Thursday, June 23, 2005

So I didn't go into work today. I was scheduled a double, but now I have as much time off as I need...this could take awhile

In other news I wasted the day away, continuing to drink ... starting at 1..passing out at 3 til 5 and regaining my marathon series by switching the discs over to MacGyver...

Talked to Brooke today, called her in some random moment..she kept checking in on me to make sure I was ok....but that was all before the boozing started...

Elizabeth came home, we went to Brave New Deli for dinner..and surprsing how one cup of soup filled me up tonight...

Continued with the drinking, continued with the MacGyver, continued with my horrible existence and confusion.

Started to watch some Unsolved Mysteries and then Elizabeth got a phone call..and I made a phone call...wondering if Mindy had any intention on actually calling me today like my note pleaded for.

We spoke, I asked if we were going to talk..I got the "talk about what..what's there to talk about" rant

Obviously she doesn't care about me, and never really did for that matter...she's out right now with her friends

I also made some other phone calls...I traced my problems back to Alaina..called her, she didn't answer, rightfully so, so I left a message condemning her for all the actions taking place and resulting on march 17th..saint patty's day..

Had it not been for her, I would have never left the house, never had directions to get to the party..and this..this would never have happened.....

But would I be a better person?

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"In other news I wasted the day away, continuing to drink ... starting at 1..passing out at 3 til 5" oh-oh

"Talked to Brooke today, called her in some random moment..she kept checking in on me to make sure I was ok..." how nice, you remained friends.

"But would I be a better person?" shut up, you're good.