Sunday, December 10, 2006

This! is why I don't Post!!!
..fucking blogger...

fucking piece of shit false sense of security....

so i was typing up a blog and perusing the web at the same time, yes i know i hate to get interrupted or stop once i get going but this wasn't too vital, i was just trying to get into sync...anyways, i was looking at some videos, finding more of me dancing at CP, and one of the videos killed my browser and there it all went..all 8 of my mate!?

so i re-open firefox and bring up my blogger account...go to the posts part and use the tool to "recover post" and what does it do...nothing...still a blank canvas for me to post to think that the recover post tool may actually work and my post may not be lost...

you know, this happened last night as this just makes me really mad now...fuck this shit..

"fuck blogger....i quit"

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