Monday, February 17, 2003

Take this advice EVEYONE!!!

If you're reading this and you know Comment me
If you're reading this and you know Comment me
If you're reading this and you know and you really want to show it
If you're reading this and you know Comment me

If you're sad and you know it just read this
If you're sad and you know it just read this
If you're sad and you know it and you want to feel better knowing someone else is worse
If you're sad and you know just read this

If you love me and you know it take me back
If you love me and you know give me another chance
I know this is desperate and i'm not supposed to talk about it
so i'm gonna shut up now because this sounds bad

sorry for the tangant at the end......

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

what's to be KNOW? so mysterious