Wednesday, January 08, 2003


Ok, when i used the word "punk" it was not ment to describe a genre of music and the people who listen to it. I ment it like the origianl meaning, or the meaning i've always used it as, something along the lines of punk ass bitch. see my back...GET OFF OF IT, god damn, use the word in my little poetic song thing and get hell for it because some people take it the wrong way, i say the word punk as commonly as asslicks, everybody just simma down...

So only a few are AT college this semester, Joe, Salai, and Vince..well i guess you can kinda count jimmy C, though he is going to be taken by the carnival, and he does just go to Valpo. Yes jimmy, WE ALL think the carnival will take you, not just my crazed idea, i'm just posting it for everyone to see. If you can hold out another 2 years, and do something with your college education then great, prove us wrong. Anthony has chosen the smart save money path, he knows what he wants to do, so he just quit college to save time and money to jumpstart his career. It's like going to college to become a manager for ALCO, it's just foolish...unless you have the moeny to blow on college, sure do it, get some degree, people will be happy to hire you anywhere then. I won't even get started on the PUC issue, that might start too much of a controversy. I'm sorry if anyone got upset, i'm just rambling.....A man in his foggy hour, climbed up top the watertower, his pointed questions went with not an answer, as the unknown baby is found to have a cancer. Spreading his words like a diasesed whore, to all the men who want something more. Not good enough to know these delights, draw down these fancy flights. With their heads at ease, they can do as they please, for in the end, they know, they beleive.


MarisolLef said...

"What the hell are you doing, punk?! I understand "punk" most of the times like that..
PUC issue? my university acronym is PUCP lol
"With their heads at ease, they can do as they please, for in the end, they know, they believe" no way you invented that

Jangus said...

PUC - Purdue University Calumet - a satellite college branch

maybe? google it, who knows

MarisolLef said...

Thanks for the answer, Jangus 2003.
Oh I had tried to google it. But I couldn't find where was it from... sounds like a rock song tho