Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Bring it Back, Foo

Old Habits...
New Swing...

so the first thing to happen to me on this started with text message that awoke me from my slumber around 1pm...I'm not complaining that it woke me, i don't need to sleep past 1 regardless of the time i went to bed the night/day prior. it was from the ex, she wanted to know if i randomly paid a visit to The Hole. i was confused as i remembered i worked a double and responded no, but curiosity sparked and i also asked why...was there someone else leaving love notes and flowers for my girl, er ex girl? well as it turns out, the guy who the ex had been hanging out with, some coworker, had his car keyed...she said she didn't think it was me, but i guess the guy did..i ramble off how i don't know the guy, never seen him nor the car he drives, and that i had no motivation, what kind of crazies is she dating?! she reassures me that they only hung out a few times and they are not dating, besides, he is going to jail tomorrow...and this is the kind of guy she falls out of love with me for, nice..lol

after the wake up i brought myself to finally get out of bed and start my day. While in the shower i soon realized i had a lot of little things planned for today - never a free day off...and you wonder why i sleep in so much..i made multiple phone calls, got things organized, and yes, even worked on this website - finally getting it UP and Running...so now everyone can be happy

I'm playing around with the layout and gadgets off to the side..there's some things visually i want to change, but it's a work in progress so bare with me please (any ideas or suggestions would be nice...) one thing i want to do is make the margins smaller, so the text is a little wider and there is more space between the post and side items..

one thing i have to get used to is this new "Title" bar...it's really throwing my old ways out of wack...i liked it before when i had a Title, subtitle, and then an opening sentence to get the ball rolling..all worked together in a nice little melody, it was music to your eyes people...but now this title bar thing..it's not even listed IN the blog post space and it's all highlighted when i post...so what i am thinking is I'll just have to switch my order up completely backwards..the closing sentence will now be the opening title, and the two latter phrases/words will be my subtitle guys...to understand what i am talking about read some of my past blogs...you'll get it and appreciate it-it'll be the first and last time you see that done-a pure moment of brilliance..

another thing that I'm already getting nutted on now, and have in the past, is my lengthy posts...yes, yes, i know they are a considerable size and take a lot of effort and patience to read...but the long posts are few and far between...come on now..these were my first posts in a really long time..in fact the last time i made a post was on November 11, 2007...and it wasn't even a real post, as i have my standards, it was merely a cry that i wanted to post again..and before that it was on February 19th..and it was a lengthy one as well...it was part of the Hawai'i Series and i doubt that was really the last time i wrote in hawai'i, but it was certainly the last time i got around to publishing it....

but give it some time..i'm rusty and it'll go from me saying every little thing and detail that happened to me, to a brief synopsis that gets to the main point...and if you're lucky you'll have multiples...err, several posts in a day...if not, just check out the twitter feed to the side entitled, "Instantaneous Gratification" for those of you who need to be constant in the know..err, stalking me...

i really like how the twitter application is off to the side though - i have been utilizing the twitter website as my means back into blogging...short, concise blogs, or twitts if you will giving you a basic idea of what i am doing at that current moment - and the ease of the update is unreal..first i had the text option, where i would send a text message from my phone to twitter who would publish what i posted...it was almost like inviting someone out with me in a way "At work...fuck this place" or "hungry, i'm thinking arby's?" all you have to do is get in the habit of doing it every time you do something..and who doesn't carry a phone around with them all the time? Now this is a self-given stalk..you are basically telling anyone and everyone what you are doing and where...so i guess be careful? i know my stalker will soon be onto me once again...hopefully the idleness of this website over the past year has made him forgetful of it..but once he randomly checks this site,it'll all be over...

anyways, twitter then added an app for the iphone, which i downloaded immediately and have used ever since, no more texts, rather its a smaller version of twitter, just on the phone...nice..one problem i do have from time to time is i DO want to go over the 140 character limit they have..yeah, character, not word, but character...you know how i love those ellipses too... .... ... ..... . . .. . ... .they make my day, like little rabbit poo..."oh my god, a rabbits' been here!" - "oh where, i love rabbits?!" conversation i had in my head just now..sorry for that...

let's get back on track here...I'll try to keep the words to a minimum..TJ says 250, I'll try, but then again you must ask yourself, for what do you blog..is it purely yourself and therapeutic, is it for your friends or family for them to see how you are doing, or do you wanna have hordes of people reading, commenting, and you get famous off this shit...if it's the latter, abide by TJ's rules he's well read up on, if it's for any of the other options, be free...there are no rules to a blog..poor grammar, spelling, length, consistancey...whatever....its for you, do what you want

oh...one thing I'll do that i kinda picked up on and liked was the stagnant posting...like, I'll write this blog about Tuesday in the wee hours of Tuesday into Wednesday and I'll post it sometime Wednesday mid-day or so..and it will have the post time and date showing that of Tuesday, not Wednesday...so you'll be a day behind, but not really, but kinda...it's just an insurance thing, gives me plenty of time to try and push out a new blog as i would like to get one, at least one of something out there...maybe if they had blogger for the iphone....

well, I'll let it end there...my night took me for all you can eat shrimp at the Lob..i think i got to 35 in 35..which was good because i was in a hurry to go and see Mindless Self Indulgence at the Murat...now it's already the next day and i have to be to work at 6am..ughhh

"It's 3 a.m. - she won't put out - Lets go make out with her friends... I'd rather fuck you than kiss you"

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