Sunday, July 27, 2003

Post with No Name

So it's after 830 and here I sit, power went out this morning, so I had to turn off my computer before the back-up power supply went out as well, but it was funny to see all those lowell F'ers not online for once. so with nothing else to do i slept, though I didn't really want to. I was hoping for a day to do some clearing up, but it rained and for soem reason I wanted nothing to do with it, very odd. my dreams agian didn't help me out at all, no ghosts this time, but oter hurtful things, hell, even costas was in my dream, yeah, scary shit. Oh, even my blog was in my dream, in fact it was my last post, but the link for evil spirits was different, it was a link to like winners of Jr. Miss or some other girly pagent, crazy. i woke up several times, but had no idea what time it really was, just darkness everywhere. brooke called me i think twice, but my memory is fuzzy. she's knows somethings wrong with me, but i just keep blowing her off because i don't know what to say. i think part of my problem is the fact that we won't really see each other in these last 2 weeks, and when we do, well, yeah, problem number 2, but i can't go into all these things with her, i'm just a bastard who will sit here and rot. another reason why i'm made is my tought process is messing up on me, if i have something to say, and someone says something else before i say it, my thought is completely gone, all i'm left with is a little note saying, yeah i was here. this has happened more often than it should be, I don't think that's a sign of anyting, just me. and for anyone to say i've changed, good god does that piss me off. everybody knows i'm not a fan of change, so ten why would i do so? i'm still the nmessed up person i've always been, nothing nor nobody can change that, i'm me, if you think i've changed, well then you didn't know me. people anger me, and my friends are many miles away, or will soon be, for about 9 months i will go back to having nothing, suprisingly it's a little less than what i have now. i don't know why exactly i am rambling all this unto you, I'm defiantly not asking for sympathy or pity,maybe it's just if you see me and i'm acting down or a little different, this is why, sorry to trouble you with all this garbage, i'll try to get back to something soon....


MarisolLef said...

hahaha this week I dreamt I was texting with some funny guy 👀
crazy right? I bet you dream posting something on your blog lol

mmm "she's knows somethings wrong with me, but i just keep blowing her off because i don't know what to say" just articulate something, just once and tell her it's the only time you wanna talk about it and let it out, then burry that foreva.

"everybody knows i'm not a fan of change, so ten why would i do so?" it's nature, baby. But I like to think that only the shallow things change, the essence never changes.

Ps. This is a coded text:
J'n uijoljoh J'n uifsf, boe zpv bsf sftujoh jo nz mbq, mbzjoh zpvs ifbe po nz uijhit boe J'n dbsfttjoh zpv voujm zpv gbmm btmffq
you can decode it online

Jangus said...

i got nothing on that decoding lol

MarisolLef said...

I sent you the decode link