Re-Cap of the Year
Well another year has come and gone, and i especially don't remember the highlights of the year. I quit college and Twan joined me, together we spent many an hour at ALCO, then it was January. The "first" visit, which came to be many many visits, and a natural way of eating happened withGeorge, Heather, and myself when we ate at RtC, and I was the first to spill a pop on myself. On a dare around 1130 on a sat night we headed down to IU to go out for breakfast and 20 bucks, only to return back to lowell and work in the morning. My sickness grew worse and i was coughing up blood, i was bed ridden for a weekend, yet still threw one hell of a party. Everynight routines were introduced to the college folk spring breakin', and they loved every second of it. Curiosity killed the cat, and almost did the same for me, after spending a couple visits at the infamous "jackie's", everybody decides they want to "be" as well. After a bad joke involving ditching and eating at Steak and Shake, several friendships were crushed, followed by a drug bust involving 9 squad cars and everybody in the parking lot thouroughly searched, **Chirp Chirp** But the night didn't end there, after a snack at the newly opend DD/BR in crown point we headed to lowll and picked up various trash only to be put later and arranged in room fashion in Scott Salai's driveway. That was probably the highlight for the year for everyone, it will defiantly get my award this year. A couple more trips were made to Jackie's, but that faded out quickly, and we never heard from them agian, though we do now have a "secret" place to eat for when we want to ditch people and not go to RtC. My birthday came and went unnoticed, even by my family members. The only thing i got was Lucille, my car, purchased by me. Couple weeks later went up to UofM to visit and such, on the way back i forgot what i had came up there for. In may i said goodbye to Costas for the last time, step out it's doors may 9, never to return, and i haven't stepped foot in since. college's round indiana were finishing up, a select few coming back to jobs at alco. Zach calls it quits on college life, late only to move in with me, for about a week, am i that bad of a host? Garden shop thrives, after being brought down, several sidewalk bonanzas take place, the best including a bounce house, cotton candy, "ice cold pop and hot hot dogs". Zak Duncan soon quit his job at ALCO only to get a better one at Target. Zach Baiel fought frantically agianst time trying to figure out his life. Several ideas ran through his head, trips to california, trips to canada, going back to school, and so forth, but he has settled hisself down with his girlfriend in lafeyette for the time being with a nice apartment on the east side of town. Late one July night i lost control of my car and crashed it into a mighty ditch, waited for ever for that car to come back to me Vince and I made the excursion across indiana and ohio to cleveland and visited the rock n roll hall of fame. Coleges round the nation started back up agian, and everyone, but the strong/stubborn few stayed behind. Beginning of september the word festardo was introduced into our vocabulary. mid september i finally got my car back, go me. Still job searching, several months in, all postions at aldi's full, only to land my job at target weeks later. Halloween comes, only to make me ball my eyes out and kim puke all over the bathroom, damn we fucking hates clown. Winter's depression comes in full force, those thoughts enter my head agian, and to top it off the waters between me and my love become treacherous. the taste of wilco fills the appitites of the town in several ways. I go on a 3 or so day hiatus and am lost driving round the midwest, ending up at zach baile's house for a night. who knows whatever happened of this. I find out i have to be out of this house in lowell in months to come. Thanksgiving comes, my mother ditches out on me and i am left to salvage the rest the best i can, eat with Zach and his family then go out for the evening. BTTF was released the 17th, yea to that. X-mas came and went as well, agian i was all by myself. and as the year runs down, i find out that my only reason i live everyday is turning their back on me and says no more. so as i wrap up this last blog for the year, i have nothing to look forward to, hell, agian i am spending new year's, the one time i still held some accountability towards, i am spending alone, and now it will mean nothing to me, just as chrsitmas does. a life like this isn't worth living. well that's all for this year, who knows about tomorrow, or what the future holds, though i wouldn't mind my resolution for next year to not be alive, but i don't see that happening. that's all, til next year
When you think you've hit rock bottom, give me a call; tell me how the view is from up there... OR the ramblings of a Wasted Genius...
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Even Better...

Do you give a fuck?
This quiz style was designed by alanna, adapted by Batfish Designs, and created by Missanthropy
Do you give a fuck?
This quiz style was designed by alanna, adapted by Batfish Designs, and created by Missanthropy
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
This is What I do Best...
Yup, look at that pic, anybody who's ever been online should know about that pic, if you don't, you need to die, for great justice you should know, come on, grrrrr
I am 70% Internet Addict

I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!
Take the Internet Addict Test at
Yup, look at that pic, anybody who's ever been online should know about that pic, if you don't, you need to die, for great justice you should know, come on, grrrrr
I am 70% Internet Addict
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!
Take the Internet Addict Test at
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
So F'ing What?
Well, it's X-Mas Eve, so F'ing what is what i say. I know i won't be spending any time with my family, though my mother was really insistant that i join her for the family dinner tonight, F it. I spent this morning eating at Denny's with Zak and a co-worker of his, we had a good time, shot the shit, mostly about target and no talent ass clowns (flow). He just happened to get ahold of me as i was leaving Meijer, i decided to go there because i was ditched by my other coworkers to go out for breakfast, which reminds me, i got shit in my car that needs to go to the freezer, brb.....alright, now we're good. o also got some egg nog, can't have a winter holiday without it. i also noticed we have a real X-Mas tree in the living room, excellant. but i will just be lounging around all day, i want to watch some movies but i doubt that will happen.i don't know if i will go into ALCO today, or if i still have a job there, i kinda got pissed off the other day and said some shit i did mean, threw my keys at george and told him i'm gone. yeah that's pretty much it. if things don't change around alco i will be gone, and there will be a law suit. in a way i would hate for it to come down to that, but then agian, i would get some money out of it and could only work the one job. well no use in blogging during break, there's no one to read or comment on it, so i won't be a bloggin' til next year...if i am still alive, lord knows i don't want to be, but oh well, you can't always get what you want. goodnight, time to clean up my room
Well, it's X-Mas Eve, so F'ing what is what i say. I know i won't be spending any time with my family, though my mother was really insistant that i join her for the family dinner tonight, F it. I spent this morning eating at Denny's with Zak and a co-worker of his, we had a good time, shot the shit, mostly about target and no talent ass clowns (flow). He just happened to get ahold of me as i was leaving Meijer, i decided to go there because i was ditched by my other coworkers to go out for breakfast, which reminds me, i got shit in my car that needs to go to the freezer, brb.....alright, now we're good. o also got some egg nog, can't have a winter holiday without it. i also noticed we have a real X-Mas tree in the living room, excellant. but i will just be lounging around all day, i want to watch some movies but i doubt that will happen.i don't know if i will go into ALCO today, or if i still have a job there, i kinda got pissed off the other day and said some shit i did mean, threw my keys at george and told him i'm gone. yeah that's pretty much it. if things don't change around alco i will be gone, and there will be a law suit. in a way i would hate for it to come down to that, but then agian, i would get some money out of it and could only work the one job. well no use in blogging during break, there's no one to read or comment on it, so i won't be a bloggin' til next year...if i am still alive, lord knows i don't want to be, but oh well, you can't always get what you want. goodnight, time to clean up my room
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Ok, as you all know, Back to the Future was released on DVD yesterday, if you didn't, you need to die...anwyas, so i was going to pick my copy up first thing Tuesday morning at Target, where i get 10% off plus Target had the key chain offer which is cooler than the watch Best Buy was offering. So i went to Target and i noticed Zak Duncan's car in the parking lot, for i was at the Merrillville Target (was **Taget**, but now **Taret**). So i go in, wander around and look for him, then i get the idea to call him on his cell, so i did, and he was outside. upon adventuring out the green entrance i found him with scarlen (i hope i spelled her name right) I asked if there were any more BTTF DVDs left because i didn't find a single one at that store. I mean i still had the time to go to my highland target and pick up a copy, but i figured i was there, why not get it there, well zak's girl friend (notice the two words are seperated, not sure if anything is going out between them yet, don't want ot be pushy with titles anyways) did finally locate me the very last copy, hell yes!!!! Then i ventured over to RtC and met up with Anthony. We hada good time, i found out my phone has a zoom feature on it, and i finally talked to fish girl, hahaha. Fish girl being Crystal, and me only knowing that from a guy i work with in the backroom at Target with, so it was kinda hard to start the conversation the way i wanted to without telling her the real reason why she came up in conversation, that she looks like a fish, but i salvaged it by mentioning her license plate, "fetish iv" or some crap. so yeah, that basically sums up all that, hope you enjoyed...
Ok, as you all know, Back to the Future was released on DVD yesterday, if you didn't, you need to die...anwyas, so i was going to pick my copy up first thing Tuesday morning at Target, where i get 10% off plus Target had the key chain offer which is cooler than the watch Best Buy was offering. So i went to Target and i noticed Zak Duncan's car in the parking lot, for i was at the Merrillville Target (was **Taget**, but now **Taret**). So i go in, wander around and look for him, then i get the idea to call him on his cell, so i did, and he was outside. upon adventuring out the green entrance i found him with scarlen (i hope i spelled her name right) I asked if there were any more BTTF DVDs left because i didn't find a single one at that store. I mean i still had the time to go to my highland target and pick up a copy, but i figured i was there, why not get it there, well zak's girl friend (notice the two words are seperated, not sure if anything is going out between them yet, don't want ot be pushy with titles anyways) did finally locate me the very last copy, hell yes!!!! Then i ventured over to RtC and met up with Anthony. We hada good time, i found out my phone has a zoom feature on it, and i finally talked to fish girl, hahaha. Fish girl being Crystal, and me only knowing that from a guy i work with in the backroom at Target with, so it was kinda hard to start the conversation the way i wanted to without telling her the real reason why she came up in conversation, that she looks like a fish, but i salvaged it by mentioning her license plate, "fetish iv" or some crap. so yeah, that basically sums up all that, hope you enjoyed...
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Well, wouldn't it be my luck, no not to be caught without a ticket and be discovered beneath a truck, but the one time i am able to blog, and damn blogger doesn't allow me to. this happened the other day, i don't remember what i was blogging about, but it wouldn't post it, grrrr, so fuck all that, this is my blog, all about how i couldn't blog, so i plead, don't get mad, i did try to update, but the internet gods didn't want me to.
Well, wouldn't it be my luck, no not to be caught without a ticket and be discovered beneath a truck, but the one time i am able to blog, and damn blogger doesn't allow me to. this happened the other day, i don't remember what i was blogging about, but it wouldn't post it, grrrr, so fuck all that, this is my blog, all about how i couldn't blog, so i plead, don't get mad, i did try to update, but the internet gods didn't want me to.
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Friday, December 06, 2002
ok, so i left ALCO wednesday night and headed out on 41. I didn't even get to Uncle John's Flea Market and i noticed a car on the side of the road and the hazards flashing.. I started slowing down and then i saw two guys walking up ahead carrying a gas can, knowing it was cold as fuck out it was then i decided to pull over and give them a ride. now i must say, this will be the first time i had ever given a ride to strangers found along side the road, so i was a little worrie, not too much though. Although the person whom i was having a conversation with on my cell phone got pissed and decided to hang up the phone disregarding my pleas for her to stay on just in case, since she was that worried. So they came up to my car and told me how they ran out of gas, i popped the trunk, unlocked the doors and they got in. I noticed as one of the guys who was entering my backseat next to Safety bear had a familar face. I said, "hey, i know you, you were the guy who used to tip me all the time as Costas" He then recognized me and we continued conversing. I took them to the Amaco, now BP in cedar lake and then back to their abandoned truck. They were apologizing if they made me late for work at Target, i told them it wouldn't be a problem. The other guy said i made it onto his X-mas card list, but i found out the guy who tipped me is ruth Bougie's brother, how ironic, so we talked about that. Another thing that they liked was my car, couldn't get over how nice it was, and of course the blue lights inside. The guy i didn't know made the comment, and i won't forget it, "man, you must get more pussy than a toliet seat" Hahaha, i had to laugh, and shouldn't the quote go eaither way, more ass than a toliet seat, or more pussy than a tampon? whatever, i enjoyed it, so yeah, pay it forward, or something like that, i will pull over for people more often because of this, i mean i had always wanted to, just too much in a hurry, but this time i stopped, and now i feel good about it, yea me, goodnight
ok, so i left ALCO wednesday night and headed out on 41. I didn't even get to Uncle John's Flea Market and i noticed a car on the side of the road and the hazards flashing.. I started slowing down and then i saw two guys walking up ahead carrying a gas can, knowing it was cold as fuck out it was then i decided to pull over and give them a ride. now i must say, this will be the first time i had ever given a ride to strangers found along side the road, so i was a little worrie, not too much though. Although the person whom i was having a conversation with on my cell phone got pissed and decided to hang up the phone disregarding my pleas for her to stay on just in case, since she was that worried. So they came up to my car and told me how they ran out of gas, i popped the trunk, unlocked the doors and they got in. I noticed as one of the guys who was entering my backseat next to Safety bear had a familar face. I said, "hey, i know you, you were the guy who used to tip me all the time as Costas" He then recognized me and we continued conversing. I took them to the Amaco, now BP in cedar lake and then back to their abandoned truck. They were apologizing if they made me late for work at Target, i told them it wouldn't be a problem. The other guy said i made it onto his X-mas card list, but i found out the guy who tipped me is ruth Bougie's brother, how ironic, so we talked about that. Another thing that they liked was my car, couldn't get over how nice it was, and of course the blue lights inside. The guy i didn't know made the comment, and i won't forget it, "man, you must get more pussy than a toliet seat" Hahaha, i had to laugh, and shouldn't the quote go eaither way, more ass than a toliet seat, or more pussy than a tampon? whatever, i enjoyed it, so yeah, pay it forward, or something like that, i will pull over for people more often because of this, i mean i had always wanted to, just too much in a hurry, but this time i stopped, and now i feel good about it, yea me, goodnight
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
Wait, which one am I?
The first time I got
I'm an atheist!
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
the second time, today, I got this
I'm a Nothing!
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
So, what am i? Why would that change, i thought i put the same responses as yesterday, grrrr
The first time I got
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
the second time, today, I got this
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation
So, what am i? Why would that change, i thought i put the same responses as yesterday, grrrr
Monday, December 02, 2002
X-Mas Wish List
Well, I have told my parents what i want for X-Mas, basically, told my grandparents i want this suede office chair, and my mom, i told her i wanted a blue robe, gave her a coupon and everthing. I mean they might get me some socks and underwear or something as well, but i'm on to my OWN gift to myself, he he. I have wanted a camera for awhile now, and i am in denile since my original one broke, so i will go out with this one, but now what do i get, still or camcorder, hmmmm. Well the choices are this one by Sony, a still, or this camcorder , both are going to be a grand in the end.
Well, I have told my parents what i want for X-Mas, basically, told my grandparents i want this suede office chair, and my mom, i told her i wanted a blue robe, gave her a coupon and everthing. I mean they might get me some socks and underwear or something as well, but i'm on to my OWN gift to myself, he he. I have wanted a camera for awhile now, and i am in denile since my original one broke, so i will go out with this one, but now what do i get, still or camcorder, hmmmm. Well the choices are this one by Sony, a still, or this camcorder , both are going to be a grand in the end.
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