Take that Jerks!!!
Ok, so yesterday i went to Burger King, of course it was Whopper Wednesday. so i'm at the counter waiting for my whopper no onion and chicken tender things when in walks a couple that sends a shiver down my spine. i remember these freaky people from the days when i worked at costas, and let me tell you i have met some of the strangest people becasue of that store..anwyas, this is the freaky couple wherein i most often notice the lady, i wouldn't really recognize the guy if it weren't for her. she's the somewhat short, bright red lipstick on, hair all over the place and colored diffferently throughout the lengths, kinda a orangish red is what she is going for yet whit at the part on top. she's a bigger lady and hobbles and as well. but the thing that makes her more distinct than anyone else is what they do to you, yeah they are the pamphlet passer outers. i knew my time was coming, they walked up behind me, started to make conversation and such like they normally do, but i knew i wasn't going to ake any of their shit. so as my order came up, i said that's me, and they, in normal fashion, went to shake my hand, i oblidged adn then they went to stick their paper in my hand, i quickly pulled away, leaving just enough gap during the handshake to escape, kinda hudinii-esque. i put my hand up in the NO style, then shook it as i said these words..."sorry, i'm old enoguh to think for myself" then walked away..it was amazing!
1 comment:
"they, in normal fashion, went to shake my hand" DDD:
jeez, pls respect personal space, kind stranger
ok, that didn't came up as touhght as I thought
hahahaha Cohen, BD, Zeppelin, The Animals, BD, BD, Cohen
It's called mashup lol, idk cover artist do that a lot...
ok, Peter Frampton for my Saturday afternoon
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