Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Feminists are WHOREBLE



I hate a variety of things.  Some may say a lot of things, some may call me grumpy; whatever..I'm intelligent so a lot of shit pisses me off - ignorance is bliss.  I hate soccer, I hate vegans, but above all that, I hate feminists...

I'm sorry, let me get you to where I blood is boiling over a review I just found and read on my Facebook feed.  It's from that extremely feminist website jezebel...which I had spent my entire life happy not knowing of its i read unknowing what I had got myself into.  Sure I saw the title "I Rewatched Love Actually and Am Here to Ruin It for All of You", and I thought they had something funny to say, or maybe they would pick at some minor flaws that I hoped to agree with (fucking Karl)...but no, this monstrosity of a review went over every plot, every character and just ripped it to feminist shreds.  

It is obvious the author has never been in love, knows what love is, and probably never was loved as a child, thus forming these anti-male feelings because she has daddy issues.  As much as it pained me, I read the entire, overly wordy/lengthy article, and only grew more and more hatred for this lady.

Who the fuck does she think she is?!  At first I had to double check the website as I thought it was a spoof site, like the Onion...but no, I was not being trolled, this was real life, these were someone's horrid views.  Mein Kampf was less disturbing of a read than this Feminist Centipede...

I love conspiracy theories, and pulling random shit of of books, movies, etc - I thank my highschool English teacher for allowing myself to get in touch with my inner troll...but this fucking article....this shit on my computer screen was by far the worst thing I've ever seen.

And it got me so riled up I started to say nonsensical that, I do not regret still.  I'll reiterate for you.  It's people who think like this that need to be eradicated from the Earth.  These, not even glorified to be called humans, are what kill a society; neglect it to grow, refuse it to evolve.  They are the ones that perpetuate this self-instilled hatred towards certain things.  These are psychopaths with appalling agendas that only do more harm than good.

These are the people we need to remove from society.  People that prolong this type of criticism are doing so to stay in business, to add fuel to the already burning fire...these ladles need to be removed.  My original comments were not so..nice, they were more along the lines of "it's bitches like this that need to die. I repeat, I do not regret saying these things...If the author was on fire and I had water, I'd skull fuck the remains and piss on the ashes....hell, I probably would have thrown gasoline on her as well...bitches like this are the worst thing in the world...she needs to die, people like her need to die.i would serve a life sentence for the things i would do to this bitch...and i'd be ok with it"

I still do not regret saying those things...and all the other things I rambled off while seeing's only been minutes after all that commotion so it's a little hard to type when my fists are clenching so tightly.

Women like that deserve the title cunt...women like that deserve to die. I'm too angry to type now...I've worked myself into a tizzy...

The article, if you want to see what I'm talking about:

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