Sunday, June 22, 2003

The Name's Dumass...

Ok, after a quick look over the "Let's See..." posting i noticed that as i was telling my quasi sleep-deprived story about being somewhat insomniac, i went on totally diffferent tangents and never really got on track yeah, i'm a dumbas, what can i say. see that's the reason why i don't make many casual postings, if i do, it's an event, also another reason why i don't read, i have ADHD, or something like it. I guess that's all for now, just ranting about myself being retarded, until next time, this is jason angus signing off.....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

ooooh ADHD, that explains many things...
"oh yeah, i remember you, i touched your hair" wtfoorrrkksss
"i l*******, goodbye....." oh, I don't know any bad word with L, interesting