Saturday, September 17, 2005

People Are Shady...
..and it's starting to bother me....

So I've come to the conclusion that everyone is a bad person..

don't thank me for that analysis, thank all the fuckers around me who constantly screw me over time and time again..mainly that being female...

and maybe there may be an exception....but you know, even my own mother left me to drown..

so if you are female, and you want to be a part of my life somehow, as friends or whatever...there's gonna be a new screening process because I may say I hate people, but woman take the fucking cake..

"So did you plan on me not noticing and you'd replace your ignorance or just go on like it never happened?"

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Oh no... I’m on the first paragraph and I know this is gonna be a bad one.
I wanted to tell you that I think we’re SO much alike but idk how... maybe the growing up part..

“ I've come to the conclusion that everyone is a bad person...” I think everyone is good lol 😂 that doesn’t mean I hate some people or I wished death on sum... I got a theory

I’m in my bed, after lunch napping, do not wanna do work, feel gloomy, my father might b afraid of me, feel monster alike

“ if you are female, and you want to be a part of my life somehow, as friends or whatever...there's gonna be a new screening process because I may say I hate people, but woman take the fucking cake..” what can I say, we love cake. Just kidding. It’s the way round, mister, you wanna be in my life 😌 hehe