Tuesday, July 08, 2003


Well I had something to blog about, been wanting to since last time, but now i forgot, so i'll just blog about whatever.
Apparently Elizabeth, Vince's love, and I, Vince's first love, are one in the same, at least personality and test wise, maybe that's why he loves us both, and it'd be true for the fact that we both fell for him, interesting. i guess since i wasn't around at Rose i wasn't able to fullfill his needs and thus found Elizabeth. pretty messed up concept....
So i've been working at Century 21 Destiny, it's fun i suppose. I mean the people are nice and when things happen it's good. I just hope to get some clients, then i'll really be having fun. But until that happens i guess i'll sit around and answer the phones, you'd be suprised what crazy calls i get. if only i had interent access or a computer at my desk, then that would be the life, i don't think i would ever leave. I'd be able to surf the web, update blogs, read the news, have a hell of a time, just afraid to do it on the company computers.....
Once agian Powerball has rolled over and the jackpot is 250 million. damn that's a lot of money, i'd like to win the lottery, but not that much. If i were to win, you'd be seeing a lot of hand outs. But until that happens, i'll be the one taking handouts....
Oh, my favorite asian Tony is thinknig about coming up to visit me. interesting, we knew each other for one semester at UofM, i mean we hung out a couple times, but after i left we didn't really speak for a year, then out of the blue he's all IM'ing me and whatnot. we've had several long phone calls, the longest being 2 hours, with some dead air of course, i was running around lowell. But i enderstand where he is coming from, i've felt the pain he is feeling now. I think that is why we have been able to come together like we have. but he's battlnig school, lost loves, life, lack of money and everything else I, and a few others have faced already. In a way i think he looks up to me, like he idolizes me, that's cool i suppose. but he's always posting things i said and stuff like that, like i'm some sort of inspiration oh well....
And I must add in here somewhere that brooke and i have been spending some tme together, it was rough a little bit ago, but now things are getting bettter, yay...
So as you can see, I've added a lot of links, though i can't quite do it like zach does, putting every little word as a different link, grrrrr.
well that's all for today, see you next time...that sounds so stupid for an ending...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

And that's why the test gave you: "Sexual: Whatever, Whenever, Whoever" (Vince thing haha)
UofM, go blues! hehe
oh, is it me or it seems like you look up to Zach
Ps. I wanted to join this church but didn't load : http://www.jasonisgod.com hahahaha
Ps2. https://www.bigsurfwaterpark.com looks dope!