Sunday, January 26, 2003

Karma Whore

So yesterday I went driving around, despite earlier plans, and after plans, I extended part of my other plans and headed down to Muncie, taking my long way of I65 down to Indianapolis then up on 69. Along my journeys, both there and back, I found myself lending a helping hand toward society, I know, an act of kindness displayed by the Angus. In all the whole night was symphany of service and caring. The evening events started off on a sour note, in that plans, or plans to be, didn't turn out as they should have. I wasn't able to get in contact with Vince and it was already getting late, so the trip down to Terre Haute was put on hault. As that was becoming more apparent, the sight was brought onto going down to see Zach. That was put to a quick end with harshness and cruelty spoken through the words of George as he was also planning to go. So in spite of thesloping evening, I decided to turn the Sunday's plans of a Muncie visit into a 2 day, sort of, visitation. The trip down and around seemed to take longer than normal, though I never did tire of listening to the one CD I had playing, which, in itself is quite rare. On the way north on 69 I was in the lefthand lane, like normal, doing around 80 or so and I noticed a set of hazards flashing in the distance ahead. That pair looked familar I thought and upon approaching in that quick amount of time I realized that they were just like mine, in fact it was an Aurora on the side of the road. Realizing it was too late to get over and stop I merely went to the next town to circle back south to the town I'd just passed to go back north where I saw the car. This took literally no time at all, or so it seemed. When I arrived, I got out and from the other Aurora exited a huge black man, with 3 other guys in the car. At no time did i fear for anything. It turned out he just ran out of gas, and another person already stopped and took there gas can to bring them back some gas. I waited with the man and made conversation with him until the other gentleman did return. The 4 guys thanked both of us and I was on my way feeling a little happier about my trip down. Also a sidenote, the past two Aurora's I have stopped to help have both ran out of gas....hmmm, I don't think that is a good sign, or maybe us Aurora drivers are just stupid, like PT Cruiser drivers are shitty drivers. Anyways, I make it into Muncie and I had to urinate so i decided to stop at the Super Wal-Mart, also went there because i made a wrong turn, so it just had to be. Well it's a whole, and as i was trying to find the bathrooms, this girl with creepy billy-esque contacts followed me around the store, she was walking so close behind me i couldn't see her out of the corner of my eyes when i turned my head. So onward to Wagoner Hall, i parked was hesitant to go inside at first so i walked down to see Bennie some statue which caught my eye when i first went down there. After visiting with "it" for a quick sec i went back to my car, grabbed the Beauty and the Beast DVD and 24 roses and walked inside. I walked straight to the desk and told them who they were for, but they made me stay while they went and got Brooke, who was just around the corner anyway. I gave her the roses and her DVD, she was suprised, though it didn't seem like all that much. No jaw-dropping, earth shattering, OMD you're here thing, in fact her friends seemed more impressed. Well we stood and talked for a bit, then around 12 i left for dinner, which was to be McDonald's, headed to meijer towards 609 and slept in my car there. I had remembered that I was supposed to show up on Sunday, and was hours early, so i decided to stay in my car and sleep until the next morning and visit with my lovely brooke agian. Well we talked on the phone, she said she was busy so I decided to get some sleep in while i was there anyways. I woke up around 2ish, freezing and disorinetated, i started my car to get some heat going and realized it was snowing. Shortly after Brooke calls me to wake me up, i try to extend my stay til Sunday agian by complaining it was snowing and the roads would be bad at this hour, but to no avail i headed back to lowell. The normally 2 or so hour trip actually took 3 maybe 4 hours due to the terrible condition the roads were in. The second stop for the night happened outside indianapolis, whether it was on 69 or 65 i can't remember, but the SUV was in between the divided highway, so i stopped and walked up to the vehicle. The hazards were blinking, dome light was on, driver's window was down, and nobody was around. I walked around it for a bit, gathering up what i thought may have happened, seeing pieces of the vehicle all about and the side all torn up. After 15 minutes or so and me trying to take pictures, i left a note basically saying i stopped and hoped everyone was ok. Onward with my journey, though the second stopping i felt not as good for i didn't do anything to help the people, so i don't know if that counts or not. The third stop was by Lafayette, the car was on the otherside of the raod and a truck was already stopped assisting them, so i slowed down, waved, they gave me a thumbs up, and i left. That wasn't really much of a stop and help either, but i think they were happy. So thus we come to my fourth stop for the evening, and i actually got to help this time. There was a chain of cars all driving on the right hand side of the road doing 50 or so, which just pissed me off because it was too slow but there were too many cars to try and pass on the left hand side. So i bit my lip and stayed behind...then all of a sudden i noticed the first car swerve right, then left, then right off the road. All the cars in front of me just keep driving, so i naturally as can be pulled over and walked up to the vehicle, yay. I asked if they were alright, if they had cell phones, yadda, they claimed to have 4 wheel drive and was gonig to try and manuvre out. by the way, a female was driving and a "man" was in the passanger seat, he talked and seemed kinda faggity which only adds to vince's theory about gay guys and the girl's who they let drive them around. Anyways, they tried rocking back and forth, and i tried pushing, and throwing some branches and other stuff under the tire to get some grip. In no time we managed to get them free, i walked to my car without saying anything like it was nothing, they pulled up next to me and thanked me, i just said pass it on.....

Now the idea for the "Karma Whore" statement actually came from when i read someone else's blog randomly. Ok, so i'll tell you the store that i gathered from what was said. Basically there's this girl, preppy little bitch, who was kicked out, dropped out, whatever, out of college, and now has this massive debt, like myself, to repay. Now she asking people to help pay off her debt in her blog, andybody, random people please donate to my fund, is the idea she is going for. She says she has learned not to live so stylish as she has, not buy abercrombie and bitch, and so forth. But the most horendious thing she's preaching is that by contributing to her fund you will be doing good and thus buying yourself good karma. how twisted is that?!?! Now, when her debt is repaid, is she going to turn around and help someone else's debt? I highly doubt that. It's like buying a ticket into heaven, this girl's authentic genious or certified wacko...i'm sure i screwed up that quote, but it's really late and i'm typnig things four times....So, maybe i should try this, give ME money to HELP me out, and YOU'LL be receiving GOOD Karma, which when you have enough of it, will make you're afterlife so much more splendid. So did you get that, the bigger the dollar amount the more karma you'll be getting. Great deal for both of us, you help me on this world, i help you on the other. on that note i'm heading off to dream world, and no not pipe dream world

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Hey buddy from the past, I like reading to you, I feel like I'm not alone. I had a confused day today in the future...
Anyway, back to your blog. aaaaw "an act of kindness displayed by the Angus" 5 stars for the good writing, 5 stars for the kind action. What CD where you playing while driving to Muncie? Was your car something like this ?

AAAAWWWNBELIEVABLE Beauty and the Beast and 24 roses!!! gosh if those two break up, I think I'll cry..
wtforks is going on with the girl...

hahahaha Vince's theory

Ok, give me your paypal account and I'll give you money, no kidding. I got an idea.