BIGGS, Mother Fucking BIGGS
ok, i'll make this short and sweet for you seeings that everyone else has. We all headed out of lowell around 545 and made our stop in Lafeyette. roads fucking sucked dick, but we still had that karma whoreness in us and stopped for several cars, and even turned down by some bitch. We went to this Biggs located in the mall of all places, and boy did it take up part of the mall. It's big alright, but i'd say poorly laid out and comparable to meijer, at least this one was, probably due to the fact it was in the mall. Funny thing is though, there's a meijer right across the street. I will give it to bigg's though, their prices were cheap, got some shit you can barely find in any store, hell yes s'mores and booberry. The cashier lady didn't beleive us when we said we took a day trip just for biggs. the mall also had a guitar store, oh it was like heaven, or something of the like, as we entered our ears were greeted with the voice of lenord cohen, and you just knew it was the right place to be. I saw some pretty guitars and came oh so close to buying this one for $260 but my crowd was at first pushing my away from it, then to a cheaper, bigger, crappier blue guitar. So we left empty handed and i wept, then slept while they continued teir journey to the center of cincinatti. They woke me and we headed out of the car garage complex onto the streets wherein our first task was to find a nice place to eat. Our one rule is we cannot eat at a place that they have around back home, ie mcdonald's, subway,...our findings came slim, the dinners we did find were all closed between the hours of 2 and 5 for some unknown reason, but we did settle our sights and our stomaches for "long horn" food was good, and i got a salt shaker out of it. the group demanded the truth out of me, and when i gave them it, they still weren't satisfied so they intened to attempt it later while i was sleeping. we continued our walk abouts and i directed us towards the camera store. it was a splendid thing to walk into, so many cameras and accessories for cameras, ahhhhhhhhh, ok i'm good, once agian i left empty handed, they wouldn't let me buy the $1100 nikon i wanted. So we proceded along, didn't stop at the suit shop like i wanted, but instead went to the HAT shop, yes HAT shop. Inside i knew the others imediatly felt out of place, and i put my attention onto a pretty little cream colored furry hat. I asked the lady if i could see it, she asked my size, now i start looknig stupid and say i think it was a 7 last time i checked. so she gives me the hat, i think it went well for me, and then asked the price. as she said it i could hear the jaws of the others drop and hit the ground. since i have hat shoped online i knew what i was getting into. The price you ask, $275, now knowing that the group wouldn't let me buy a guitar for 260, i knew for certain they weren't going to let me buy a HAT for 275, plus i didn't like the color of the feather on the side. that basically wrpaps everything up, the trip home was long, i didn't sleep well, kept waking up, and was stiff afterwords. well looks like this will be a yearly tradition now..
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