Thursday, June 04, 2009

I Was Told To Write

..and i do what i'm told...
..unless i don't want to do it...

i guess it depends on how you come at me

alright, back at it by popular demand...well, not really back..just another blog post for you....i know i have slacked off in the past week or so, but as i have always said, and will continue to say, "once things start happening in my life, i no longer have the time to tell them" so here is an impromptu post

i guess i do have things to talk about, but i'll post them later, i promise...after receiving some text messages telling me i need to start writing i decided to take the, advice...i guess my time away was enough time for people to catch up on my daily blogs from weeks prior.

it's summer, or something close to it - so the money is going away in the restaurant business..unless you work at some travel destination, save up and live minimally is what they are saying...i am once again going to be hunkering down in indy for the summer, no cedar point or cruise ship or crazy things like that...yet.

it's a shame too, i have a lot of trips planned for the next month...multiple trips to chicago, trips to see people in CP, trip to LA and road trip back, trips out of the country....where are my funds for this...oh right, some wench in TheHole getting beat by her drug abusing boyfriend has all my money...sweet.

in other news i am taking a stab at this photography thing - again by popular demand...i'm taking a couple of classes on tuesday and wednesday for the month of june. i don't know what to expect of this, i am eager to learn, but i think i want more one on one training...i hate groups...i hate being told, "go out there and shoot" - i can do that anywhere, anytime, without paying...

so i have already taken the first two classes...what i have learned so far is that it's all about lying, i mean selling yourself...saying you shoot the best pictures in the i started perusing the books that my instructors had of their portfolios....and i came to a realization, something they actually mentioned...i can do this..anyone can do this...

here's the thing..average people don't have the 'eye' of what's good and what's bad..they are just happy to see themselves in pictures on their wedding day or i scanned through the pictures i was critiquing every one of them..good, overexposed, grainy, etc...but it made me start to think...if i were to shoot people's stuff, only i would be the disappointed one with my work..

and what's with my friends not knowing that i am a photographer...there was one time a friend on facebook had a status update, "HELP, i need a cheap photographer asap" - of course many people responded with who to go to, who they know who does photography, and i naturally respond with, "i hate you" who got the job, little ol me...the girl loved her photos and used them in her brochure for her company..and asked me to do another photo shoot for her in july....granted i am happy to help my friends out while gaining a little experience, she - in my opinion - over paid me..apparently she had me charge $75 an hour..and she bought me breakfast..i made out like a bandit...

now, as a friend i wouldn't charge people that..but normal people...up the rates! i don't like to discuss money with's a favor, i don't like to accept money from friends, even though it is a business, it just makes me uncomfortable..i scratch your back, you scratch mine...i'm sure in the future i'll need your assistance with people who are no longer my friends, see above, then i will take your stupid as to court for the four thousand you owe me...but, that's only because you ended the friendship...

so that's all i got for now, i'm heading into work lame.

"..yeah, but i have to give you something more than $20, i woke you up earlier than normal -- i know, that's why i doubled it"


Amber said...

Out of the country? You jerk! Even when you were in love with me, you never left the country to visit me!

Jangus said...

i was also locked on a boat in the middle of the pacific...but how do you know the reference for out of the country isn't directed at you...jerk..

Amber said...

Whatev. You were off the boat and headed to CP before I ever left France. And how do I know it isn't directed at me? Cause I didn't invite you... jerk ;)

Jangus said...

yeah, i got off the boat and headed to CP, ending one contract and starting another...i had what, like a total of three days to fly from one place to the other....and coooool, wy to not invite me..