Monday, November 10, 2008

Where's the Beef?

i need an update
like she needs a clitorectomy...

ughhhh, i'm so's been two weeks without the internet...and i've got nothing for you...just as i started getting a fan base and updating daily, i lose it all just as quickly..i still don't have the internet at the moment, i'm in fact sitting at my favorite place to steal wi-fi from, P-bread.

and as much as i would like to say i made a bunch of posts in my down time...i did not...without the internet i don't even want to look at my computer....maybe play music on it, but now that even sucks since my keyboard is broken...coooool, just add it to the pile of other $2500 paper weights i got laying around in my room...that 52" LCD TV will be next on the list....

a lot has been going on, as usual...people hating me for once in their lives, others trying to get back into contact with me, and weird romances that are comparable to walking through a cobra pit..and i'm just flicking snakes in the face...

i'm oblivious to a lot of things...when i piss people off, when people like me, that i'm rubbing my balls in public right now....i'm too busy eaves-dropping on the crocheter's conversation, fucking P-Bread...

my new living arrangements are good and bad....good to have interaction with people, but there's the kinda reminds me of btown all over again...only three people instead of five this time...thank god..the two guys i live with are good at heart, but we all know how anal i am about cleanliness...mis en place, mis en place, mis en place, mis en's not hard...we have a dishwasher....but why are dishes in the bloody sink...trash gets full...overflows onto the tile...these people don't work 40+ hours a week, these people do not have school...these people have no excuse...

oh but wait, i'm bitching about people taking advantage of me, me being spineless and complaining about it...cooooool fuck me right?

this isn't much of an update, just a "hey, i'm still alive" sort of thing...hope to get internet soon, hope to get back to blogging, hope to get back...

"B-I've been thinking about you a lot Jangus
M-well i'm alive if that's what you wanted to know"


TJ Mozik said...

P-Bread... oh the memories...

TJ Mozik said...

even though it's really just day-logging...I miss your blogs...