Wednesday, June 02, 2004

HEY! I'm Talking Here...

Yeah, that's right, i felt the urge to continue with this little bit of insider trading information....

all is not as well as it seems...actually, it's not coming off as "seeming" alright anyhow, so what the hell...

It's june, summer is over...i've got but a couple months....not even...we'll go with days....they are in the double digits, no triple sec for me here...

yeah, that idea slightly hit me for a brief moment of history...thinking about it and how little time there was left..i will not be able to accomplish what i intended..or anything that will come to me soon....why put ny more effort into it all right now..let's cut the losses and plan for what's ahead..but i won't

stupid bitch.

i like how many paragraphs i am getting out of this...always meant something...

sluts and hoes...

sooo for those of you who i am like a book, read away...though all the stories are the same and probably cliche....i just would like to know how the ending is....

for various reasons...

the bed will not see me tonight

still loving the dot dot dot...

and who isn't

i'm loving it

roller coasters aren't fun...and this ride is too bumpy

the fictional character says, "hello"

so what will help this...this so called "slump" to those of you who like to label things...

a swift kick to the groin..or a well placed hand job


HA, and the bitches are getting fatter!!

do i sound bitter to you, because i taste coke bottles

shit, i'm done

*****this was a draft, never published as an actual reasoning was given....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

the bed will not see me tonight...
roller coasters aren't fun...and this ride is too bumpy
a swift kick to the groin..or a well placed hand job

ok, I don't get any of the subtle meaning, see intriguing
idk if I'm too sleepy or what, this makes me mad because I'm supposed to be good at reading between the lines of poems...but maybe this isn't a poem.
first guesses, you're spending the night with someone and all you do is hand stuff wtf