Thursday, November 17, 2005

Random Date
Random Quote

Randomness leads to randomness

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security.

And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises, and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead, with the grace of a man, not the grief of a child.

And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much, so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure, you really are strong, you really do have worth, and you learn and you learn.

With every goodbye, you learn.

"My pants are on fire!"

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Favorite blog entry in a while, because the timing is perfect 🤍

“After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security. I guess I think the same right now” I could absorb every word in this post. Embracing my loneliness as a companion. Lol if you and I were friends back then, we would be such a dork cheesy friends. I think I’ve always been alone because that way no one can really hurt me. I’ve always rejected the possibility and comfort of “security” because it’s uncertain

“And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises, and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead, with the grace of a man, not the grief of a child.” A-women lol although I always try to keep my promises. I know sometimes life gets in the way of others making their promises real or in my way too.

“And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.” :(

“After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much, so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.” I see you playing gardens on 2020, kid, you’re doing great

“And you learn that you really can endure, you really are strong, you really do have worth, and you learn and you learn.
With every goodbye, you learn.” I love how wise you can get ! I hate goodbyes, that’s why I never told you goodbye. I loathe it. I suck st goodbyes. Goodbyes are for quitters 😤

“My pants are on fire!" you’re also on fire, boy *wink wink* lol