Monday, June 15, 2009

It's My Business give you the business...
it's not your business...

i think we are going out of business.....

i have a problem with the way i end my's either way too abrupt, or just continues without a real definitive ending, until i abruptly stop it..i guess i should pay more attention on how authors end their chapters, or look back to how i ended some of the posts i liked the most...either way, i'll come to a conclusion that i am just no good at ending things....

but let's move on....the other day i actually had a moment of inspiration that i am starting to work on...i was in the shower no less - it's funny to me that the shower is my little moment of's a time of privacy, in an enclosed small space all to yourself, water falling, like a baptismal cleansing not only your body, but your mind.. - wow, random of trackness..ok, where was i.....oh right, i was in the showering, don't ask me specifically what i was doing i don't remember, and i start thinking about a girl i saw earlier..

it was earlier that monday and i was joining some friends for lunch at a local eatery downtown - god i love local fare. so as we all were enjoying our creole cuisine a young lady and guy sit down at the open table next to us, well, it wasn't right next to us it was two tables over, whatever. the restaurant was small, with weird angles, making it hard to people watch - again something i love - but the couple stood out amongst the other hipsters (she was cute, he fit in), but it was more than that, they weren't fact they were filling out applications.

it got me thinking, well one should she get hired my body (and anybody within a mile radius of me) would end up hating me, as i would be there every day....and they would be fools not to hire her..but the other is what we are going for....obviously she is in need of money or something to do..and as you have gathered from my desire of tearing up my innards just just to catch a glimpse of her she must have some killer looks....put this together with my re-found passion of photography, therefore lack of a portfolio and you got yourself a killer scheme...

so my plan, in a nutshell would have been to approach said hottie, address her needs for money, and exploit that by paying her to be my model for some shoots....god, when put like that it sounds like an average episode of bangbus or something (she's probably not a slut though, let's hope, i don't have time for sluts..) but it got me thinking....i can't approach this chick out of the blue, tell her she looks cute and expect to exchange information with her...not without some credentials....

and just what might those credentials cards, lol. i know, who would have thought something as simple as a piece of paper could have so much meaning or power, well, not the graduates i know...

so yeah...all this has got me in the process of designing my very own business cards and thinking about working on my website - which the latter is an actual plan from,oh i don't know, 2006? who knows, this may actually amount to something...and if it doesn't, i'll have another stack of business cards i can haphazardly hand out to people....and yes, this all stemmed from thinking about a girl in the shower, lol!

"business cards, it's the perfect way to pick up girls, it's so legit they can't say no!"


Cynthia said...

I do not agree with your last quote there. See my most recent blog for examples!

Anonymous said...

I have business cards...I pass them out to lots of girls...although...I don't hit on them...I just try to sell them dildos...:)