Sunday, December 10, 2006

Am I in a Timewarp???
..or is the world just stupid...

somebody just tell me what's going on, i just woke up...

Alright so i know that my day/time was all messed up, but for reals, this is just yes i got up really late today, who even knows what time 6pm? but in all fairness i went to bed at 11am, just as others days were beginning, or about to, mine was ending....i guess it's right there where the problem begins and thus is my timeline for punishment, follow with me...

i eventually wake, do whatever it is i do...3am rolls around (for the record i wrote out the three and followed it with am, yeah, try to do that and make sense...) and TJ strolls in so i gather my things and start to head to the rec center with the hope that the geek squad or any individual member was not i exit the apartment TJ makes a comment saying that the geeks should be long gone by now since it was so late, they have their geeky things to do and would be mind instantly flashed to the scene in Back to the Future III when Marty is concerned about running into the movie theater Indians and Doc tells him he isn't thinking fourth once i make it to the rec center those Indians will be in the past...

well check out these mother fuckers, i walk into the rec center lacking a sense of worriedness and who do i see, well the whole flippin' gang was there - Geeks 1 & 2 along with Geekettes 1 & 2 - and to top if off they've been drinking...the effeminate Fred look-a-like geek #2 being the drunkest...great...i was about three seconds away from covering my balls and going to the rec center across the street, but i persevered and stayed...partly because i am lazy and the fear of going to the rec center i've never been in before just scared me into staying...and it looked like the geeks were finishing up..hopefully...

so i sat at the table surfing the web to block out the geeks touching each other, i went to a high school that didn't have walls, i've been trained to tune out online i noticed something even appeared as if people were living as if it were afternoon...i read many away messages that went something like "eating lunch brb" or "off to work, back for dinner with the girls" and so forth...but those were away messages for people who had them, as in, there were plenty of people online without away messages and were not idle..

so here i am, after being up for only a couple hours or so, going to sleep in the afternoon and waking up in what appeared to be the same time...i don't find anything more disturbing than being confused by time....this wasn't to the extent of what normally gets to waking up after accidentally falling asleep, looking at the clock, seeing it says something like 1030 and you were supposed to be somewhere at 8...but it's 8 as in the next day, you're still on the same day you fell asleep in, you don't need to get ready for school or work or anything like that...and that little bit of panic and stress makes the nap you just took null and void...

so i got nothing left to say, and i have no idea where i was going with's actually 830 in the morning as i finish up this post...when i started the original one at 330...yeah, this is the third time i have wrote this post, getting only to the same point every time...and you all know how much i hate re-writing a post....

"Who needs clocks, because when i'm with you, time stands still..."

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