I'm on a roll...
Well blogger fucked up on me during the first post of this, the one time i didn't copy everything before i hit the post button, why does this always happen? anways, like it says, i was on a great streak, i tripped and i was rolling..and nobody could stop me...except blogger, grrrr. So let me tell you about the most recent insights, revolations if you will...
Ok, so i've been working hard today, making posts and such, i even updated my Xanga. Hell i made a new post, triumvirate will be the word to use today, somewhat lengther than normal, but i think we all will enjoy it. but i also updated the picture, hell yes new picture to look at. and in lieu of the new pic, i also updated the subtitle, told you i was on a roll. I mean i want you to go and check it out for yourself, it's a thing of beauty, well to me at least. But i want all the comments from the posed question to go on here, under this posting because, well, i brought it up on here. (i know that sounds wierd, making comments on one blog about another, when they are both run by the same person, ay yi yi) but yeah, "what do you do when the light turns yellow?" it's worded a little diferently on my xanga, but still, what is your response. and it's more than just "how you drive" sort of thing, it's the way you live your life. think about it, that page with the picture and question are of philospoical brilliance. really i'm not crazy. take a minute and reflect on this question, then respond appropriatly on here. i know it is deep, please someone agree with me....
Check it, so in my updated post to the Blue35Tuesday Xanga, i also came up with a new analogy. i may not be as great as the first one, but nonetheless it's golden. basically it goes a little something like this...setup: you know how in horror movies, they actually mention it in Scream, or in video games the evil villian, bad guy, nemesis never die once, old cliche #42. the main characters rejoice after the first "killing" because they think they are free, then out of the blue when they least expect it, they have to fight it agian. well, basically that's what i'm saying love is like, rather love gone wrong, breaking up, giving your heart only for it to be crushed. You and your loved one call it quits, for whatever reason, and you go on fighting how badly you feel, you don't want it to end, or you're trying to figure out why, you're having trouble moving on. then after awhile you come to grips with it and go about your business, only to be struck down by it agian, out of nowhere the depression sinks back in and you're at square one. I know a few of you can relate to this, i've been seeing it happen and able to take notice of it as of late. for some reason i have been able to step out of the frame and look around at things, it's really interesting to see things once you've done that. If you don't understand, maybe the short story on my Xanga will help you out, but in all, i think it's an alright analogy, moving on...
And last but not least, the update we've all been waiting for, the update to the first analogy posted earlier today about life and it's many pieces. ok so you got those little pieces and you're trying to get them together and one falls, what do you do? and everyone knows what they do, they try to rebuild, and once they get everything back into place, they put more attention to that piece that fell...but what happens, another piece falls. they put more attention to the first piece that fell, only to have another piece to fall. then once they rebuild, they put attention on the piece that fell more recent, with less, but still some attention to the first fallen piece, and agian another falls. this process happens over and over, why? hell, it could be that it's not meant to be together, or because the right amount of attention has to be proportioned to the whole, it needs to be balanced adequately, just like life. you can't put that thing together unless every piece has attention, and yes sometimes you need extra help with it, either friend, table, whatever, but it all has to be ballanced out. You can't live your life dropping everything to tend to one matter, leaving behind and forgetting about all those other pieces, less you want to take the extra time to rebuild those back up. I could give examples, but i think we all understand, ok maybe one, "college: need the correct amount of time to study and to party, otherwise you'll fail out", but you see my point. life is all about balance. think about it, balance, that has to be the strongest word, balance. crazy people are said to be unbalanced, your inner ear keeps your equilibrium in balance, it's what the world revolves around. maybe this is stronger to me because i can speak personally about this, and yes, i let some things make me way unbalanced, but to truly put everything into a perfect harmony and balance, is to understand beyond normal thinking, of how you can and can't exist at the same time, how there can be a truth, yet there can't at the same time, to think and understand this is a key principle of buddhism....
the last sentence was achieved after speaking with my favortie asian and his shock to what i had just said to him, so i give him the credit about the buddhist stuff at the end, though i did ask for his help on the subject because i thought it sounded buddhist. the end
P.S. So far I'm liking this new blogger, it's easy ot use, and, so far so good, we'll see how well it stays up though
1 comment:
"what do you do when the light turns yellow?" I wait for red so I can cross the street :D (because red for cars is green for street walkers lol) but yes, yes, shush, shush it is a big and deep question...
What's a Xanga? justkiddd I guess it's like a blogger or my space... did you upload pictures there? I think that would be berry interesting.
b a l a n c e (it's the same word in spanish)
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