday, but may be that I've grown tired of the food, maybe they had bad pickings for this week, or maybe it's the fact we have been reduced to 15 minute breaks...
I guess the one funny part of the day was when I came back to my room from eating my triple decker PB&J and I walk into seeing josh and jenny scrubbing the mirror in the middle of the appeared as if the note I left for james wasn't coming off...i guess the permanent marker I used was in fact permanent on all surfaces? I don't know, I've never had a problem writing on mirrors whatever...
It was a fun little experiment..we were using everything we had in our possession to get the black ink off the shiny surface...we had razor blades, glass cleanser, salt, butter knives, colgne...yeah the latter working the best because of the alcohol content...
So any of you out there who want to get permanent marker off of a mirror or glass...just use something with alcohol and all your troubles will be solved, take it from me the guy who did it already
When it was all said and down, cleaned up and put back together I thanked them for their support and told them it reminded me of some after school know like the one time the gang from saved by the bell wrecked lisa's parents Mercedes and they had to get it fixed and all...just like in any other episode..yeah, like that..
Later jenny and I found ourselves playing some was different because I won the first game, and I told her she would win the next..and sure as sure could be, she did...we ended up leaving the series on a tie three games a piece..and we still have to do the very last series for title of champion of the world before we leave
Other than that it was just a typical boring day..i really can't remember anything too too crazy good to mention, so this will be short and sweet, the end
"I just, you..whatever"
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Back to the Grind..
Just another day
Is anybody else feeling kinda blue?
So after yesterday's celebration we were brought back down to reality and had to get back into the grind of today I worked...but the highlight of lunch was the fact I got to be the bubble boy...i don't know why I've wanted to do this so much, but I finally got my chance today...
As I stood there thank everyone for sanitizing I made up a little story, about how the star bubble boy was injured and they had to bring in the third string bubble boy, aka me..why it skipped over the second I forgot, something to do with timeshares or something, who knows..then I went into the rant about how this is my one time to shine and prove I am worthy enough to only have one chance to make a first impression..and you only have only golden opportunity to make a difference on the way people perceive you..whatever...
Another cool part about lunch was when somebody asked me if the girl in red was my I'm not one to use that term until it is officially established, but this is PP and we are only here for a few more days, sure she's my valentine, but, jenny was a friend of mine...
Dinner was also good because I was a I got to eat first, let someone else eat, then was done for the day..though I had to sit in the dining room and pretend to study, I brought down my computer and played around on it..
The only bad thing about the meals today was the fact that the food was not good at all..neither in the wheel house nor the main dining I got me a sandwich after I worked out and showered..
Guess who I talked to after I got my sandwich..ohh, that's right, andrea...and of course I made a fool of myself..i think she’s getting the hint that I have some sort of weird crush on her..i sat there and rambled to the poor lady, throwing in my not so subtle flirtations to the 29 year old restaurant manager...and she's a busy lady, and I just made her sit there and chat it up with me..
After the sandwich the group just sat there..jenny ran off to play piano then never was found amiee and I just went up to our rooms..i came across this really funny movie on HBO and I caught the second half of it...grandma's boy or was actually pretty good..
Then jenny came over and I gave her shit for leaving without saying know me and my abandonment she felt bad and I kept pressing the issue til I felt she was punished enough, I'm a horrible person but what can I say..
I got over it by reading her the Blue Day Book, a personal favorite, then we watched Vanilla Sky..i got tired and started dosing in and out of it..but that was my night
So I got a fucking roommate, well one of them, not josh but james, has completely flipped out...Now everyone already warned me at the start of my stay to keep my distance from him, he's crazy, yadda yadda yadda..i didn't believe them because they probably just thought he was the times went on, I could tell something was wrong wit the kid, but nothing that was showing through and he did a good job of keeping it to carried on, and everyone kept saying, you'll see soon enough what we were talking about....
Well sure as shit the fucker finally flipped, I don't know if it is his time of the month, he's pissed about this being his 20th week here, he's been rejected in the bar by ladies too many times, or if he's going through a drug withdrawal, but the kid has lost the handle on things...
He came in the room the other night yelling at me and jenny, so we eventually left because I didn't want to start anything..but apparently after we left he killed all the lights and stood in the dark in one spot for thirty minutes...only to get completely naked, go to the bathroom, come out and walk around in some zombie like state, before finally laying down and jerking off for another fifteen minutes...
And since then every morning he'll talk shit about jenny and me, he talk shit when he walks in the room, he slams doors, it's just getting fucking ridiculous...i swear to god I'm gonna go off on him tonight...
"Jenny was a friend of mine..."
Back to the Grind..
Just another day
Is anybody else feeling kinda blue?
So after yesterday's celebration we were brought back down to reality and had to get back into the grind of today I worked...but the highlight of lunch was the fact I got to be the bubble boy...i don't know why I've wanted to do this so much, but I finally got my chance today...
As I stood there thank everyone for sanitizing I made up a little story, about how the star bubble boy was injured and they had to bring in the third string bubble boy, aka me..why it skipped over the second I forgot, something to do with timeshares or something, who knows..then I went into the rant about how this is my one time to shine and prove I am worthy enough to only have one chance to make a first impression..and you only have only golden opportunity to make a difference on the way people perceive you..whatever...
Another cool part about lunch was when somebody asked me if the girl in red was my I'm not one to use that term until it is officially established, but this is PP and we are only here for a few more days, sure she's my valentine, but, jenny was a friend of mine...
Dinner was also good because I was a I got to eat first, let someone else eat, then was done for the day..though I had to sit in the dining room and pretend to study, I brought down my computer and played around on it..
The only bad thing about the meals today was the fact that the food was not good at all..neither in the wheel house nor the main dining I got me a sandwich after I worked out and showered..
Guess who I talked to after I got my sandwich..ohh, that's right, andrea...and of course I made a fool of myself..i think she’s getting the hint that I have some sort of weird crush on her..i sat there and rambled to the poor lady, throwing in my not so subtle flirtations to the 29 year old restaurant manager...and she's a busy lady, and I just made her sit there and chat it up with me..
After the sandwich the group just sat there..jenny ran off to play piano then never was found amiee and I just went up to our rooms..i came across this really funny movie on HBO and I caught the second half of it...grandma's boy or was actually pretty good..
Then jenny came over and I gave her shit for leaving without saying know me and my abandonment she felt bad and I kept pressing the issue til I felt she was punished enough, I'm a horrible person but what can I say..
I got over it by reading her the Blue Day Book, a personal favorite, then we watched Vanilla Sky..i got tired and started dosing in and out of it..but that was my night
So I got a fucking roommate, well one of them, not josh but james, has completely flipped out...Now everyone already warned me at the start of my stay to keep my distance from him, he's crazy, yadda yadda yadda..i didn't believe them because they probably just thought he was the times went on, I could tell something was wrong wit the kid, but nothing that was showing through and he did a good job of keeping it to carried on, and everyone kept saying, you'll see soon enough what we were talking about....
Well sure as shit the fucker finally flipped, I don't know if it is his time of the month, he's pissed about this being his 20th week here, he's been rejected in the bar by ladies too many times, or if he's going through a drug withdrawal, but the kid has lost the handle on things...
He came in the room the other night yelling at me and jenny, so we eventually left because I didn't want to start anything..but apparently after we left he killed all the lights and stood in the dark in one spot for thirty minutes...only to get completely naked, go to the bathroom, come out and walk around in some zombie like state, before finally laying down and jerking off for another fifteen minutes...
And since then every morning he'll talk shit about jenny and me, he talk shit when he walks in the room, he slams doors, it's just getting fucking ridiculous...i swear to god I'm gonna go off on him tonight...
"Jenny was a friend of mine..."
Monday, February 05, 2007
Day 22
Easy as 1.2.3...
Three times a lady, luck that is
Three reasons why today is one of the greatest days in jason history
Well everything I hoped for today came true...i said to myself, and to amiee, that if all three things became possible, Monday would be one of the greatest days ever...check it
The first thing being pay day..yay for going three months without seeing one of those...granted it was for something short of a hundred bucks (basically the amount just spent at Target), any little thing would do...
The second being I got another package...i've been ordering things online just to get packages and make myself feel better like they were from home and I was away at camp..yeah
And the final probably most important thing, I got my MMD...i showed some excitement, but not too much because amiee's name was not on the list...and we are troopers in this together..she told me if she doesn't get her MMD by Friday she's getting on a plane back home because she won't be able to stand it here without me...awww, that makes me feel so good
I really do hope she gets hers..i told her that the MMD would come in on I mean it's possible..West Virginia has been cranking out MMD's like it's their frickin' job...well, I mean, it kinda is, so yeah, well, whatever
All these things came in at exactly the same time, so it was like one ubber-huge present...i couldn't really react to just one thing, but a conglomeration of it all..which has also made it not really hit me cool thing, I'll be in hawai'i the same time that the pro bowl will be going on..i wonder if it is possible to get tickets...
Other than that the day was pretty much typical, had to work, doing whatever, but I got all my stuff at one time, I got nothing..
Now on to other I don't know what it is, but I am having problems sleeping at night..and it's not the problem of getting to sleep this time..i am doing well in that respect...but about an hour or so after laying down, I wake up..and am up for the majority of the night in and out of the time I finally do pass out it's only moments before the phone goes off at 630..followed by my alarms at whatever time I decided I should try and wake up...
This has been happening the past couple of nights, I don't know if it's because I'm going to bed at 1 instead of later, or if it's because I'm hopping right into bed without my wind-down conversations and giggle-fests..who knows..whatever it is it is making me drained come morning and giving people the impression that something is wrong..just make it go away...
"i've got permanent goose bumps - don't worry, come Saturday they'll be gone, they die at high altitudes.."
Easy as 1.2.3...
Three times a lady, luck that is
Three reasons why today is one of the greatest days in jason history
Well everything I hoped for today came true...i said to myself, and to amiee, that if all three things became possible, Monday would be one of the greatest days ever...check it
The first thing being pay day..yay for going three months without seeing one of those...granted it was for something short of a hundred bucks (basically the amount just spent at Target), any little thing would do...
The second being I got another package...i've been ordering things online just to get packages and make myself feel better like they were from home and I was away at camp..yeah
And the final probably most important thing, I got my MMD...i showed some excitement, but not too much because amiee's name was not on the list...and we are troopers in this together..she told me if she doesn't get her MMD by Friday she's getting on a plane back home because she won't be able to stand it here without me...awww, that makes me feel so good
I really do hope she gets hers..i told her that the MMD would come in on I mean it's possible..West Virginia has been cranking out MMD's like it's their frickin' job...well, I mean, it kinda is, so yeah, well, whatever
All these things came in at exactly the same time, so it was like one ubber-huge present...i couldn't really react to just one thing, but a conglomeration of it all..which has also made it not really hit me cool thing, I'll be in hawai'i the same time that the pro bowl will be going on..i wonder if it is possible to get tickets...
Other than that the day was pretty much typical, had to work, doing whatever, but I got all my stuff at one time, I got nothing..
Now on to other I don't know what it is, but I am having problems sleeping at night..and it's not the problem of getting to sleep this time..i am doing well in that respect...but about an hour or so after laying down, I wake up..and am up for the majority of the night in and out of the time I finally do pass out it's only moments before the phone goes off at 630..followed by my alarms at whatever time I decided I should try and wake up...
This has been happening the past couple of nights, I don't know if it's because I'm going to bed at 1 instead of later, or if it's because I'm hopping right into bed without my wind-down conversations and giggle-fests..who knows..whatever it is it is making me drained come morning and giving people the impression that something is wrong..just make it go away...
"i've got permanent goose bumps - don't worry, come Saturday they'll be gone, they die at high altitudes.."
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Day 21
Super Bears!
Right on Target!
Well, not exactly....
Honestly, I'm not even going to get started with was supposed to be a good day, I don't know what happened let's begin.
We had our little field trip to was so nice to finally get out of this place and see civilization..we had only an hour inside the store, only an hour I say because that's not a lot of time actually. Take 50 people running off of the same bus, only have one hour to shop as well, and the average dumb joe walking in a leisurely pace, you really don't have much time..
By the time I made it through the check out I still had twenty I ran a couple stores over to bath and body works to pick up some random hand lotions, since this place just eats at my hands..
I made it on the bus with 8 minutes to spare..i really wanted to run over to best buy and pick up some movies, but time would not allow and so I will just have to deal
Highlight of the day next, not working lunch..however when I did work tonight I had to muck, and that's no fun.
Jenny stopped by before dinner and I gave her some presents I bought for her at item she particularly wanted, some crazy gummy bears..whatever makes her happy
So what's the deal this year...when do I get a break while watching the superbowl...most of the time I could care less about the game so I would just watch the commercials and break during the game for snacks or whatever...and then you had the half hour for the craptastic half time show..made only good by the Rolling Stones half time show a couple years back...
But this year..this year, oh man, you had the bears - hell yes, versus the shitastic colts...whom I hate just about as much as the patriots...and then you got the commercials as well..yeah..but to top it off, fucking Prince is playing on the halftime show..what to do oh what to do?!
But let's not even talk about the superbowl...fuck the colts and the ignorant reviews by the referees...
So after the game was over I was awake and wanted to do anything but watch the post game coverage...jenny on the otherhand had started falling asleep on the naturally I did what any loving person would do..i attacked her and tickled her to where she was awake enough to fight back..well we were fighting/playing around and then james comes stumbling in and starts going off..talking about how we need to spend time apart, or go to her room, and so on and so forth..but he didn't stop there, he continued, sometimes in a mumble to himself, other times directly at me, telling me I got to get my shit together in my closet space for a new roommate..i reorted back with it is organized, and he said I was full of I told him I'd burn that bridge when we came across it, until then it's fine all neat and organized..
So while he was stampeding through the place jenny and I decided to leave..she talked something about just throwing in the towel and was gonna take more pictures again, I told her let me have one last look at it..
So away to the internet safe haven for my chance to look things up and see what I could do..let me tell you this, there are significant drawbacks about owning a mac..most free programs for random things like recovering deleted files from an SD card are really hard to find..
But alas, after a short search I was able to find something through wikipedia of all things that may recover the missing files..after my finagling of the program to figure out how it actually worked, something looking like a DOS screen format, I was able to successfully recover most of the pics...after another scan I came across the other pics that did not come up for the initial scan, but came to the realization that those pics were corrupted and not fully viewable, henceforth not coming up in the initial scan...
So all was well at that point..jenny was the big winner for the day, what with the presents I got for her at target, finally getting something else she wanted, and me recovering her photos, yeah...if only the colts didn't suck so much dick
"you know, Ohio State ran back the opening kickoff for a touchdown and look what happened to them.. - uttered by me in the first seconds of the game"
Super Bears!
Right on Target!
Well, not exactly....
Honestly, I'm not even going to get started with was supposed to be a good day, I don't know what happened let's begin.
We had our little field trip to was so nice to finally get out of this place and see civilization..we had only an hour inside the store, only an hour I say because that's not a lot of time actually. Take 50 people running off of the same bus, only have one hour to shop as well, and the average dumb joe walking in a leisurely pace, you really don't have much time..
By the time I made it through the check out I still had twenty I ran a couple stores over to bath and body works to pick up some random hand lotions, since this place just eats at my hands..
I made it on the bus with 8 minutes to spare..i really wanted to run over to best buy and pick up some movies, but time would not allow and so I will just have to deal
Highlight of the day next, not working lunch..however when I did work tonight I had to muck, and that's no fun.
Jenny stopped by before dinner and I gave her some presents I bought for her at item she particularly wanted, some crazy gummy bears..whatever makes her happy
So what's the deal this year...when do I get a break while watching the superbowl...most of the time I could care less about the game so I would just watch the commercials and break during the game for snacks or whatever...and then you had the half hour for the craptastic half time show..made only good by the Rolling Stones half time show a couple years back...
But this year..this year, oh man, you had the bears - hell yes, versus the shitastic colts...whom I hate just about as much as the patriots...and then you got the commercials as well..yeah..but to top it off, fucking Prince is playing on the halftime show..what to do oh what to do?!
But let's not even talk about the superbowl...fuck the colts and the ignorant reviews by the referees...
So after the game was over I was awake and wanted to do anything but watch the post game coverage...jenny on the otherhand had started falling asleep on the naturally I did what any loving person would do..i attacked her and tickled her to where she was awake enough to fight back..well we were fighting/playing around and then james comes stumbling in and starts going off..talking about how we need to spend time apart, or go to her room, and so on and so forth..but he didn't stop there, he continued, sometimes in a mumble to himself, other times directly at me, telling me I got to get my shit together in my closet space for a new roommate..i reorted back with it is organized, and he said I was full of I told him I'd burn that bridge when we came across it, until then it's fine all neat and organized..
So while he was stampeding through the place jenny and I decided to leave..she talked something about just throwing in the towel and was gonna take more pictures again, I told her let me have one last look at it..
So away to the internet safe haven for my chance to look things up and see what I could do..let me tell you this, there are significant drawbacks about owning a mac..most free programs for random things like recovering deleted files from an SD card are really hard to find..
But alas, after a short search I was able to find something through wikipedia of all things that may recover the missing files..after my finagling of the program to figure out how it actually worked, something looking like a DOS screen format, I was able to successfully recover most of the pics...after another scan I came across the other pics that did not come up for the initial scan, but came to the realization that those pics were corrupted and not fully viewable, henceforth not coming up in the initial scan...
So all was well at that point..jenny was the big winner for the day, what with the presents I got for her at target, finally getting something else she wanted, and me recovering her photos, yeah...if only the colts didn't suck so much dick
"you know, Ohio State ran back the opening kickoff for a touchdown and look what happened to them.. - uttered by me in the first seconds of the game"
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Day 20
Saturday Night Dead..
Yeah, a piney point exclusive....
I can only take about four more days of this.....
Ughh, so today was the ala carte for the class of 110, or "one ohh ten" depending on how long you've been that meant not only did the graduating classes have to partake in working lunch and dinner as usual, we had to also work breakfast..good grief could this get any lamer?
I suppose the benefit of it was we got to eat the ala carte breakfast when we were finished? Whatever, not that big of a my day was broken up into one to two hour segments between work...and that really got to me. That's not much you can really get off of work, get back to your room and you want to relax for a moment or twelve..then you look at the clock and realize you got maybe an hour to get back to work so you really don't want to start anything...
So yeah, work sucks and just drives me crazy...i officially lost it tonight and started asking every single person who sat down if they wanted fresh ground pepper with their entres...well, you see, we are supposed ask people if they care for fresh ground pepper with every meal, except dessert, while we are on the ship..and we are supposed to treat this as if it were actually the ship...whatever, towards the end of my shift I actually had a table pull me aside and tell me in the
***god I suck at this.....
Saturday Night Dead..
Yeah, a piney point exclusive....
I can only take about four more days of this.....
Ughh, so today was the ala carte for the class of 110, or "one ohh ten" depending on how long you've been that meant not only did the graduating classes have to partake in working lunch and dinner as usual, we had to also work breakfast..good grief could this get any lamer?
I suppose the benefit of it was we got to eat the ala carte breakfast when we were finished? Whatever, not that big of a my day was broken up into one to two hour segments between work...and that really got to me. That's not much you can really get off of work, get back to your room and you want to relax for a moment or twelve..then you look at the clock and realize you got maybe an hour to get back to work so you really don't want to start anything...
So yeah, work sucks and just drives me crazy...i officially lost it tonight and started asking every single person who sat down if they wanted fresh ground pepper with their entres...well, you see, we are supposed ask people if they care for fresh ground pepper with every meal, except dessert, while we are on the ship..and we are supposed to treat this as if it were actually the ship...whatever, towards the end of my shift I actually had a table pull me aside and tell me in the
***god I suck at this.....
Friday, February 02, 2007
That's About Right..
I told you all along..
and here's proof.
I told you all along..
and here's proof.
You scored as Republican. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>
What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In? created with |
So Now What???
The Waiting Game..
After a celebration last night little did I know that would be the last of celebrations for awhile...
Today got off to a bad beginning..for starters I never woke up on time, I was supposed to get up some time before 9 to check in with HR, but rather got up at 10 to get ready for work at sucks because you have some stupid job to partake in for two hours, and if you don’t or are not on the schedule, you have to sit there in the dinning room for those two hours 'studying'
Today I was a that meant I had 20 minutes to scarf down some food..then relieve someone for their break for 20, then sit around for the remainder of the time..not so bad actually, I prefer that than the other two possibilities..
So after working I had it planned in my head to go to the gym and work out to kill time before work again at four...but stumbling on some things over the internet I lost track of time and my mind, and it all inevitably lead to me weeping in my room..
I had to go back to work dinner at new MMD's came out nor was my name on the package list..i was scheduled to work in the wheelhouse, breaking first and amiee, poor poor amiee who was supposed to be just a breaker ended up getting off of break and having to muck again for the second time today...and she had to do it til 630..
So I guess life isn't that bad..but I still thought it was. Sometime in the mid-dinner shift I went into a melancholy mood, I think the bubbles of everything sucking had finally settled down.
I'm not quite cure what I did wrong, but then again, I suppose that's the story of my life.
So I sat on my lappy in the that one area I've been hiding in..was there for a good hour or more..somewhere around 830 I heard someone creep up from first I thought it was just some random passer-by, but by the slower crept steps I knew it was jenny. She sat down with me, but I was in no mood to entertain people..i just wanted to get away from everything and call it a night..and I could tell that I was upsetting her with my tone and apathy to her presence..
We grabbed a quick PBJ as the clock turned 9, then we headed over to the auditorium to catch the 9 o'clock movie. I forget the title of the movie but it was a little was horror night and it started off like some B rated was foreign and the dubbed English over it..but every now and then they would let the French fly..who knows…but my favorite part of the movie is when there was a car chase scene in which they played Muse - New Born for the made me everso happy.
Afterwards we made a quick stop at my room but headed over to the ping-pong table to let jenny once again defend her honor...she won the first game, as always, but ended up losing the series..the last game we sped it up having only six minutes to play..well that's all we needed because I took to her the house, whatever that means..i think with those wins tonight, I may be up on her in the long run if not tied...yay for me
I suppose there was one other highlight of my day..right after the lunch shift we were all just sitting around wonder if we were free to go or not..that's when some people from 109 wanted to see my little slideshow presentation since they missed out on it seeings how I had my lappy with me, I started playing it..when it was finished this one girl asked me what school did I go to, then she asked what classes I took for video publishing, I was confused..she apparently just graduated with a degree in video production and she thought it was really good..i explained to her it was all iMovie that made it possible, but she continued on to say that she thought I had a natural knack for it as I captured all the emotions so poetically with the pics I selected and the timing of it all throughout the slideshow..she then told me I should take some stock into thinking about going to school for it...whatever, I'll take it.
So yeah, that's life...I'll take a victory on the ping-pong table to be my only victories on life..yeah, life sucks.
"you got glitter on your face...*said nine times*"
So Now What???
The Waiting Game..
After a celebration last night little did I know that would be the last of celebrations for awhile...
Today got off to a bad beginning..for starters I never woke up on time, I was supposed to get up some time before 9 to check in with HR, but rather got up at 10 to get ready for work at sucks because you have some stupid job to partake in for two hours, and if you don’t or are not on the schedule, you have to sit there in the dinning room for those two hours 'studying'
Today I was a that meant I had 20 minutes to scarf down some food..then relieve someone for their break for 20, then sit around for the remainder of the time..not so bad actually, I prefer that than the other two possibilities..
So after working I had it planned in my head to go to the gym and work out to kill time before work again at four...but stumbling on some things over the internet I lost track of time and my mind, and it all inevitably lead to me weeping in my room..
I had to go back to work dinner at new MMD's came out nor was my name on the package list..i was scheduled to work in the wheelhouse, breaking first and amiee, poor poor amiee who was supposed to be just a breaker ended up getting off of break and having to muck again for the second time today...and she had to do it til 630..
So I guess life isn't that bad..but I still thought it was. Sometime in the mid-dinner shift I went into a melancholy mood, I think the bubbles of everything sucking had finally settled down.
I'm not quite cure what I did wrong, but then again, I suppose that's the story of my life.
So I sat on my lappy in the that one area I've been hiding in..was there for a good hour or more..somewhere around 830 I heard someone creep up from first I thought it was just some random passer-by, but by the slower crept steps I knew it was jenny. She sat down with me, but I was in no mood to entertain people..i just wanted to get away from everything and call it a night..and I could tell that I was upsetting her with my tone and apathy to her presence..
We grabbed a quick PBJ as the clock turned 9, then we headed over to the auditorium to catch the 9 o'clock movie. I forget the title of the movie but it was a little was horror night and it started off like some B rated was foreign and the dubbed English over it..but every now and then they would let the French fly..who knows…but my favorite part of the movie is when there was a car chase scene in which they played Muse - New Born for the made me everso happy.
Afterwards we made a quick stop at my room but headed over to the ping-pong table to let jenny once again defend her honor...she won the first game, as always, but ended up losing the series..the last game we sped it up having only six minutes to play..well that's all we needed because I took to her the house, whatever that means..i think with those wins tonight, I may be up on her in the long run if not tied...yay for me
I suppose there was one other highlight of my day..right after the lunch shift we were all just sitting around wonder if we were free to go or not..that's when some people from 109 wanted to see my little slideshow presentation since they missed out on it seeings how I had my lappy with me, I started playing it..when it was finished this one girl asked me what school did I go to, then she asked what classes I took for video publishing, I was confused..she apparently just graduated with a degree in video production and she thought it was really good..i explained to her it was all iMovie that made it possible, but she continued on to say that she thought I had a natural knack for it as I captured all the emotions so poetically with the pics I selected and the timing of it all throughout the slideshow..she then told me I should take some stock into thinking about going to school for it...whatever, I'll take it.
So yeah, that's life...I'll take a victory on the ping-pong table to be my only victories on life..yeah, life sucks.
"you got glitter on your face...*said nine times*"
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Day 18
It all ends today..well kinda
So it's Thursday and according to our NCL calandar's, it’s all over now baby blue. After a few more sped up long winded classes, it's on for graduation. This is it, the training is complete, they've crammed everything they think we should know into our heads and filled our hands with papers.
Graduation was pretty quick...just all the instructors getting up in front and giving a few words of encouragement...then our names were called and we went down the line shaking all the hands even though we knew only half of them, ended up at the hotel director where we received all our certificates saying we passed all those previous courses, yay.
But right before graduation, we got out of class and had an hour to get in that time I played with iMovie and the photos I took from piney point...I got the idea to make a slideshow from my roommate james, who has been here since class 106. He told me that I could have the slideshow played at graduation because others have done that in that hour I completely winged it, having never ever used iMovie I thought what the hey...
Well you know me, I wished I could have had more time to spend on it, messing with the transitions, the timing, all the little details, my final product I came out with I wasn't too impressed by, but still wanted to show when I got down to the auditorium I saw the group of directors all huddled together so I made my approach. I told them my story, but they wanted nothing to do with it, two of the directors were complete assholes, saying why didn't I tell them sooner, and all this other shit..the head director was actually nice though, he was going to allow me to play it, but someone butted in saying they already moved the equipment and didn't feel like moving it until after graduation..what a bunch of jerks
So after graduation as we sat for dinner I had a large group of people huddle around the table and I played it for them..they were all impressed and liked it, so that made me feel good.
After dinner I passed out, I don't know why, but I slept and I slept hard..not getting up til 845 (i actually fell asleep ontop of jenny, probably crushing her..)..just enough time for a monster PBJ...having slept in, jenny and I missed the movie that was playing in the auditorium so we had to find another means of entertainment...I still needed to pass out the huge email list I had copied for everyone so we embarked on that journey.
I got a couple people in the bar, but the crowd was thin, and all the regulars weren't around, so it was all a little off..
Jenny and I found the ping pong table unoccupied and decided to play a little to kill some time and energy..she won the first game, naturally as the first game is always my warm up game, however I did give her a run for her money...
That would be her last victory..i won the next five games and she was left in amazement..somehow from the last time we played I got a lot better..i knew it was going to happen, I just had to figure out what I was doing, then it was on like deonkey kong.
She eventually threw in the towel having no answer for her game in both senses of the word, so we headed back to my room to watch some Family Guy and call it a night.
At 1 I went a couple doors down to becky's room to say goodbye to her, she hasn't gotten her MMD yet, rather is just going home till then, well maybe if her doctor releases her to do so. She had several bags so I offered to help her downstairs with them..i get down there and a couple other people from our class were down there as while I was holding Leah's purse this assbag comes over to me and starts giving me shit...asking if I was leaving tonight, where I replied no, so then he goes off on me for breaking curfew..and he keeps going, threatening to write me up and everything..i tried to explain I was doing a good deed, being a team member, and just trying to help when leah got back in I gave her back the purse and went back upstairs...god some people, when you give them power they fucking turn...
I'm starting to hate people more, and I'm nobody's novmeber...
Happy 21st Birthday Amber, sorry I couldn't call.
"wake up, we're gona die"
It all ends today..well kinda
So it's Thursday and according to our NCL calandar's, it’s all over now baby blue. After a few more sped up long winded classes, it's on for graduation. This is it, the training is complete, they've crammed everything they think we should know into our heads and filled our hands with papers.
Graduation was pretty quick...just all the instructors getting up in front and giving a few words of encouragement...then our names were called and we went down the line shaking all the hands even though we knew only half of them, ended up at the hotel director where we received all our certificates saying we passed all those previous courses, yay.
But right before graduation, we got out of class and had an hour to get in that time I played with iMovie and the photos I took from piney point...I got the idea to make a slideshow from my roommate james, who has been here since class 106. He told me that I could have the slideshow played at graduation because others have done that in that hour I completely winged it, having never ever used iMovie I thought what the hey...
Well you know me, I wished I could have had more time to spend on it, messing with the transitions, the timing, all the little details, my final product I came out with I wasn't too impressed by, but still wanted to show when I got down to the auditorium I saw the group of directors all huddled together so I made my approach. I told them my story, but they wanted nothing to do with it, two of the directors were complete assholes, saying why didn't I tell them sooner, and all this other shit..the head director was actually nice though, he was going to allow me to play it, but someone butted in saying they already moved the equipment and didn't feel like moving it until after graduation..what a bunch of jerks
So after graduation as we sat for dinner I had a large group of people huddle around the table and I played it for them..they were all impressed and liked it, so that made me feel good.
After dinner I passed out, I don't know why, but I slept and I slept hard..not getting up til 845 (i actually fell asleep ontop of jenny, probably crushing her..)..just enough time for a monster PBJ...having slept in, jenny and I missed the movie that was playing in the auditorium so we had to find another means of entertainment...I still needed to pass out the huge email list I had copied for everyone so we embarked on that journey.
I got a couple people in the bar, but the crowd was thin, and all the regulars weren't around, so it was all a little off..
Jenny and I found the ping pong table unoccupied and decided to play a little to kill some time and energy..she won the first game, naturally as the first game is always my warm up game, however I did give her a run for her money...
That would be her last victory..i won the next five games and she was left in amazement..somehow from the last time we played I got a lot better..i knew it was going to happen, I just had to figure out what I was doing, then it was on like deonkey kong.
She eventually threw in the towel having no answer for her game in both senses of the word, so we headed back to my room to watch some Family Guy and call it a night.
At 1 I went a couple doors down to becky's room to say goodbye to her, she hasn't gotten her MMD yet, rather is just going home till then, well maybe if her doctor releases her to do so. She had several bags so I offered to help her downstairs with them..i get down there and a couple other people from our class were down there as while I was holding Leah's purse this assbag comes over to me and starts giving me shit...asking if I was leaving tonight, where I replied no, so then he goes off on me for breaking curfew..and he keeps going, threatening to write me up and everything..i tried to explain I was doing a good deed, being a team member, and just trying to help when leah got back in I gave her back the purse and went back upstairs...god some people, when you give them power they fucking turn...
I'm starting to hate people more, and I'm nobody's novmeber...
Happy 21st Birthday Amber, sorry I couldn't call.
"wake up, we're gona die"
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