Sunday, January 22, 2012



Absolutely no reason for this nonsense....

I go to the gym, I work out, I do so because I want to stay in shape..I want to be healthy..I want to be strong..I want to have a better build to my body, something other than being scrawny. I'm not super gung-ho about hitting the gym...I go in cycles..just something to keep me active and not a fatass. Of course I, like many guys, have the vision of that cut body, muscles, and ripped six-pack...but I'm having issues with that last part.

In today's world, the six-pack on a man is now weirdly equivalent to tits on chick. It's almost disgusting, actually, it is. When I was growing up sure there was the appeal women had for men with fit bodies, but it wasn't so sickishly hellbent on a six pack...i shall now call a sick-pack....Our heroes then were different...the guys we boys wanted to be like were different...they were men. They weren't this long haired, scenster freakshows that walk around pretentious as fuck because they duped a society of young girls to think it's cool...

My dashboard, newsfeed, whatever feed is constantly spammed by stupid people posting pictures of all these guys showing off their sick-packs...which inturn get these stupid comments from other stupid people. But as sad a display of soceity that is, what's worse is if you were to see these actual pictures that are being posted. Sure, yeah the guy has a sick-pack, but that's all...there's no other muscle definition's just a sick-pack (Now the term makes sense..) He's just some scrawny guy with some abs...who probably gets winded doing a push-up.

You know, all you need is a body fat percentage to be under 12% for your abs to start what these guys have done is basically starved themselves and 100 situps every day to look like that....while the rest of the body withers to nothing...those guys are stupid...and to the women who find it attractive and keep posting it're just as stupid..

I used to want to have a six-pack, but now with this superficial revolution of whatever this crap is..I don't. I will keep true to myself and go to the gym, like I have done before, keeping myself healthy and not scrawny..because i'd rather have a decent overall package than put my focus onto just one area and look ridiculous..

besides, the girls that like that are bitches anyway...

"Yeah, that's great that you have abs and the girls love it...but, you weigh a buck twenty and can barely hold yourself up, how the hell do you expect to fuck....i take your girls, pick them up, and toss them around like a how they want it...psh..abs...."

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