Friday, November 28, 2008

X-mas List

or very naughty....

since the tree is up and black friday has's time for my list...

*Someone to develop my film...i have 16 rolls i want developed and put onto a CD

*A nice tripod...nothing cheap please

*Almost Famous Untitled cant find it in stores people

*New Keyboard for my lappy
*New Battery for my lappy
*Airport Extreme for my lappy

*a replica of the Big Blue Banner that Michigan runs under at the start of their football know the one that says "Go Blue" and underneath it, it says "M Club Supports you"

*Mother fucking Michigan headband...where the fuck is it...

*Print out a hard-copy of my blog, year to year..hell, i'd be content with just one year at a time...all put together, in order with some sort of a cover....bonus points if you read the entries and highlight any part you, lots of bonus points...

more to come i am sure...

"fuck salt!"


TJ Mozik said...

hahaha.... Jason thinks he has rich friends....

How bout a box of Dunkin Donut Donut Holes and a poke in the eye... cuz that's what I was going to get you....

Cynthia said...

Oh no! I was gonna get you one of those things, and it was going to be a surpise... way to ruin it! I just won't get it for you!