Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Holiday

What's cooler than cool?
the region!

Cold just got colder, and pitch black just got darker...

what a crazy weekend... how i survived with my sanity or killing something is beyond me...it all started on saturday..in typical jangus fashion i was trying to cram 3 days worth of activities into 6 hours - so naturally that made me a little behind schedule - although how is it a schedule when it's destined to fail and makes you push back everything all day long..i guess it's plan of sorts...

so after running around all day long, getting in a quick leg workout, buying presents, cheese, wine, whatever else i headed off on my drive, behind schedule of course....what time i lost during the day i was making up on the drive..getting closer and closer to my goal, NWI...i breached the time change, the point of no return..i thought i was gonna make it..i thought wrong...

after hitting the 230 mile marker, less than 10 miles from my exit, i run into my first problem - the one that started the avalanche for the problems to come...i feel a little loss in control in the steering, i feel a rumble, i know what is going on...i pull off to the side of the road...I-65 doesn't leave much room in the margin, but i do the best i could to get over..or so i thought...i see my tire is flat, upon further inspection..it's shredded...coooool. i get out the jack and throw on my spare - doing so makes me very nervous...my hazards keep deciding to randomly turn off, my car is black, it's already dark out, and my heels as i kneel down are inches off the white line..

i stare into the oncoming traffic as i change tires...this just made me lose all the time i had made up...ughh, back behind schedule...i hop back in the car and continue my drive...i'll deal with the tire tomorrow..not even a minute on the road, i barely got my car up to 70 before i felt a shake and a rumble again - maybe, i think to myself, i just didn't tighten my lugnuts enough, i was in a hurry...i pull over, and as i open the door i hear the hiss of my spare....again, another tire blown..i chuckle because, well, what was there to do...

i make a call to the b's and they come and pick me up...luckily like i said i was less than ten miles from the exit...the party can start now that everything weird has just gotten things going...the next day the temperatures plummet to negative four degrees...with wind chill it's negative retarded degrees..i decide to get my car towed now, as opposed to last night..another mistake...because the car has sat in the open plains with hellishly cold wind ripping through it, my car is dead, battery, engine, whatever, dead...i know this even before heading out when the cars in the driveway at the house are frozen solid and won't start either..

the car get's towed back to the house, it is dead, i call off from work..they aren't too happy..i'm not happy...i'm missing out on two of my five shifts for the week...and not only am i loosing out on that money, i've got to go out and buy shit for my car....cooool...best trip ever...

so we get z's car started and around five he heads on back to lafayette..just in time too because that's when we lost power...so, cool, it's below zero and we lost power..i love going to the region...

i took a nap, and looking back, that is probably the worst thing you can do when the power gets out...ok, here's my logic = i took my nap and i woke up a couple hours later, waking to a colder house, and awake...sooo, next time, i'll stay awake as much as i can, gathering up all the blankets, making a fort, light candles in the fort..then when the time comes...many hours later, ball up and sleep..with like twelve coats...by the time i wake, maybe power will be back on? it was probably 5 to 6 hours before the power came back on..the temperature got below 60...

i was cold and hungry....mind you, i came dressed for 40 degree weather, the temperature i left indy with...and mind you, i only packed for a trip that was supposed to last a night, hours if that...my phone is dead, my car was dead, the power was dead...amazing...

the next day i get a tire for my car, no replacement for the spare, but oh well...the temperature has gone up...it's only like 10 but, with no wind like on I-65 and negative temps i am content...so after all is said and done i try to jump my car...no go...i leave the cars hooked up for what seemed like an hour, trying jumps intravenously in between..no go....then i pull out the battery, out of the back seat, and take it down the road to get it tested...over an hour later, the battery is ruled to be no good....and the only replacement they have is the most expensive one they carry....cooooool....i guess it was time for a battery, the old one was the car's original...

i'd never taken a battery out of a car, and i've heard all the horror stories of batteries exploding, people getting shocked...so i am weary of the whole process...here's tools, go at it....somehow, with Divine intervention i made it work...i put the battery in, and it started...oh my god...i was ecstatic..i quickly said my goodbyes, probably forgot somethings, and got on the road...mind you the inside of my car had frost in it...

got gas before i got back onto the highway, used the hot food i purchased to defrost my windshield and got on the road...all i wanted to do was get back to indy...probably the first time i've ever said that phrase...but it was monday night and i wanted to watch the bears play...

sped home, grabbed 20 arby's sandwiches, and made it home in time for kickoff...somehow?

"there's no place like home"

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