Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Mother of All Days...
what else would you expect?

tomorrow arrives sooner as each day ends quicker

So apparently the OG opens it's doors a half hour earlier than normal for this mother's day that meant I had to be at work at 1015, as did everyone else for the most part. Yeah it sucked getting up at a different time, it seems as if every morning shift I have had in the past month, at least, even shifts I picked up for others, always..always started at was a rotation I could live with.

The morning sucked, lots and lots of parties..but Fabi and I got to work together on some tables together, us both being in Ecco..he was happy to be able to work side by side with me on my last hours at the OG - and since he does not work tomorrow, I would not being seeing him again..

but it seems as if we can't have any flawless days, can't go without making Jason flip out about here's the deal - they sit an eleven top for Fabi and myself...well only five are we wait and wait..meanwhile I have no other tables...then all of a sudden they double seat me...and of course, the rest of the party shows up as well...meanwhile the time has approached 4:00, which meant any day server was now cut and all replacements were on for this particular day...well my section moved to the exact opposite end of the restaurant..just like it did the other I told the hosts please be aware of this, I have three tables in Ecco, do not seat time passes and I saw one of my tables, 202 ironically enough, was set up for five with menus and I went to the hosts to ask about, they begged me to take it, telling me the party was over their quote time..I felt bad so I told the hosts they could seat the group, but please do not, do not give me any more tables than that....

so while that is going on, my other tables are being needy as fuck...and every salad I bring out to 531 has dressing in it...well as I go to check back on my table at 202, I notice 222 was sat, and I lost a flash I was up at the host stand freaking out about it..I took the table, but I wanted to voice my opinion on the lack of communication and/or ignorance on their part...and after I greeted the table a couple hosts were standing near the wine hutch and I literally threaten to bludgeon the one host who sat me to death with the wine bottle I had in my hand..amazing (and some say they can't see me killing anyone...heat of the moment counts does it not?)

after that it was pretty much clear tickets were all above fifty bucks which made me happy, tables were pleased with my service, and I wrapped up the night not only giving my close away to Kmart, but walking out with 135..not very good, but that was about average - nobody came out a winner today.

As I was closing up shop, getting my last tables to leave I was trying to figure out who worked tomorrow morning and who did not..those who weren't working I said my goodbyes to, and it didn't get emotional until I talked to Enrique...I asked him if he worked, he told me no so I told him goodbye for good..and he looked at me in that "he's speaking English" sort of way..and then once I explained to him that I was gone for good, he gave me the saddest look possible, and that's when the levees could I not tear up at the sad little teddy bear man whom I've come to know and love over the past two years...after that saying goodbye to people was a little was a mess to have so many people in a public setting see me crying in sorts...

but my favorite part of the day was when my very first table asked me if I had told my mother Happy Mother's Day, or if I was going to, to which I told them my mother passed away..I'm such a horrible person...

I went home, feeling oh so dirty and therefore decided on showering..well what I intended to be a quick shower turned out to be a whole ordeal, what with the shaving and shampooing...I got dressed and embarked out looking for the lake they call lemon....

I drove and drove...turned around several times...the sun fell fast and the roads were harder to see, especially in this uncharted territory I was in...I would eventually find the roads I needed to go, crossed over a road with the lake on both sides of me, almost causing a panic attack, but found where I thought Crystal's party was at much much earlier....well the sign said the gates would lock at sunset, and this was well past it, so I made my way back through the fog all the way home...

once home I called my grandmother and my other mother, Mrs. Baiel - we talked briefly, just catching up, making sure everyone was doing ok - just me trying to extended to them what significance they make in my was funny because Mrs. Baiel did not recognize my voice on the phone, and when asked who was calling I said Jason..still no idea..and so there I sat dumbfounded and at a loss for I tried to call and do a good thing and it wasn't working out at all...but then I snapped out of my pity and exclaimed, "my name is Angus" realizing then that my mentioning of my last name was the only way to be remembered. after that was said it was all good and of course she knew who I was...

coincidentally enough Zach ended up calling me later...we had a nice talk about things and I truly miss having him around..he has such a brilliant mind and I hate distance for f'ing us because we truly do need to be together, before we get old and can't do nearly half the shit we can/might get away with now..

pretty much just killed some time, talked to Amber - she hated me for a name I called her (MB), got a sad voicemail about a bunny, then 1am came around and so did Lauren..we had decided on watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a brilliant film might I say..she had never seen it and made a mention of wanting to see it the other day when she was over, so now was the time, and the place was mine as well...which I will state for the record was an interesting conversation..

we watched the movie, only having to restart it once, and that was when we were only five minutes into because we got distracted by imdb...right off the bat Lauren liked the movie..which was weird because she hadn't even made it into the opening credits before coming to this conclusion...but she has remarkable judgment and calls them like they the end she was pleased with the movie, although the ending for her was lacking, she wasn't a fan of it, but when questioned what she would have liked, she really didn't know...

after the movie we watched an informercial about some incredible electronic knife thing...which lead into us playing Loser..which lead into her looking through my albums and us talking about music..and then she realized what time it was and went home...

so as awake as I was at 530 in the morning, I stayed up only a bit longer, maybe to type this up, and went to bed..I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow...

"You know Hitler would be rolling in his grave if he wasn't alive and well somewhere in Argentina.."

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