Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fucking MTV!!!!
why's it got to be so hard...

and why does everything suck tonight/this morning

So after the fucking geek patrol left the rec center i had the liberty of changing the channel on the tv...just flipping through and i came across the mTV channel...a band was playing that caught my attention..they weren't anything really good, but it was synthy with a decent drum and bass it had potential...i waited patiently watching the entire video without being distracted by anything to catch the group's name..well guess what, mTV doesn't like to put the names of the artists or song title for the videos they are playing...if you are lucky they'll post it at the beginning, but that really doesn't help out that much if your eyes aren't glued onto the screen..i can be sitting here, a song will start with some slow and quiet introduction, when it finally gets going i'll look up, but the title will be fading...and then there is nothing at the end of the video...

what the fuck is wrong with the world, honestly, things shouldn't be this hard....whatever happened to waiting a few seconds, showing the title and all that jazz, and then at the end of the song, putting it up again...and there was a show once, i remember this, that had the artist name and song title up there for the entire song...what the shit people...

i even went so far as to look up on to see if they listed the currently played videos or something like that..nope, no such has not gotten off to a good foot, and it has yet to start..

"i'm gonna throw this macbook across the room..."

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