Great Analogy...
So i was talking with my favorite asian, tony, this morning. (oh funny side story, at kendall's open house, eating the fuit salad, i made some remarks about it and it's contents. well there were mandarin oranges in it, and i remembered that Tony is Mandarin. ok i thought it was hysterical). So we were talking about life, love lives, and everything else, and in retrospect of all this i came up with this great, brilliant?, analogy. now remember i had just woken up and instantly he's messaging me, i think he just woke up too, so this is pretty good for that circumstance. I made the comment how nothing in my life can be right all at once, bascially i was trying to state that as you solve or remidy one thing, something else goes amiss. then i made up this analogy on the spot to describe what i meant, and it's something i think we all can relate to as well. My life and what's been gonig on recently with it can best be related to when you're putting something together (like a model or anything that has come undone for that matter). You've got your fingers holding all the little pieces together (basically i am saying your life's problems are in your control, only you have reign over them, hence they are in your hand), and now all you have to do is screw it together, make it one (you want everyting to always be right, one entity, nothing wrong, all one piece), but, as we all know, there's always that peice that slips away, falls off, and so forth (i think this is selfexplanitory, solve one thing, there goes another).
now when i spoke to heather about this shortly after tony, she had some insight for this analogy
heatherlouise27: that's good...but it's not always just one piece, right now it seems like the whole thing just fell apart and now i have to start all over by putting them all together again...who the hell knows if things will ever be screwed together
heatherlouise27: matter of fact, i know they won't be, cuz that's not life
Blue35Tuesday: i don't think they ever will be, and that is how life is,
Blue35Tuesday: but you have to have help when putting it together, friends, family, something, to help you get things in order
heatherlouise27: ok, this may sound messed up but how do you know how they are to be put together in the first place? what shape should they take?
Blue35Tuesday: because of the ideals in your head
Blue35Tuesday: you think that's how they should be
heatherlouise27: should be? or want them to be?
Blue35Tuesday: yeah
Blue35Tuesday: both
Blue35Tuesday: we want them to be like that, and therefore think they should be like that, for our betterness
wow, fucked up conversations early in the morning. maybe i should wake up every morning with some sort of philospoical question and attempt to answer it, or not. if you have any insighteither make a comment, or do like the others and chat to me online, i think we all know my aim name. have a great day....
1 comment:
Ok, I'll think of some philosophical questions
Well the thing is life isn't perfect, it's "perfect" when you see perfection (or you give it an understanting) on the imperfect parts.
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