Wednesday, June 30, 2004

If You Go In with the Attitude
of You Vs the World..

You'll in doubt get that of which you didn't have...

So yeah..still going strong..time around me is set funny..there are several clocks, the ones I look at are not he right time....yeah, mess with my head some more......I can't make it to the store in 11 my the computer time I missed my window of opportunity to finish the deal....and my stomach is still saying it's time to eat..

anyways, I think I am going to give Jim a call, I need something right now and I don't feel like going to Merrillville....not even my area...people should stay where they are...what, no...

yeah, so, had you heard me last night, you would have no idea what I was saying....after it all settled I think the doors swung in..making me content? let them have it their way...I'll be a baby in a minute....the part of me that wants to be an ass, can do so, an easily....I was cracking jokes all night...then it turns into this stand off, and I get defensive, very baby like..then there's the, "let's do this" and get it done got to catch me in the right mood, otherwise it will all be I think that was the mood I fell asleep to, and it's what I got right now...actually, it's nothing, hunger is all over that one...and once food/sugar gets into me, well then that may change the subject..but then again, this is all text...we know how it will go down in reality....

but for those of you who want it the other way....there's always that slight glimmer of a chance...if you want that, crack me in the back of the head now...something's going down

make me what you will..and to fuck with you all.....*enters angry rant*..just need visuals here..that's all.....and this needle to jab into me some more...yeah, there we go....

to all you from afar, caught behind, in my past....ta fuck with were really never good for anything anyways...

and to you that are armor's been stripped, I'm in the corner, and I'm waiting....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Very introspective third paragraph, kudos