"Aqua Teen Hunger Force Assemble!"
Don't Mess with Hunger
Alright, so Pete wants me to tell the story of last night...and oh man, what a story..so lets get to it
met up with Pete at Jim's from their arrival back from Lowell (weird no?) We were hungry and yet aggravated with the lackbuster of choices for mid-night delights..so RtC it was, but the one in Schererville, only because Pete doesn't trust the one in Highland for food...
so we did that thing, people talked to us, it was weird..oh side note..it's nice to see that people still talk of me, even after so long...and to set them straight on events that never happened...and wait..just who are these people....
anyways, the night there could best be summed up with the line, "So I was at the library, it's kinda like Borders without the style, and I somehow made it into the Reference section and was like, 'This is bullshit', and...."
So we get the novel(ty) idea that revenge shall be ours tonight...for you see, on Sunday/Monday night, while out driving we were experiencing some late night cravings...Arby's sounded like it'd do the trick, and since they are open 24 hours, why not....well we get there, see the signs everywhere, "open 24 Hours" "Try our Drive-through..always open" even the frickin' marquee said something about it....well what would you believe, but the damned place was closed.....we were in shock and disbelief....so we went elsewhere to get our food....
well tonight was the night...we got on the road and headed for the infamous Arby's...we soon realized we needed paper to make a note, seeings that is what our intentions were..so a quick, and I do mean quick, stop at meijer solved that one...we walked into the lobby and stole a flyer, that was the paper...but we needed tape as well..how would we go about that one..so we entered the store and started searching...not but 17 seconds into our drive did I notice a lone roll of tape sitting on jewelry counter, I say to Pete, "it's done, let's go" and just like that we were off...
we arrive and see that the place was open, blew our frickin' minds...so we went through all that trouble of obtaining the items, the heavens were on our side we thought..so we had to put it al to use, you know, to appease the gods and whatnot...so we pulled up to popeyes...but just as we started making the note, we soon realized we had to do what we had to do..give them the damn note, open or not! it read:
"Dear Sir:
On the evening/morning of Sunday the 27th we had a late night craving and wished to partake in your drive-through facilities, with the understanding that Arby's is open 24 hours, as your numerous signs and marquee suggests. HOWEVER, we arrived only to find a dark and empty store, one to match our stomachs. And as I leave this note at 310 AM I am stunned to find this Arby's open. Please, for future reference, keep consistent times. Thank you."
ohhh, it was golden...I then ran out of the car and placed it on their door window, with a guy inside mopping up..I ran back only to have the actually customers in the drive-through stare at us, and ending with the obligatory tire squeal for freedom...
so yeah, that was a night alright...